MP3 DKM - David Kenneth McComber - Twelve Melodies of Christmas
Twelve inspiring instrumental tunes of the Christmas season arranged in classical/jazz style by DKM (with a bit of his own melodies mixed in here and there).
12 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: New Age, EASY LISTENING: Background Music
2005: David''s "Jingle Bells" Now featured on the KEZK 102.5 Hometown Holidays CD along with 12 other local artists for a local St. Louis charity event. CDs are available locally at all Dierberg''s grocery stores.
Check out the link for details:
Featured on the KEZK 102.5 Morning Show in St. Louis, MO on December 22, 2004 as part of their featured local talent. Selections played from the CD were "We Three Kings" and "Jingle Bells". This created a very positive response from listeners and from the KEZK Morning Show crew! Quoted as being "a very accomplished musician" and noted the high quality of the recordings.
David Kenneth McComber (DKM) is a former "Malibu" band member, an alternative rock group from the 80''s. He also played the keys in a classic rock group called "Illegal Tender". Born and raised in the St. Louis, Missouri area, he is no stranger to toasted ravioli, and in case you are interested (as all St. Louisians seem to be), he went to Pattonville High school once upon a time. Learning piano from his father, Kenneth McComber, he never really had any formal training - just liked to make up melodies. Of course you could say his formal training was learning to play Scott Joplin ragtime, Beethoven, Bach and Mozart on his own (because he loved the music so much). Even a touch of Gershwin can be heard, in the lively rendition of "Jingle Bells" on this CD.
On this CD, you will hear twelve inspiring tunes of the Christmas season arranged by DKM (with a bit of his own melodies mixed in here and there). Based in part on happy childhood memories of Christmas songs and the joy and wonderment of the season. Starting off with a modern classical rendition of "We Three Kings" and ending with the very childlike and playful "Up On The Housetop", this CD will take you on a trip through all those wonderful emotions of past and present Christmas celebrations with family and friends.
Personal NOTE: Please help find a cure for diabetes! For every one of my CDs ordered, I will personally donate one dollar to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (! Buy a CD now and help in the search for a cure to this disabling disease - support the fight against diabetes!