MP3 Edward Gibson - The Return of DoctorStein
Working class rock. From the whimsical to the serious, insightful lyrics are weaved in traditional rock ''n roll and blues for a recipe of fun...
13 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Roots Rock, BLUES: Rockin'' Blues
Edward Gibson is a singer/songwriter who has performed in San Diego, Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay area. He was raised in Texas and his music reflects those roots.
DoctorStein is my brainchild. It started years ago jamming in a band with Mark Stein who co-produced "The Return of DoctorStein". I was a leading writer in the band and Mark would always come up with these real cool guitar riffs. I made the comment that he had a knack of "doctoring" up my song. The rest is history. Speaking of history, every song has a history and a story. So I decided to tell a bit about each song.
Fat Cat Baby was written early in my song writing career. I based it on a finger picking style that I learned from a guitar friend, Dave Lane while we were living on the Russian River. It is a "one" chord song and has captured the Grateful Dead feel during their American Beauty era. Travis Prowell plays an excellent acoustic lead guitar on this recording.
I wrote Big Fish Blues while staying with my friend Matt Flynn in Girabaldi Oregon. The house overlooked Tillamook Bay. The first two mornings I woke up to a beautiful empty bay. On the 3rd morning I woke up and screamed. Matt came downstairs asking what''s the matter. I could just point out to the bay where there seemed to be a thousand fishing boats. It was the first day of the autumn salmon season. I sat down and wrote the song. Mark Stein plays a great slide guitar and Jeff Francois has a very good harmonica solo.
Call You Up is the nervous feeling I got when I called this girl on the phone to ask her for a date. To protect myself, I will not identify the woman. Pat Steel plays an absolutely wonderful classic guitar through out the song. I especially like what he did in the solo section.
I met Thunderbird Annie in a dive of a bar on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood. She was a burned out relic from the past. When she talked of her bit parts in the movies, she was proud and happy. I wish her the best. Thanks for the song.
Working class rock is how I describe Move It On Down The Line. We''ve all been there, late Friday afternoon, looking forward to the weekend and then having some jerk of a boss dumping some extra work on you. I ended up getting fired, but I wrote a song.
I think Living For Working For a Living sums up the agony of going to a job that you really don''t like but have to because you feel trapped. More working class rock. It started as a folk song but ended up sounding more like Pink Floyd. The drum track by Doug Gonzales is nothing short of genius.
Big Momma was inspired by the compliance officer at a bank where I worked. She was a rather large woman and when I questioned one of her interpretations of a regulation she replied rather sternly, "You don''t want to mess with Big Momma". I didn''t... I love the spontaneity of background vocals in the verses sung by Matt Flynn.
I was in a Hollywood bar called Boardner''s talking to a some poser who was telling me about his band. I was playing in a couple of bands one of which was "The Life of the Party". When I told him we did a lot of covers he replied "I don''t do covers man". I told him it was an honor to play some of the greatest songs ever written. I wrote Hair Still Long? as a tribute to the early classic rock ''n rollers.
I Love The Girl With The Sad Eyes started when I received a photograph of my young daughter from my ex. It wasn''t her best picture and as I was showing it to a friend, he said she looks so sad. I replied, "I love the girl with the sad eyes". That set off the song writing bell and I adapted that as a title to a song I was working on at the time. Another beautiful guitar part by Pat Steel.
You''ve Been Telling Lies was a little pop ditty I wrote concerning a failed relationship with a woman who, lets just say wasn''t honest in her dealings with me. Maybe she was a pathological liar. Anyway, I like the blending of all the guitar parts. Mark Stein played a big time "Queen" guitar part solo.
I would put $40 Dollars Doesn''t Go Very Far in the working class rock genre. It was written when I played in The Clives and we hosted a jam night every Wednesday night. Times were hard and we were just trying to pool our money to buy some beer. Pat Steel has a real retro tremelo guitar sound on this recording. I also like the loose back ground vocal style.
I wrote A Big Hard Drive during the internet craze. I think everyone understands the metaphor. EddieG plays his specialty; a pumping walking bass.
Ethyl''s Out Of Town is a classic blues rock song. It''s all about getting by with generic instead of the top of line. It''s like not primo. Mark Stein plays the wah-wah guitar hook. Rosanna Feldman sings a sultry part on the 3rd verse.