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The Magic of Sleep audio book Vol. 12 of 14, 69 min.

Bargain Hunter Warehouse presents the audio book version of The Magic of Sleep. Vol. 12 of 14.
Stop Insomnia And End Your Sleepless Nights
by this disorder may not be as ordinary as it may seem. It can be downright punishing.
You know the frustration of looking repeatedly at your clock while endlessly moving around in your bed. It's mental and emotional agony to say the least. The tension builds up to its peak when you see the sunrise, and you have to go to the office lacking so much energy
after spending a sleepless night.
You don't have to suffer anymore. Here are some tips to help you snooze faster than you could ever expect.
1) Wake up and go to bed at the same time everyday, even during the weekends. Some insomniacs tend to sleep at any time of the day to catch up on some sleep they lose during the night. Now this is the biggest mistake you can make. It ruins your body clock and will only worsen your insomnia. If you can't sleep one night, get up the usual time the next morning. You'll be sleeping soundly like a baby the next night.
2) Don't eat within 4 hours before you go to bed. If in case you went hungry, try some crackers or light snack. But don't indulge in an "eat-all-you-can" feast right before bedtime. Your food won't be digested well, resulting in poor and uncomfortable sleep.
3) Don't drink caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine can obstruct your ability to sleep. Alcohol can make you drowsy, but it can wake you up in the middle of the night and bring you side effects that will hinder a continuous sleep process.
4) Relax and stay fit. Avoid having a stressful lifestyle. Exercise daily to release tension. Engage in breathing exercises to relax your body. Most important of all, don't carry your problems or emotional baggage to sleep with you. Forget about it for the mean time. You can go back and solve your dilemma better the next day after a restful sleep.
5) Never force yourself to sleep. Trying your best to sleep requires some work. You don't want to work when you want to doze off. Sleep comes best if you are in a relaxed and comfortable state. Just
lie down, relax, and let the sleeping fairy cast its spell upon you.
Stop Snoring And Get A Good Night's Sleep
When most people think of snoring, they think of it as an almost humorous nuisance. But snoring can have very serious effects on the quality of your life and your health.
Snoring has several causes. A cold or other infection can make breathing difficult and cause the sound of snoring as the sleeping person struggles to draw air through blocked nasal passages and throat.
Sometimes snoring is the result of a medical condition, such as swollen tonsils and adenoids (lymphoid tissues located at the back of the throat).
Snoring can also be caused by a misshapen wall separating the nasal cavity, called a deviated nasal septum, or a growth in the cavity, called a nasal polyp, both of which cause nasal blockages.
Snoring can also occur when flabby throat muscles are drawn into the airway, particularly when muscular control is overly relaxed by alcohol, drugs, or deep sleep.
The larger the tissues in your soft palate, the more likely you are to snore while sleeping. Alcohol or sedatives taken shortly before sleep also promote snoring. These drugs cause greater relaxation of the tissues in your throat and mouth.
Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, but people who have sleep apnea typically do snore loudly and frequently. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder, and its hallmark is loud, frequent snoring linked to intermittent brief pauses in breathing while sleeping.
Even if you dont experience these breathing pauses, snoring can still be a problem for you as well as for your bed partner. The increased breathing effort associated with snoring can impair your sleep quality and lead to many of the same health consequences as sleep apnea.
Treating chronic congestion and refraining from alcohol or sedatives before sleeping can also stop snoring. In some adults, snoring can be relieved by dental appliances that reposition the soft tissues in the mouth.
Although numerous over-the-counter nasal strips and sprays claim to relieve snoring, no scientific evidence supports those claims.
Tips for a sound night?s sleep: relax before bed and try not to worry about whether or not you will be able to sleep, avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol before bedtime as caffeine can keep you awake and alcohol can cause you to wake up during the night (try a hot milky drink instead).
Try not to nap in the afternoon or early evening, try to take some exercise in the late afternoon or early evening , but make sure you are finished at least three hours before bedtime.
