Sold by batterymaster on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,131 satisfied buyers
Burglar Deterrent Audio CD!!!!...
Introducing a clever new way to safeguard your home from burglars that is inexpensive, easy to use, and even more effective than elaborate security systems.
Burglars are usually afraid to enter homes they think are occupied because they want easy targets, not an encounter with a potentially armed homeowner who could call 000 or an emergency number in your country or shoot them. We invented a new product to deter potential burglars: a compact disc (CD) of sounds that makes approaching burglars think someone is home. .
The Burglar Deterrent Audio CD - Provides an Extra Layer of Security 24/7! Sound Protection while Youre Away from Home.
The digitally engineered “Burglar Deterrent Audio CD” sounds as though someone is always home!
Like having a virtual house sitter 24 hours a day
Better than a guard dog - nothing to clean up, feed or walk
Easy to use - Just hit play and walk away
One of most effective ways to prevent home burglary while youre away
Just leaving a radio or TV on all day typically doesn’t fool burglars or vandals anymore. It may even have the opposite effect, by signaling the thief that your home is ripe for picking. But the “Burglar Deterrent Audio CD” incorporates hundreds of convincing interior house sounds and is specifically engineered to give the realistic impression that someone is always home.
How much is an added layer of safety…and your home security worth?
For less than the price of a PIZZA:
Our CD will make the noise in your home while you are away!
You can Burn As many copies as you wish.
File Data
This file is sold by batterymaster, an independent seller on Tradebit.