MP3 David Enrique - GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel
A heavenly blend of Latin rythems and R& B grooves.
10 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, LATIN: Latin Pop
(English VERSION)
David Enrique was born to sing, write and to inspire and as you get to know him you can''t help but to be affected by his will to succeed, laugh and to love through his music. The musical elements that drive this gifted artist are all his own and are taken very seriously such as his faith, family, and helping those that can''t help themselves.
This dynamic, bilingual, Latin-born singer is no stranger to the music world as he has recorded, toured and shared the stage with some of Latin music''s rising super stars and contemporary Christian music headliners. He has also performed on numerous television shows in Chicago and throughout the United states.
In addition to being a gifted singer and songwriter, he is best known for his ability to captivate an audience. He personalizes a song as though he is singing to only the person listening.
David Enrique''s music challenges cultural barriers by combining his two favorite musical styles utilizing Latin rhythms and R & B grooves to move you. One play is all it takes for you to feel the power and passion present with every song he sings and writes on this, his first, self titled solo project.
Here at Latin Soul Heaven Productions we are very proud to introduce to you Chicago''s very own, David Enrique!
David Enrique nacio para cantar compositar, y para inspirar! Cuando lo conoscas vas estar impactado con su deseo de truinfar, reir y amar atraves de su musica. Los elementos musicales que guian a este artista especial, son tomado en serio como su fe en Dios, familia, la educacion, y su deseo de ayudar aqullos que no se pueden ayudar.
Este artista dinamico, no es estrangero al mundo de la musica lla que a grabado, a hecho jiras, a escrito y cantado con varias estrellas que estan ascendiendo hoy en el mundo de la musica popular y la musica Cristiana contemporia . El ha participado en various programas de television en la cuidad de Chicago y en los Estados Unidos. Ademas de ser un cantante y escritor con una gran abilidad de producir musica, el a sido reconocido por su abilidad de captivar ha su publico, entregando se sus sentimientos acada persona que lo escucha.
La musica de David Enrique desafia barreras culturales, mezclando sus dos estilos de musica favorita, el ritmo latino y R & B. Basta escuchar lo una vez para que sientas la passion presente en cada cancion que canta y escribe en este su primera gravacion titulado, "David Enrique."
Aqui en Latin Soul Heaven Productions, estamos orgullosos de presentarles a la nueva voz de Chicago, David Enrique.