Try to avoid disrupting your regular sleeping pattern (this will help your body clock to know when it?s time to sleep)
Try wearing an eyemask or earplugs to help block out noise and light which may be affecting your sleep.
Student Loan Debt Consolidation ? Students Cannot Afford to Lose Sleep over Debts.
Studies take a back seat when debts begin to hold a prominent place in students? finances. Guardians would find this strange, since most guardians feel that they send their wards more than enough money to meet the needs of their wards. The needs have a very narrow definition that includes not more than basic necessities. For all other needs, students have to depend on external sources like friends and moneylenders. The problem arises when debts become unmanageable because of its size. Student loan debt consolidation plays a very important role at this stage.
The features of student loans are included into debt consolidation loans to give them a distinct character, suited to the student debtors. Repayment of the student loan debt consolidation for instance, differs from the regular repayment methods. The repayment will be due only when the student graduates from studies. This means that repayment will begin only when the student begins to work and earn. Parents and guardian will appreciate this feature since this helps them shift a part of their financial burden.
It is incorrect to consider student loan debt consolidation as just another loan. As a debt consolidation loan, the student loan debt consolidation consolidates the entire debts, prepares a list of debts incurred, and then settles them through a single loan.
Do you find the task easy? That it is; as long as there is a debt settlement agency to implement the plan. Students would be advised not to embark on the debt settlement activity since this will unnecessarily take up their valuable time. Besides, there are chances that the student will not be able to settle debts in full. Being inexperienced in debt settlement, there is a probability that the loan amount will not be used optimally.
Debt settlement agencies, on the other hand, are professional in dealing with debts. Each case is studied in detail before suggesting effective debt solutions. The procedure will be helpful in deciding among the several debt management techniques available.
Students qualify for the cheapest interest rates. The interest rates and other terms of the student loan debt consolidation must be given prime importance. These contribute largely to the cost of finance. Also check for prepayment penalties. One must ensure that the option to refinance is not curbed. This is helpful when better finance opportunities come your way.
Students do have to face problems in qualifying for student loan debt consolidations. No credit history is the root cause behind most ineligibilities. For most students the student loan debt consolidation has been the first experience of credit transactions. So, how do loan providers determine credibility of borrowers? In the absence of any satisfactory method, loan providers will prefer not to lend. Some lenders place restrictive conditions on students in order to deter students from using the facility. Age restriction like upping the age of students who can use student loan debt consolidation is one such tactic.
Another point of disqualification is the lack of stable income. Stable income to enable regular payments is a prerequisite for most loans. This can be mended if the student shows that he is involved in some part time jobs. With guardians guaranteeing repayment, in case the student fails to do so, the problem is offset to a large extent.
Websites advertising their financial products have lessened the quandary significantly. The purview of search for student loan debt consolidation has widened. Students find themselves searching for student loan debt consolidation from banks and financial institutions spread far and wide. All this has been facilitated through Internet and web technology. The refusal by loan providers is not a concerted action. There will be certain loan providers who have matching deals for the students. Online search can help find the particular lender who accepts the borrower with his set of circumstances.
Student loan debt consolidation is a testing ground for students. Though it will not be wise to take an active participation in the debt consolidation process, students can supervise the process. Proper advice will be necessary to make the important decisions on student loan debt consolidation.
Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea
It is often hard to differentiate between snoring and a serious medical condition known as sleep apnea. However, there are definitive symptoms of sleep apnea if you know what to look for. Snoring, for instance, is a distracting occurrence caused by vibrations from fatty tissues rubbing against the back of the throat.
Sleep apnea is much more serious and may be recognize by the presence of heavy snoring, pauses between breaths, etc. A spouse may be the best source of information relating to these, but the apnea sufferer will instantly recognize the absence of breath through the night.
