Learning Tunes. Com
Education brings an opportunity to invest into the lives of children around the world. The World Core Curriculum Institution has established a learning standard for all countries. The method of imparting this varies from not only from country to country, but also from county to county. Our government has employed the No Child Left Behind Program to assist in helping with education. Teachers and Administrators are looking for more creative and effective ways to teach.
This is where Learning comes into place. We have done research on the power of music recall and concluded that music will stimulate the mind and store away the information until needed. We used several pilot schools for two years with reports that the children learn faster and the teachers become more creative in their teaching methods. Now it is time for Learning to broaden its’ reach to help further millions of children’s lives. We are a production company that takes the class subjects and convert them into songs. We have listened to educators and are producing the subjects they need most from Elementary to the High School Graduation Test.
Learning has placed their product into the hands of educators from Georgia to the UK, Austria, Spain and parts of Africa. All the reports are the same and the demand for our product is URGENT.
The purpose of the education project is to: educate the children through music and core curriculum; with the benefits of mind stimulation, repetition, and fun; resulting in faster learning with more clarity.
Our mission is to put this educational tool in the hands of every student. This tool will cover class lessons, per semester during the school year. It is our intent to help the school system in the developing of strong minds; a tool to be used as a reinforcement to help improve our nation’s academic scores.
Raising our kids with a steady beat! Qualify for the future
Alphabet City; All the songs and poetry are on the Day Care, Kindergarten learning level. The CD contains 13 selections of high energy songs that will teach and encourage our children.
CHOICES Education vs. Incarceration; These 14 songs range from ages six to ten learning level. We composed songs out of the school core curriculum combine with the power of music recall which will enrich the child learning while having fun.
Example: The subject Health, you learn about the five senses. We call this song: “I''m so alive” which gives appreciation to not only having the five senses, but what they do for you and all the joy that are within life and the things that form our world.
Language Arts: “Can''t say a word”: This song is about the importance of vowels. Geometry: “Lines Angles and Shapes”. Science: “The Solar system”. We sing about peer pressure and the importance of a good friend with much more. Each song is creatively designed with the impact of what is being taught in school.
Contact: Dirk654@
Learning Tunes is the brain child of Joel Media, CEO Josephus Cunningham of Columbus Georgia and WordMix Publishing CEO Dirk Thomas of Decatur, Ga.
Learning Tunes’ concept takes class subjects of different grade levels, compile the facts, and convert that information into songs.
Education brings an opportunity to invest into the lives of children around the world. The World Core Curriculum Institution has established a learning standard for all countries. The method of imparting this varies from country to country, and also from county to county. Our government has employed the No Child Left Behind Program to assist in helping with education. Teachers and Administrators are looking for more creative and effective ways to teach. Learning Tunes is placing their effort to be a part of the solution.
Learning Tunes has done research on the power of music recall and concluded that music will stimulate the mind and store away the information until needed. We used several pilot schools for two years with reports that the children learn faster and teachers become more creative in their teaching methods. Now it is time to help enhance millions of children’s lives. We have listened to educators and are producing the subjects they need most from the Elementary CRCT test to the High School Graduation Test.
WordMix Publishing has placed this product into the hands of educators from Georgia to across America, the UK, Austria, Spain and parts of Africa. All the reports are the same and the demand for our product is URGENT.
The purpose of the education project is to: educate the children through music and core curriculum; with the benefits of mind stimulation, repetition, and fun; resulting in faster learning with more clarity.
OUR MISSION is to put an educational tool in the hands of every student. This tool will cover class lessons, per semester during the school year.
OUR VISION: is to help the school in the developing of strong minds; a tool to be used as a reinforcement to help improve our nation’s academic scores.
Raising our kids with a steady beat! Qualify for the future!
Alphabet City: All the songs and poetry are on the Day Care, Kindergarten learning level. The CD contains 13 selections of high energy songs that will teach and encourage our children.
CHOICES: Education vs. Incarceration; These 14 songs range from ages six to ten learning level. We composed songs out of the school core curriculum combined with the power of music recall which will enrich the child learning while having fun.
Example: The subject Health, you learn about the five senses. We call this song: “I=m so alive” which gives application to not only having the five senses, but what they do for you and all the joys that are within life and the things that form our world.
Language Arts: “Can=t say a word”: This song is about the importance of vowels. Geometry: “Lines Angles and Shapes”. Science: “The Solar system”. We sing about peer pressure and the importance of a good friend with much more. Each song is creatively designed with the impact of what is being taught in school.
THANK-YOU for investing into our kids we encourage you to contact us and let us know how our product has benefited you. Tell your friends.
Contact: Dirk Thomas @
Joel Media & WordMix Publishing gives thanks on behalf of Learning Tunes.
We give thanks and praise to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for without him I would not be who I am for he calls me friend. I would like to dedicate this Learning Tunes project to my loving son Joshua Thomas. Joshua was playing basketball on December 9th 06 for Shamrock Middle School, Dekalb county Decatur, Georgia. He collapsed during the game and later passed away. To this day there is an unknown cause of death. He would have been 15 years old on December 17th 2006. This event in our lives has caused us to realize that there are hundreds of young kids who die each year having fun while playing sports. We are going to taking a portion of the funds and start a foundation in Joshua’s name to help prevent this unknown taker of our children’s lives.
