MP3 Don & Anne Tracy - Out Of The Boat
This is not your mama''s Christian music. Guitar-driven, tasty styles with reflective moments built in. Get "Out of the Boat" and take a chance. The music styles cross all formats.
13 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, ROCK: 70''s Rock
Don & Anne Tracy : Out Of The Boat
This project has been a labor of love. A love for God and what HE has done for us, as well as, a love for each other has made life fulfilling. To create this collection of music to celebrate His love and grace was something we just had to do. We had to be obedient. We had to get "Out Of the Boat". God has blessed us in so many ways and we hope and pray that this CD will bless those of you who listen.
Anne and I, play and sing in the Praise Team at our church.
I am also volunteer staff as the Frontline Evangelism Coordinator there. What better Evangelism tool than music? Anne is a nurse by occupation, but an evangelist by passion. She loves to sing for God. So given those passions, we could not sit idle.
Our journey in life together has taken Anne and me through many of life''s struggles. Being a former professional, traveling musician, I grew weary of the "road" and hung up the guitar for 10 years. Now through many transitions in life I have now come, full circle, back to loving music and watching God work through music. He has blessed us with inspiration to do this collection of songs and we aspire to become musical missionaries. Wherever and whenever God reveals his plans for us, we will say "Yes".
The music reflects our personal tastes and styles, from the 70''s rock to today''s contemporary style worship. We like variety in our music and we hope you do too. Music should touch you in some way, deep in your inner being. We pray that God will touch your life as he has touched ours.
We hope you enjoy the music and may God bless you in your life.
Yours in Christ,