One of the symptoms of sleep apnea is the complete loss of air on multiple occasions throughout the night. It is a known fact that sufferers actually stop breathing on more than on occasion.
As a result, the sufferer may awake short of breath, choking or gasping for air, etc. They may not realize what has happened at first, but may start to recognize a pattern of shortness of breath and discomfort during the night.
Sleep apnea is often recognized in other ways, as well. One of the less obvious symptoms of sleep apnea is fatigue, which is also present in so many other ailments. Fatigue exists due to the disruption of sleep and/or inability to fall asleep. Additional symptoms of sleep apnea may include headaches, the inability to concentrate on everyday activities, exhaustion, irritability, etc.
The symptoms of sleep apnea are noticeable if you are familiar with them. However, even if symptoms of sleep apnea are present, only a physician can properly diagnose the disorder. A series of questions and a sleep study may be ordered during the evaluation period.
It is very important to receive an early diagnosis because, if left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to other serious medical conditions. Among them, heart disease, an increased risk of a stroke and more.
This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.
Teens Just Can't Get Enough Sleep
Some people just can't get themselves to sleep even if they want to.  Teen-agers are not exempted from getting sleep problems not only because they are usually overloaded with school projects which take most of their sleeping time.  Even with all the hustle and bustle that comes with school, teenagers'  normally have enough adrenalin to last them till the wee hours of the morning.  
Still, frequent sleep deprivation can cause problems even for the most healthy and vibrant youngster.  Young people who experience sleep deficit have difficulty concentrating, studying, and working effectively.  Long-term sleep deprivation can actually lead to emotional problems like depression.
According to recent studies, teenagers need 8 to more than 9 hours of sleep every night.   However,  during the stage of adolescence, the body's internal biological clock, also known as circadian rhythm, is reset.  The changes in the circadian rhythm makes them fall asleep later at night and wake up later in the morning.  Experts attribute this change in the circadian rhythm to the fact that the brain hormone called melatonin is produced later at night in teens.  Melatonin is released earlier in the night among kids and adults.  Also, the delay in the sleep?wake cycle can worsen and possibly affect a person's daily performance at school or at work.  This is called the delayed sleep phase syndrome.
Aside from changes in their body clocks, young people may also lose sleep due to insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or staying asleep, which is commonly caused by stress.   But there are other factors which may cause insomnia.  These include physical discomfort such as stuffy nose due to colds or headaches; emotional problems like family issues or relationship troubles; and uncomfortable sleeping conditions, such as lying in a room that is too hot, cold, or noisy. Trying to sleep in a cramped bed or using pillows that are too soft or too firm also contributes to sleep deprivation.  
Insomnia is also one of the most common problems associated with sleep deprivation. This sleeping problem lasts for a long period of time without relief.  Chronic insomnia can be caused by a number of different problems, including medical conditions, mental health problems, medication side effects, or substance abuse.  In extreme cases, chronic insomnia may lead to psychophysiologic insomnia ---  a condition where a person's mind and body are severely affected by sleep deprivation.  Sufferers of chronic insomnia are advised to seek help the help of physicians, therapists, or counselors for their condition. 
A nightmare is a common experience among teens which can disrupt sleep patterns. Certain medications can trigger nightmares.  Drugs and alcohol can also cause sleep altering patterns.  However, stress and anxiety can also trigger nightmares.  If nightmares interfere with sleep, it's time to talk to medical health professionals. Other conditions that can affect sleep in young people include Periodic Limb Disorder, Restless Legs Syndrome, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Reflux, Narcolepsy, and Sleepwalking.
When there's a feeling of fatigue even after getting enough rest, a consultation with your doctor is advised.  Excessive fatigue can be due to a number of health reasons, not just a sleep disorder.  Doctors can do a physical examination and may review a person's medical history when they suspect the presence of other conditions that interfere with sleep.
