Coming again from the Hills of Southern Ohio! We are proud to represent our "backwoods" area of the also represent the "pocket" electronica fans of Ohio, Kentucky, West VA and "Western" VA ! We travel "outside the box" of the urban dance and electronica scene.
BeatMaster Mike is the electronic drummer and sequencer/engineer of the group, BigDaddy L is the keyboardist/midi-programmer and composer.
The songs on this album are more movements in "moods" than just songs put together, we try to create feelings in which when you listen, they become part of what you''re doing and making activities you normally do more enjoyable.
Some people find some of our music relaxing well as other songs good to drive to, work out, we''ve even had housewives tell us they like listening to our music (our last album) to clean house to??? That''s Cool!
Track number 7 is called "SunGoesDown" ,it features the voice talents of Tony Lindsay (Lead Singer of Santana), It also features the voice talents of the Divine Diva - D''Layna Dixon - who has been an awesome support of this track! Some of you may recognize her from being with MC Hammer''s "2-legit-2-quit" tour. Her accomplishments are too phenomenal to mention them all here, so go visit her at or visit her at myspace. D''Layna and Tony both are rightfully placed in my Top Friends List of Our Myspace page (link to the left) So you can link to them there!
Thank You! Thank You! Tony and D''Layna!
You ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Group site on Myspace! Link is to the left!
Come see us there and add us to your friendlist! And learn more about us and meet some of our friends, colleagues and fans alike!
Many Thanks Ya''ll !
BeatMaster Mike and BigDaddy L
GP-101 and MadMouse Records
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