Sold by perimetersound on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,784 satisfied buyers
Jurassix - 100 Patches for the Tone2 Saurus software synth
Jurassix - By Jeff Rhodes of Perimeter Sound
This set contains 100 brand new patches for the Tone 2 Saurus vsti synthesizer.
From dubstep to dance styles, industrial to hiphop, and everywhere inbetween. Tons of futuristic analog sounds suitable for most modern styles.
Patches are sorted into 3 categories : Arps-Gated/Bass/Synth-Leads. All with Mod Wheel assignments for expressive playing, and pitchwheel set to to +2 semitones.
Check out the demo by Irion Da Ronin, featuring a variety of patches from Jurassix, and most of the drums & percussion from the Perimeter Sound Bio-mechanic Beats 1 & 2 loop sample collections.
Get a free set of 10 patches to Try-Before-You-Buy via the *Related Files* film canister icon link.
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This file is sold by perimetersound, an independent seller on Tradebit.