Some sleep disorders can be treated with over-the-counter sleeping pills while others can be addressed through special therapy meant to reset a person's body clock.  Teens are encouraged to make lifestyle changes that promote good sleeping habits such as avoiding playing video games or watching TV before sleeping, as well as drinking too much coffee at nighttime.
Teens Just Can't Get Enough Sleep!
Some people just can't get themselves to sleep even if they want to.  Teen-agers are not exempted from getting sleep problems not only because they are usually overloaded with school projects which take most of their sleeping time.  Even with all the hustle and bustle that comes with school, teenagers'  normally have enough adrenalin to last them till the wee hours of the morning.  
Still, frequent sleep deprivation can cause problems even for the most healthy and vibrant youngster.  Young people who experience sleep deficit have difficulty concentrating, studying, and working effectively.  Long-term sleep deprivation can actually lead to emotional problems like depression.
According to recent studies, teenagers need 8 to more than 9 hours of sleep every night.   However,  during the stage of adolescence, the body's internal biological clock, also known as circadian rhythm, is reset.  The changes in the circadian rhythm makes them fall asleep later at night and wake up later in the morning.  Experts attribute this change in the circadian rhythm to the fact that the brain hormone called melatonin is produced later at night in teens.  Melatonin is released earlier in the night among kids and adults.  Also, the delay in the sleep?wake cycle can worsen and possibly affect a person's daily performance at school or at work.  This is called the delayed sleep phase syndrome.
Aside from changes in their body clocks, young people may also lose sleep due to insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or staying asleep, which is commonly caused by stress.   But there are other factors which may cause insomnia.  These include physical discomfort such as stuffy nose due to colds or headaches; emotional problems like family issues or relationship troubles; and uncomfortable sleeping conditions, such as lying in a room that is too hot, cold, or noisy. Trying to sleep in a cramped bed or using pillows that are too soft or too firm also contributes to sleep deprivation.  
Insomnia is also one of the most common problems associated with sleep deprivation. This sleeping problem lasts for a long period of time without relief.  Chronic insomnia can be caused by a number of different problems, including medical conditions, mental health problems, medication side effects, or substance abuse.  In extreme cases, chronic insomnia may lead to psychophysiologic insomnia ---  a condition where a person's mind and body are severely affected by sleep deprivation.  Sufferers of chronic insomnia are advised to seek help the help of physicians, therapists, or counselors for their condition. 
A nightmare is a common experience among teens which can disrupt sleep patterns. Certain medications can trigger nightmares.  Drugs and alcohol can also cause sleep altering patterns.  However, stress and anxiety can also trigger nightmares.  If nightmares interfere with sleep, it's time to talk to medical health professionals. Other conditions that can affect sleep in young people include Periodic Limb Disorder, Restless Legs Syndrome, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Reflux, Narcolepsy, and Sleepwalking.
When there's a feeling of fatigue even after getting enough rest, a consultation with your doctor is advised.  Excessive fatigue can be due to a number of health reasons, not just a sleep disorder.  Doctors can do a physical examination and may review a person's medical history when they suspect the presence of other conditions that interfere with sleep.
Some sleep disorders can be treated with over-the-counter sleeping pills while others can be addressed through special therapy meant to reset a person's body clock.  Teens are encouraged to make lifestyle changes that promote good sleeping habits such as avoiding playing video games or watching TV before sleeping, as well as drinking too much coffee at nighttime.
 Ten Tips to Send Your Audience to Sleep
Have you ever fallen asleep when listening to a speech or presentation? Sometimes a little nap during a presentation can boost your energy for the rest of the day.  Speakers- if you want to be the one to send your audience to sleep, so they will be fully alert for other people?s presentations follow these ten tips.
1.            Make sure that your material is dry and boring. Make sure that your material is either highly technical or complex. If at all possible fill your speech with specialized academic content that is not easily understood without prior study and research.
2.            Do not include any explanations or illustrations to make the content understandable to the average person in your audience.
