Sold by emoveze on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,632 satisfied buyers
Christmas Collection 1
This collection contains the following products:
Star Peformance: The Gift
Robin Hood: Christmas Goose
Racket Squad: Santa Gets Arrested
Joe Santa Claus
Four Star Playhouse: The Answer
A Picture of the Magi
A heartwarming collection of lost Christmas Classics. Vintage television holiday specials just for the Christmas Season. Includes the the "lost" (not seen on t.v.!) 1950 Singer television version of Miracle on 34th Street, Charles Boyer in Star Performance "The Gift", David Niven in Four Star Playhouse "The Answer". Aprrox 3.5 hours running time.
This special, internet only price is available only during the Christmas season! Elsewhere, Miracle on 34th Street (the t.v. version) retails for $8.99 on the internet!
File Data
This file is sold by emoveze, an independent seller on Tradebit.