Backlink Mastery
Get a great 44-page guide which will teach you about the many ways to build backlinks to your niche and money sites, including tips for Forum Marketing, Feeder Sites, Backlink Blogging, Article Directories and Social Bookmarking.
If You're Happy Believing That Link Wheels, Twitter
And HubPages Are The True Path To Linking Nirvana
And Untold Riches Then You SO Need To Read This!
We Are Presently In Our Pre-Launch Phase. Early Bird Registration Is Still Available
Backlinks Mastery Is A Low Cost, FIXED TERM Video Membership specifically
developed for New Starters or anybody who can't seem to get things going.
This is not about making quick bucks. It's about taking less than
30 days in a No Hype, No Promotion environment where you will:
Learn REAL, hands on, Internet marketing from the ground up.
Look over our shoulder and see in real time a brand new website built the right way so you can easily duplicate the steps anytime you want.
Build your confidence enough to KNOW exactly when other people are throwing you a line of c##p.
Build your confidence to quickly make your own informed choices.
Not get hoodwinked over every "hot" product that comes along.
Learn how to instantly spot bad neighborhoods and avoid the destruction that these backlinks cause to your Internet business.
Learn how to maximize the incredible power of your backlinks when used correctly.
Back Links Mastery | Anchor Text | EbookFrom: Parker, The Realistic Marketer
I settled on the name Backlinks Mastery because if there is one undeniable fact about Internet Marketing, it is that using backlinks effectively HAS to make your online business successful.
There is no guesswork involved. This is no hype sales patter just for your benefit. It is a fact that professionals don't "guess" at what "might" happen with their business.
Thing is, if we listen to everybody in the forums going on about how easy backlinking is, then why is it that only 2% of the Internet marketing community come even close to ever setting up a solid backlinking structure that will last for a long, long time?
Most of these "backlink airheads" can blind you with science about their triple loop, double reverse, multi-geared Linkwheel strategies and promise you total Google domination of any niche in "hours not days"!
The hard truth is that despite the clever talk and fancy diagrams, none of their systems are working. If a system can be easily duplicated and actually works, then people would be using it to make money instead of talking about it.
Who would think that such a simple thing like getting backlinks could be the cause of so much controversy and confusion? So why, if it's all so simple, do people end up being frustrated time after time because nothing is working for them?
The problem is that a heck of a lot of people consider themselves to be SEO experts. Unbelievably, they have watched some free SEO videos and suddenly have a degree in Internet Marketing Strategies!
There is nothing particularly wrong with this, we all have to learn, but from YOUR point of view, you probably don't want an inexperienced video watcher giving you advice no matter how convincing they may appear in the forums.
Remember that Backlinks Mastery has been developed for people just starting out and also our friends who are having some difficulty. Here's a few, no hype, reasonable facts explaining why you are going to finding it extremely tough.
Reasonable Fact #1: If you look at it logically you will see that the whole Internet Marketing industry is stacked against you ever making any money. Just consider that the sheer volume of online marketing products hitting the streets every few minutes is beyond belief.
Reasonable Fact #2: A huge amount of what you see and buy is scam PLR bundles which are always followed by often well meaning, but total rubbish, products, made from the same junk PLR material. When I say scam PLR products I mean this is the old, scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel, material being sold over and over again under a different heading or in another product bundle. Two of the biggest forums on the Internet are inundated with this worthless nonsense.
Reasonable Fact #3: The never ending conveyor belt of worthless software and See-How-I-Make-A-Million-Outsmarting-Google/Clickbank/eBay/Twitter products.
Reasonable Fact #4: Membership Sites. Most of the membership sites geared toward Internet marketing training are just too complicated for Newbies. The thinking of the owners is flawed because they believe they have to supply a huge amount of material which covers every single aspect of Internet marketing because then the members will stay subscribed for years to come.
In actual fact the reverse is true simply because we can only cope with a certain amount of information at one time. Instead of focusing directly on what we need to progress to the next level, we just spend our time clicking randomly through the links in the members area hoping to find some "easy" way of doing all this! That's just human nature.
This is one of the reasons why the "stickability" factor for these memberships is only 1 - 3 months before people leave.
backlinks mastery seo overload imagePerhaps the sites should be awarded an...
Overload Plus Diploma!
"Paralyses by Analyses" Guaranteed!
So, just to reinforce the point, people leave, not because the membership sites are worthless, but to a new starter or someone who hasn't ever learnt the basics, the amount of learning materials and complicated online marketing tools are overwhelming.
Combine this with the obligatory membership site forum where they are being "taught" by other members who haven't ever made a buck online, and you get some idea of how difficult it is to get out of the starting blocks.
When you are starting out and trying to make things happen online...
Less Is Definitely More
Talk is easy. Actually doing something productive is rare and being able to achieve sustainable results raises our game to another level.
Now, how can you possibly know if these people in the forums or the emails you receive are the real deal or not? After all they sound like experts and have all the buzz words! The short answer is you can't.
A very small percentage of ANY forum are people who are "living the life" and know what they are talking about.
A slightly larger percentage are people, perhaps like yourself, who are quite open in saying that they are there to learn and are genuinely looking for help.
The vast majority of contributors are the free video watchers and they are there primarily to have an active signature for promoting their affiliate product and the more posts they make the more it gets seen.