3.            Schedule your speech to be at the end of a long day or after a big meal. This will give added incentive for drowsiness and lethargy.
4.            Speak softly and avoid any expression or vocal variety that might distract  or interest your audience.
5.            Stand still behind the lectern for the entire speech. Any movement or sudden gestures could wake up your audience.
6.            Avoid any variation in style in your presentation. Do not change from talking to using a flip chart, PowerPoint or any other kind of visual aid or prop that will attract attention.
7.            Do NOT include any humor or stories in your speech that might illustrate the important points you wish to communicate.
8.            Do not keep to the topic of the speech. Spend a large amount of time rambling about subjects or personal experiences that are boring and totally off topic.
9.            Speak about a topic that is very familiar to your audience. Keep your content to things that they already know.
10.          Provide highly detailed handouts, so that your audience will not miss out on any important information during their snooze. Make sure that you do not say anything that is not included in the hand out. For best results, just read the handout word for word.
Hopefully, by following carefully the ten tips outlined here, you will have the satisfaction of seeing an entire audience snoring quietly and happily throughout your entire presentation. If you do not follow these tips you may be alarmed to discover that your audience is alert and interested in what you have to say.
The Benefits of Using Natural Sleeping Aids
Sleep is an integral component of human existence, such that without sleep, you eventually die. There isn't a whole lot that people understand about how sleep works, or how it manages to do what it does for the body. Humans simply have an instinctive understanding that sleep is an important part of their lives and it just isn't a good idea to cut down on it so much. However, trouble getting enough sleep is a problem that is becoming increasingly common in the modern world, as shown by the statistics of how many people are buying sleeping pills. This is, of course, far from being a recent problem. On the contrary, people have been using natural sleeping aids for centuries, because getting enough sleep has apparently been a problem for people for just as long.
Most natural sleeping aids, of course, are of the herbal variety. This is understandable, as they are likely to be more easily available and the source is unlikely to bite back while someone is trying to harvest the necessary ingredient. There are modern drugs that can do the job just as well as their ancient, herbal counterparts, but they have been known to cause some side effects. Besides, with going ?all-natural? being such a popular thing nowadays, is it any wonder just how many people are experimenting with natural sleeping aids? In a manner similar to modern drugs and the industry they are in, there are a couple of herbs and tinctures that are proving more popular than others.
Among the most commonly used is chamomile, which is an herb that is often used as a tea. It is easily the most popular among the natural sleeping aids available in the market, largely because it has been in use for centuries. Science is not entirely sure how chamomile works, but some theorize that it has connections to a component of the tea known as apipogen. However, this is only speculation and other components of the tea may be responsible for the sleep-inducing effects. However, as effective as it is, there are a few problems with using this. While it is not narcotic and not habit-forming (as much as any type of tea is, at least, it may cause allergic effects on people who are sensitive to daisies.
Another popular option is Valerian, which also enjoys a history of being used as a potent sleep aid. This plant has a distinct smell that has been compared to that of old socks, caused by some of the acidic components of the herb. It can help if used as a short-term solution, but has better, more pronounced effects if employed as a long-term natural sleeping aid. Patients who have made use of this herb have reported having less trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. However, while Valerian is effective and does not cause the side effects that modern sleep medication does, it can sometimes cause effects such as dizziness and nausea if given in large doses.
There are a multitude of options aside from the ones listed here, but there are things that need to be considered before taking one in. For example, some of these natural sleeping aids are better used in the long-term and short-term use may not have the desired effects. In contrast, others are easily tolerated by the body and cease to become effective in the long-term, or after continuous use.
The Connections Between Sleep And The Mind
paced and hectic world, sleep is one of those things that are considered indispensable. Regardless of how much stress is placed on someone, a person's body and mind simply will not allow one to go for an extended period without some sleep. There are numerous ways to keep a person awake despite the overwhelming desire to go to sleep, such as caffeine and work-related stress and anxiety. The toll that sleep deprivation and insomnia have on the body is well-documented, but there is less concrete evidence on the effects on mental health. It is generally assumed that the mind does not fully shut down during sleep, but that does not mean it does not require a period of rest. There are several potential side effects of insomnia upon one's mental health, some of which can aggravate the problem itself.
