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Green Living Kit

Go green today! Save money and save the planet at the very same time. Learn how to make greener choices with this fantastic kit. It will give you all the information youll ever need to know on subjects such as DIY solar generators, DIY wind turbines, how to build your very own solar oven and much more.

How can you save cash and the environment at home?

There are several cheap ways you can go about creating a green living environment in your home. The simplest method is to identify where you can easily substitute old, carbon-filled machines with newer environmentally friendly constructions you can do at home. This article will cover twelve different projects you can do in your own home to reduce your carbon footprint, and promote a greener existence for your local community.

Solar Water Heater

This concentrates the rays of the sun onto a tank of water, before it enters thehouse and a regular water heater. By preheating the water, it reduces the need for the traditional water heater to power on. Go Green!

Solar Panels

This uses the power of the sun to directly create electricity for the house. Every kilowatt produced is one that is not needed from a coal power plant. Go Green!
Wind Turbine

Similar to a solar panel, except this uses the wind to power a generator. Go Green!
Solar Generator

This uses the sun to power a generator, indirectly. What happens is that the suns rays are concentrated on a material that retains heat for some time. The heat produced is used to power a turbine, which is what produces the electricity. This has the added benefit of continuing to work at
night and during cloudy days.
Go Green!

Solar Hot Tub

Who doesnt enjoy soaking in a nice hot tub? By using the sun to heat the water, you reduce the need to use electricity provided by coal power plants. Go Green!
Organic Garden

The benefits of eating organic food are well known. Between lowering your food bill, you will also reduce the need to send waste to a dump or incinerator.

Imagine, instead of taking out a smelly bag of trash every week, you apply a nutrient rich compost mix instead. Leaving not a single mineral or vitamin to waste, it is possible to create a garden that has a net positive impact on the environment. Go Green!
Solar Shower

Similar to a hot tub, this uses water heated by a solar water heater to provide water for the shower. It is a simple, yet effective, way to embrace green living. The beauty of this is, you can use the water from the solar water heater elsewhere Another excuse for a hot tub, perhaps? Go Green!
Green House

During winter months, fresh fruits and vegetables are either grown in a green house or shipped from another region. Save the fuel, and reduce your waste, by using a greenhouse to grow beautiful vegetables and herbs year round. Between the green smell, and the delightful taste, this is one of the best ways to beat the winter-time blues! Go Green!
Solar Oven

During the summer, one of the least liked chores is spending time inside over a hot stove. That is one of the reasons that grilling is a popular summer pastime. This applies the same concept, but to the oven. A solar generator is used to concentrate the rays of the sun onto a single block of heat-retaining material. This is used to provide the heat needed to cook your food, outside. Go Green!
Chicken Coop

Who doesnt love fresh, organic eggs? A chicken coop is an excellent way to provide protein on a regular basis, without resorting to factory grown poultry or beef. Just be careful where the chickens go, their claws really play havoc with grass! Go Green!
Solar Pool Heater

This is another adaptation of the solar power generator, instead of producing electricity the heat is shunted into the home. This helps reduce the need for a traditional heater, thus saving resources and cold, hard cash. Go green. Go green TODAY!

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