Factual statistics tell us that 95%+ of people online are not making a sustainable regular income so we must logically apply this fact and say that 95%+ of people in the Internet Marketing, make money type forums, are also not making a sustainable income.
OK, Let's just pause for a moment and consider that everything you have read above is not part of the usual sales pitch you see on product pages, it's all verifiable fact and plain old fashioned common sense.
Now you may be saying to yourself that others are giving away free
information and videos so why are we not offering any freebies or bonuses.
Let me be 100% Upfront here! You may agree or disagree with what I have to say, but remember that I am only relating facts to you here and not producing a clever sales page with fancy copywriting to fleece you.
You must keep in mind that right now you want to learn Internet marketing. We are not shopping for tea bags or gifts where we want a 25% or more bonus if possible! The ONLY thing you want to do at this stage is focus on learning REAL Internet marketing techniques with NO DISTRACTIONS.
NOBODY is going to give you ANYTHING for free online. The innocent and friendly looking offers of free video tutorials or free access to a membership site is simply a ruse to get you sliding through their sales funnel. As I said, we are not buying tea bags right?
Once you have clicked the button to join "for free", you are presented with multiple One Time Offers and at least "$5000 worth of bonuses" which are very effective at opening your wallet.
So, like most people, (95%+), you will buy one of the OTO's and download yet another 300MB of junk onto your hard disk.
You are now in the buying cycle. You know it to be true when I say that almost everyday there is a new product for you to buy or membership to join. You will be marketed to relentlessly. You are the back end profits of the sales funnel!
Let me just repeat at the risk of being boring, that if we are buying tea bags we want the bonuses and if we are selling tea bags we are undoubtedly going to use the sales funnel and bonus strategies for our business BUT, for you, at this moment in time, the last thing you want, the most destructive thing that can happen to you is downloading the 300MB of bonuses and placing yourself into a sales funnel.
It is a disaster of TITANIC proportions and almost everybody falls for it. (Which is great if you are selling tea bags of course!)
So, as far as freebies go, my thinking is this: If somebody pays me a modest cost it is a fair exchange. Also the value on a subconscious level, once we have paid for something, increases tremendously.
Now this works both ways in that you, quite rightly, expect something of value and I have to provide it otherwise you get angry, want your money back and my reputation goes to heck in a basket. So it's a good 2 way arrangement.
Backlinks Mastery is not about remorselessly squeezing you for back end sales and affiliate commissions.
What I hope will happen a little further down the road is that we become friends and JV partners. This way we can profit together. One of the most important things I ever learnt in Internet marketing was that if you are a solo player you will probably end up broke so we all need business buddies.
My Personal Pledge To You
During your fixed term membership you will not be distracted with
any product offers or upsells. Focus during this period is essential
seo-backlinks-mastery-roadmap image
Now think on this and consider that even though the gurus are not out to do you any favors...
Your enemies are not actually the gurus. They are in business to increase their bottom line by taking as much money off people as possible, in the shortest time possible using whatever methods they can get away with. It is immensely difficult for us to learn how to say NO!
Our 3 biggest enemies are ourselves, time and usually available funds.
Ourself: Because what we are thinking and doing is probably wrong and we don't like to admit it. If our object is to make money and it's not happening then our attitude and actions need to be changed. We have the capacity to be a super charged engine but self-doubt, information overload and procrastination are powerful speed limiters.
Time: There is never enough of it especially as you grow older where the weeks just race by. Reading emails, downloading freebies and tweeting on Twitter is like plunging a stake through the heart of any business you want to build.
Funds: Usually there aren't any but even if funds are freely available, people tend to spend as a consumer, (remember the tea bags?), rather than as a business person which is why we end up having to buy a second hard drive! Spending like this is no different than going on a shopping spree and buying gadgets and handbags - it's great fun but it's not going to build our business.
Backlinks Mastery is very different and it's not just about backlinks.
It's about starting right at the beginning or re-evaluating where you may be without distractions!
It's about knowing how to be a business person and not a guru plaything.
It's about thinking for yourself and taking the right decisions to build your business.
It's about spending what little money may be available wisely.
It's about following along with me one step at a time and see how I build the foundations for a brand new, zero ranked website.
It's about KNOWING exactly what to do to build and run an online business.
It's about making a consistent income to buy all the gadgets and handbags we could ever want!
OK, let's close this now by asking briefly "Who will benefit from Backlinks Mastery?"
Are you:
Just starting to build an online business?
Frustrated, Confused & Overloaded?
Feeling you have spent ENOUGH on Internet marketing information & products and STILL can't make a regular income?
Considering that NOW is the time to re-focus?
Watch us put our heads on the block in Real Time and show
you what REALLY happens behind the scenes in Internet Marketing!
And Remember... IT'S SMALL! Most definitely there are bigger programs that call themselves 'universities' or some similar academic-sounding names, and they certaily have enough content to keep you reading, (and subscribed at $100 per month), for years to come.
Here at Backlinks Mastery we are more like a small, informal, community college with night classes which follow only one direct path. That path is to really understand the founding principles of how to make money online as quickly as possible and then apply them to whatever business model you choose.
Come and follow along one step at a time and let's get you from Zero Income to Regular Income as soon as possible.
And Finally, remember...
"There Is No Promotion During Your Fixed Term Membership"
You won’t be able to rank your niche site without backlinks, so this guide is a must have on your road to Page 1 Google rankings!