I want to personally give thanks to Josephus Cunningham of Joel Media for writing the lyric’s; for without the words arranged in such an accurate manner we would not have a reason for a steady beat. The producer’s and engineers, Joseph Cunningham who was inspired by his wife Monica, Kenneth G. Pryor Jr. of Washington D.C. and Timothy Gilchrist with In God We Trust Production of Atlanta, Georgia. Thanks to Michael Thomas of Cleveland Ohio, Wood Grain Production of Jonesboro Georgia and Real-to-Reel Studio. We would like to thank the singers and back ground vocals starting in alphabetical order: Sha-Linda Allen, Josephus J. Cunningham and daughter Geninus, Curtis Johnson, Ahmed Muhammad e-mail: Karimforchrist@, Josette Raymond, Ivony Russell, and the children of Dirk and Linda Thomas, Joshua, John, and Josilyn Thomas, DeAndrra Viggers and Tieumbie Weems. We would like to give thanks to Walter Jordan for designing Learning Tunes’ website so that kids can have fun learning. WJordan@ While doing our research and promotion we engaged a fine gentleman from the UK Mr. Roy Smoothe with Smoothe International. We would like to thank all who helped with the commercials; Ronnie Wells, Writer/Director/Producer; Video Praise Broadcasting, Archie Johnson, Lee''Von Nutall irig@, who capture all the great shots that will be used on the CD and posters. Thanks to the Wells family, Ronnie, Conchata and their children: Victoria, Camara, and Ronni. Yolanda Williams, Nicole Gomez, Cheryl Earle and her two sons Preston and Matthew. Thanks to Danielle and Jeremiah Derricho, Sierra Dawson, Khalil White, and Alex, John, and Josilyn Thomas. I would like to give a very special thanks to an anointed young lady whose further will be extremely blessed, Miss Crystal Heimberger
It is important that we realize that life is a process and combination of people giving favor towards one another there is a special attachment in my heart towards the staff and Principal Dr. Terry McMullen of Mary McLeod Bethune Middle School and the DeKalb county school system who allowed us to use their facility.
I gives thanks to God who has placed these special people in my life to help carry out what he has called me to do. There are so many others that I cannot mention them all such as the staff at Carter’s Daycare of Decatur, Ga. I appreciate all of you and my God bless. To you who are reading this because you have invested into your child I thank-you and ask that you e-mail us and your friends and tell them to purchase our products. THANKS.
Dirk A. Thomas
This is the Bio of Learning Spokes person and Cover Girl CRYSTAL ASHLEE
Singer, actress. Born Crystal Ashlee Heimberger in Miami, Florida. She is the daughter of the late Evangelist James Nicholas Heimberger. Crystal’s voice has been compared to that of Grammy award winner, Whitney Houston. Like Whitney, Crystal also began singing in the local gospel choir with her mother, Valerie Curry-Heimberger.
She is a unique prodigy the world will see for many years to come. Her stage performances radiate an explosion of emotional energy, allowing Crystal to captivate the entire audience with her phenomenal, powerful voice!
Since the age of 4, Crystal was always singing at her father’s evangelistic revivals. Her dynamic voice and petite, cute appearance awarded her many invitations to compete in local beauty pageants and talent shows. At age 5, she met the Godfather of Soul, the late James Brown, who invited her to sing at his birthday bash. It was said that Mr. Brown saw the gleam in her eyes, telling her she would be a bright star. A star she is!
Crystal was awarded the title of Little Miss North Carolina. After which, she also focused on community service by performing for the Cancer Society in Nashville, as well as a fund-raiser event for the Kiwanis Club. One early highlight of her career was singing the Star Spangled Banner for President Bill Clinton at the White House during a Walk With Jesus campaign.
By the age of 7, Crystal recorded her very first song. During her early childhood career, Crystal performed with several stars including Isaac Hayes, M.C. Hammer, and gospel recording artist ‘Virtue’. By the age of 9, her tour schedule had already included the Birmingham Jazz Festival in Alabama, the Peachtree Morning Show in Atlanta, CBS in Nashville, and Gaylord Entertainment in Opryland.
However, Crystal’s career is not a complete fairy tale story. After the death of her father, her life changed dramatically. The desire to sing quickly faded away, and her will to live was slowly diminishing. This depression made her vulnerable to a society that could not comprehend the hurt she was experiencing. During this time, she was in an unfamiliar environment with nowhere to turn.
The only outlet to escape this heartache and pain was to write. At the age of 12, she wrote her first song. To heal the wounds caused by her father’s death, she would sing in remembrance of him.
Beautifully gift wrapped in her own sheet of music, she maintained her bright bow of a smile, as well as a strong inward drive and determination for success. With this newfound motivation, Crystal gained recognition all over the world. She traveled to New York, LA, Detroit, Miami and a host of other cities. She also sang nightly at the legendary B.B. King restaurant in Nashville, TN.
Artists such as Germaine Jackson, as well as major labels, including Sony Records, have heard Crystal perform. A number of producers and investors had been in discussion with her mother, Valerie, regarding Crystal’s career. However, timing and stability were major factors affecting the decision to pursue singing as a profession.
Well, that time has come and the time is now! In hopes of launching Crystal’s career, Valerie sold all her possessions and moved to Atlanta in August 2006. With nothing but drive and determination, Valerie searched for the right professional combination who could take Crystal’s career to the next level.
The search ended when she signed a management contract with the Mauldin Brand Agency. Under the direction of the firm’s General Manager, Demmette Guidry, who has invested precious time, they have had an immediate impact on her life.
The rest is history. Crystal will release her debut album the summer of 2007 entitled “Crystal Ashlee“. Her first hit single, “Pushing Me Away“ is already a hit tune in many of the entertainment venues around Metro Atlanta.
Her music will make a profound affect in the entertainment industry. Crystal’s desire is to instill a positive message into women who have been hurt in their lives: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Regardless of anyone’s current situation, you can be and have anything that you believe you can be and have.
You will see and hear her name again and again, Crystal Ashlee, and you will never forget her dynamic voice!
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