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DIY Solar Hot Air Heating
Solar hot air panels are quickly becoming very popular.
The reasons for this are really quite simple. Solar hot
air panels are very effective, they are low maintenance
and also attractive.
Adding a solar hot air system to your home is one way to offset increasing energy costs. Solar hot air works by circulating air from inside your home through the system mounted on the exterior wall. The room air can gain up to 50 - 60 degrees before being vented back into the room. The hot air system is used to supplement an existing home heating system and can save up to 30% to 40% on home heating costs annually.
The DIY plans in this e-book are a combination of the best elements taken from three commercially available panels. By taking this approach the resulting hybrid panel is extremely efficient.
The materials for this project will be sourced at your local building center and auto supply store.
Your average DIYer will have no problem constructing and installing this panel.
This is not a complicated rocket science project.
This is merely a simple idea that works.
This panel is capable of heating 600 plus square feet
of living space while consuming less energy than a
100W light bulb. Yes, the previous statement is true.
This unit is also completely automatic. A simply flick a switch at the start of the heating season is all that is required. The panel is designed so it will only blow warm air into the house, turning itself on and off as needed.
When the heating season is over a simple flick of a switch will turn the unit off.
The return on investment (ROI) for this solar hot air system is very short. Your energy savings can equal the cost to build and install the system in the first year. Unlike conventional heating systems, solar hot air systems require very little maintenance and they keep working decades.
The energy source to power your solar hot air system is sunlight, and it’s free from day one.
I do hope you enjoy the project
I know you will enjoy the free heat!
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This file is sold by peakdistribution, an independent seller on Tradebit.