Handbook for Copywriter
Did you know that people have literally generating millions of dollars from NOTHING with just the power of their words?
Our ability to communicate is our strongest asset.
Since the discovery of language, words have been used to influence, manipulate and even seduce…
In the modern world, the most successful salesmen have studied how people react to different words and used this knowledge to buy houses for themselves!
Heck, even your neighbourhood pick-up-artist is a Master Wordsmith!
But what about the online marketing arena…?
Selling online isn’t an easy task. Long gone are the days of USP (Unique-selling-point). Say hello to ESP – Emotional selling point!
If you don’t know how to tap into the emotions of your readers within the first few minutes of engagement, you can say goodbye to any potential sales!
Here’s the cold hard fact… MILLIONS OF DOLLARS are being left on the table due to poor copywriting techniques!
Ask yourself… Do you face any of the problems below?
-You are puzzled as to why your sales letters are generating any sales despite having a huge list!
-Your salesletters or copy has less than 2% conversion rate
-You are totally clueless when it comes to writing good copy
If you’ve faced any of the problems above, don’t fret! You are not alone…
To be honest… I can relate to the situations above.
I’ve had similar problems when I first started my marketing career. You see… I had great products, great traffic, a HUGE list but my sales were a pittance compared to my competitors whom had a much smaller list!
I was literally banging my head against the wall evernight after a so called “Launch”.
And then one day, one of my closest marketing friends dropped the bomb on me”
He said… “Dude… Your copy sucks.”
However, I was not deterred. This statement made me realize just how much money I was leaving on the table.
I then dedicated the next few months and years of my life, trying to find out the secret to good copywriting and also modelling the expert copywriters in the industry!
I knew I had to do everything in my power to discover the code to copywriting that has been making these marketers millions of dollars!
And after years of research, I’ve finally discovered the solution. And today, I’m going to share it with you…
The Copywriter’s Handbook
The Ultimate Copywriter’s Guide To Raking In Massive Profits In Their Online Businesses.
Here’s an overview of this amazing guide:
-You'll be exposed to some of the common copywriting methods used to create high conversions
-Take your business to the next level with these headline essentials!
-You'll also be taught what copywriting mistakes to avoid
Let me shed some light on some things that may be on your mind:
Will this help me make money fast from my list?
Short answer: This isn’t some “magical word list”. This guide teaches you some copywriting basics and strategies for improving your sales copy so that you can boost the conversions of your sales letters. Your results would ultimately depend on how diligently you practice your writing and also how passionate you are about helping your customers solve their problems.
Will I be able to implement these strategies easily?
Most definitely! The steps to these proven copywriting strategies have been mapped out clearly in this guide so that anyone – whether a novice or beginner can start using and building their list immediately!
Wow, this is too good to be true! Will this cost me a bomb?
Here’s the good news, NO.I want everybody to be able to have access to these great copywriting secrets because I knew what it was like struggling as a small marketer, with no knowledge about copywriting at all in my early days. I want this ultimate guide to “jump start” your marketing success with the powerful techniques outlined in this guide.
If you’re still sitting on the fence, here’s 5 great reasons to invest in The Copywriter’s Handbook:
- You’ll never have to pay a single cent to so called “expert copywriters” to write salespages for you.
- These copywriting techniques are only known by a select few of top marketers and wordsmiths, and you’ll be getting access to these precious jewels immediately!
- Thousands of dollars are being left on the table just because people fail to write proper sales copies. Isn’t about time you changed things?
- You’re marketing buddies will be begging for you to teach them your secret copywriting strategies and even pay you for consultancy fees!
-With your newfound copywriting strategies, you’ll easily cover your investment in this guide and starting raking in tons of cold hard cash!