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Affiliate Link Defender Software

Affiliate Defender Link Cloaking Software header at Matt Foster's Web Marketer

*Critical Affiliate Information*...

Affiliate Defender Link Cloaking Software box at Matt Foster's Web Marketer

How To Avoid Losing Thousands in Stolen
Affiliate Commissions in Less Than 5 Minutes
Re: Increasing your affiliate commissions the EASY way

Dear Affiliate,
I'm appalled. There, I said it. I'm upset about a new trend of affiliate theft that is growing by the minute online.

And, if you'll indulge me just five minutes of your time, I'm going to explain how YOU can avoid being ripped off by affiliate theft artists.

Here's how it works...

Let's suppose you are promoting the Cellulite Free Forever Program through your assigned Clickbank "hop" link below...


You spend $125.00 for a solo mailing to a large web marketing list and you wait for the orders to start pouring in.

And they do. Because the Cellulite Free Forever Program is a hot-seller. And you make a profit.

But, what if you could see behind-the-scenes? What would you see? What you'd see are other sales coming in for the Cellulite Free Forever Program from members of that same list...

...but with THEIR affiliate name inserted, and THEM earning the commission!

Anyone who knows how the Clickbank affiliate tracking system works, can easily hijack your commissions by inserting their link into the one you placed in the ad. Watch closely...

Let's assume your nickname is "topaffiliate". You publish this ad...

Discover how to lose weight easily and still eat all the foods you love. The Eattrim Weight Loss Plan shows you how to take the weight off finally and forever...and never worry about what you eat again. Visit https://www.tradebit.com for all the details. Of course this is a ficticious link and doesn't work.

Now, there will be many interested folks who'll simply click on the link and visit the site and place their order. But, there will also be folks who see that Clickbank link and will simply insert their link into its place...


See how easy it is to "steal" from YOU. Anyone who knows the system can easily insert THEIR link in place of yours and swipe your commission.

But, that's not all...

Even If You Are Using A Redirect,
You Can Easily Be Ripped Off Like This...

For quite a while now, folks have been using "redirect" links to avoid posting the obvious Clickbank "hop" link in any kind of advertising...

Clicking on this link will automatically "redirect" anyone clicking onto it over to the treatment for cellulite program website through my affiliate link. Try it. A new window will open.
Clicking on THIS link will automatically redirect visitors to Clickbank's site through my affiliate link.

These redirect links are easy to setup, and are especially good for advertising purposes. But, they don't completely solve our problem.

Let's use the Cellulite Free Forever Program example above. When you click on the redirect link that I mentioned, you saw what happens. You arrive at the Cellulite Free site and the browser link looks like this...


Even though it's not my affiliate link itself, the main ingredients for the link are right there in plain view. Again, anyone knowing how affiliate systems work realizes that "cgsecure" is the referring affiliate ID and "https://www.tradebit.com" is the account name for the product vendor. If the customer wants to they can just go straight to the primary domain. Or just plug in their affiliate ID and get a discount on the product. Bad and worse..

They open a new browser window and plug things in...

https://www.tradebit.com becomes...


They simply insert this link into their browser and arrive back at the same site...

...this time through it's THEIR referral and not mine! Clickbank sets a cookie for the LAST affiliate registered, thus.....the sale is now theirs, not yours.

Anyone who knows the system can easily make the switch.

But with Affiliate Defender, not anymore...
Affiliate Defender CLOAKS Your Affiliate
Links So NO ONE Can Steal From You!

Here's where it comes to a stop! Here's where you fight back and say "no more!" You work hard to generate clicks to your affiliate link. Too hard to let even one sale slip through the cracks.

So, instead of letting someone rip you off by stealing your commission, you're going to begin using Affiliate Defender to HIDE your affiliate links!
Affiliate Defender offers...

Big-time cloaking and encryption that shuts down almost all affiliate theft by hiding your affiliate links from prying eyes!

Affiliate Defender does two important things to keep folks from pulling the 'ol slip on you. First, this easy-to-use tool CLOAKS your affiliate link for you by using your own website domain name.

For Example: I am promoting SEO Elite Software through this Clickbank hoplink...


using Affiliate Defender it becomes


Now, here's the really cool part...

* When someone clicks on your new affiliate link, the link NEVER changes in their browser location window. It doesn't matter how many links they click on at the web page they are taken to (your affiliate web page), the location will ALWAYS show as your cloaked affiliate link. No more stealing!

* In addition, the STATUS bar at the bottom of the browser window is cloaked as well. You see, sharp folks can simply watch that portion of the browser window as the page loads and see exactly what the affiliate link is. Not with Affiliate Defender ! That is cloaked as well, keeping your affiliate link hidden.

* But, that's not all. This incredible tool also cloaks the various links that are embedded in the affiliate web page. For example: Affiliate thieves could HOVER their mouse button over the order link and immediately see your affiliate link. Affiliate Defender makes this impossible!

* And finally, Affiliate Defender encrypts the SOURCE CODE of the affiliate web page so it doesn't reveal your affiliate link either! If someone was to click on the VIEW tab in the menu bar of the browser and then select to view SOURCE, all they would see is a mess of jumbled code! Your affiliate link is nowhere to be seen!

Affiliate Defender Link Cloaking Software Screenshot at Matt Foster's Web https://www.tradebit.com
You type your affiliate link into the Shielded URL box and...

You name the referring page what ever you want to name it. The encrypted code will re-direct the visitor to the vendors page with your affiliate information. The destination page blends beautifully into your site.

Affiliate Defender is sooooo amazingly simple to use. And quick. Wow, in less than 2 minutes you can have your own safe and secure, completely hidden affiliate links in place for any program(s) you choose!

It only takes three simple steps to use this tool...

STEP ONE: Type your regular affiliate link into the tool.
STEP TWO: Copy the "cloaked" code into a web page HTML.
STEP THREE: Upload the web page.

You're done!

It really is that easy. I'm not exaggerating a bit when I tell you that an affiliate link can be completely cloaked in under 2 minutes. I've done it in 15 seconds myself.
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