MP3 Dwight Loop - Compositions 1998-2003
Dark wave, ambient, experimental electronic muses with influences of loop guru, steve roach, tonepharaoh, muslim gauze
8 MP3 Songs
ELECTRONIC: Ambient, ELECTRONIC: Experimental
One of the founders of CyberiaRecords, and Inventor of and , streaming music site and alternative press website respectively, is also a musician. His forays into the electronic music landscape reach back 30 years, starting with the New Music New Mexico Series in the early 80''s and continuing to this day. His years in radio as a music programmer also spans decades, Dwight being one of the first architects of the streaming media revolution in the Bay Area in the late 90''s.
His solo compositions Hanab Ku, and Kuuk Xan Sah have been performed in New York, Santa Fe and San Francisco. I would say he is one of the most interesting musicians and people I''ve ever met. His journalistic writings, his essays, and the interviews he has done for Lee Howard, and his musical catalogue are always probing, deep and ultimately satisfying. His collaboration with Lee Howard have yielded three different albums: Uswethemthey, released in 1994, Dream Jungle, released the following year, Tone Pharaoh release in 1999, and yet to be released "UUM", a dark ambient musical exorcise in response to 911.... ambient dub inventions of musical explorations based in loops, samples, and the compositions of these 2 heady individuals. His work with Inlakesh, didge masters from Santa Fe can be found on the "Chant of the 21st Monkey'', as UltraTribe, a CyberiaRecords Release from 1998. His work is daring, inventive, and reaches deep into the psyche and soul. He is always seeking the new, stretching the bounds of music, constantly after the one note that will take himself, his collaborators and his audience into the Trance...where, as all great composers have done, together they discover the "one".