Among the most well-documented side effects of a lack of sleep is instability of emotions. People who frequently lack sleep tend to be moody and irritable. In some cases, their emotions seem to be on hair-triggers, shifting from ?normal? to ?angry? with the slightest comment. There has yet to be any form of concrete information on why this is the cause, but it is a well-documented problem related to insomnia. It is theorized that sleep somehow replenishes certain chemical receptors related to emotions within the brain, such that a lack of sleep disrupts the normal production of these chemicals. It is currently unclear whether being asleep cuts off production or increases them, or if it affects these compounds in some other way. There are other theories as to why insomnia affects emotions, but those also lack concrete studies to back up their assumptions.
One of the more infamous side effects of insomnia is depression, though it is arguable whether one is really a product of the other. In the same way that emotions are affected by a lack of sleep, one's overall mood can also be affected by prolonged insomnia. Since depression is closely tied to one's emotional state, the disruption caused by a lack of sleep can be enough to push a person into clinical depression. However, there is some argument as to whether or not insomnia is truly a factor for depression. There are some that believe that while there is a connection, it is more viable to assume that depression leads to a lack of sleep, rather than the other way around. It should be noted that, despite the ramifications on mental health, neither theory has been put under serious academic scrutiny.
Some have also attributed some anxiety disorders to insomnia. There is some question as to whether or not this actually counts, however. While there is clear evidence that connects the two problems, most are inclined to believe anxiety disorders cause insomnia, rather than the reverse. However, there is some data showing people developing minor anxiety disorders during a period where they lack adequate sleep. As with the above, further study is required due to the lack of any concrete statistical data to back up the theories and observations.
The Dangers Of Not Getting Enough Sleep
While we come across information on how we can have a good night's sleep every now and then, we are seldom aware of how an insufficient sleep can affect our health and well-being.
Because of paper works either from work or school and other household obligations, everyday is like a race against time. Add to it the temptations of the computer and the TV shows airing late at night, and the parties and gimmicks. At the end of the day, all the hours that should have gone to a good night's sleep go to all of these, slowly robbing your body off a deserving rest and making you feel drowsy the next day. If you are accustomed to this way of life, be warned. All the bad things you do to your body have their own consequences, and they could be more serious than you thought.
I. The Social And Economic Costs
While there are health risks when you get a few hours of sleep each night, we cannot ignore the fact that its dire risks affect the nation's economy. According to a report from the Institute Pf Medicine, an arm of National Academy of Sciences, 50-70 million Americans have chronic sleep problems, with as many as 30 million suffering from chronic insomnia.
The result? Motor vehicle accidents due to tired rivers cost at least $48 billion a year, while fatigue cost $150 billion each year in lost productivity and mishaps.
The report, entitled. "Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Disorders: An Unmet Public Health Problem", says that in recent decades, loss of sleep has increased due to TV shows, computers, and longer work days among adults.
For those suffering from insomnia, that means more days off work for you. A study led by Virginia Godet-Cayre at the Health Economics Research in France proves that workers who had difficulty falling asleep missed an average of 5.8 days of work a year, compared to only 2.4 days missed by "good sleepers." The team tracked down the work histories of 369 workers who had insomnia and 369 workers who were getting the right amount of sleep. The study, published in the February issue of Sleep, says that 50 of the insomniac group had at least a time of absence over a 2-year period, against to 34 of the other group.
II. Teens And Sleep
These days it's not just the adults who are lacking sleep. The National Sleep Foundation reported that only 20 of adolescents in USA are getting the recommended 9 hours of sleep at night. That figure is alarming, because it shows that
millions of them have problems concentrating in classes, are getting late for school, or are sleepy when driving.
III. If You Want To Lose Weight, Don't Just Focus On Your Diet
Want to know a secret? The road to a good figure is not just eating food in low quantity and exercising on a regular basis;
it's having a proper lifestyle. I'm not a fitness expert, mind you, but health studies are giving more and more evidence
supporting a link between how many hours of sleep you get and your tendency to be obese.
A study led by Dr. Steven Heymsfield of Columbia University and St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York, and James
Gangwisch, a Columbia epidemiologist, showed that those who had less that 4 hours of sleep were more likely to be obese by
73, while those with an average of 5 hours of sleep had 50 greater risk. Those who only had 6 hours had 23 more.
The reason? Blame it on grehlin, a substance that makes people want to eat more food.
If people don't have the recommended amount of shut-eye, their leptin levels are lowered.
Leptin is a blood protein that suppresses their appetite, and seems to affect how their body had eaten enough.
So don't think that dieting is the only way for a nice build; include getting sufficient sleep in your regimen from now on.
IV. And More Diseases, Too
If you're already tired of reading about the dire consequences you will face when you don't give yourself the right amount of
rest, here are a few more for your information.
When your body is deprived of the sleep it needs, your chances of getting coronary heart disease double compared to people who have an adequate amount of sleep.
And if you're a male, read on. You'd be interested to know that men who are sleep deprived are risking themselves for an erectile dysfunction. That happens when their testosterone levels drop due to a few hours of sleep, making it more difficult to maintain an erection.
For older people aged 53-93, there's a risk of developing diabetes. That's what a study co-authored by Dr. Daniel Gottlieb, an associate professor of medicine at Boston University claimed.
Published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the findings concluded that elders who slept fewer than 5 hours were 2.5
times more likely to acquire the sweet disease against those who had 6 hours, who had chances 1.7 times lower.
But don't think that sleeping too much will solve the problem, though. The study showed that overslept elders - those who had more than 9 hours of sleep - had chances 1.7 times higher.
Lastly, sleeplessness causes an individual to have an impaired spatial learning, such as getting to a new destination. This
finding, which appeared on the Journal of Neurophysiology, suggested that during the process of spatial learning, new brain cells are being produced in an area of the brain called Hippocampus. Sleep is important in helping these brain cells survive.
V. Conclusion
We all know that sleep plays a major part in one's overall well-being, and now that we know exactly what we are likely facing
when we have lack of it, where do we go from here?
It seems that more research is needed in the area of sleep medicine, and public awareness must be raised for everyone to understand that, despite all the obligations, late night TV shows and caffeinated drinks, getting sufficient sleep is really,
really important for everyone, young or old. And as for you reading this article, I bet you agree.
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea
How can I tell if I have sleep apnea and how can I treat it?
The typical patient with sleep apnea is an overweight middle-aged male with a neck size of more than 17 inches. However, the condition is also common in women and not all sufferers are overweight. Almost everybody who has sleep apnea is a snorer, often a very heavy snorer. Pauses in breathing during sleep are commonly noticed by a bed partner but this history is often lacking and up to five "events" per hour are considered normal.
One of the more consistent symptoms is "nonrestorative sleep" meaning that the patient wakes in the morning feeling unrefreshed no matter how much he slept during the night. Excessive daytime sleepiness is common in sleep apnea of any severity but some patients complain of fatigue rather than sleepiness. However, many patients with severe sleep apnea have no complaint of sleepiness or fatigue.
The most accurate diagnostic tool, polysomnography, can confirm the diagnosis and assist the doctor in identifying the type of sleep apnea present. In the past, this test was only done in hospitals and in specialized sleep laboratories. There are now portable sleep recording systems that can perform unattended polysomnography in the patient's home, but in-laboratory testing with a technician present remains the standard and is required by many insurers including Medicare before they will pay for treatment of sleep apnea.
With advances in portable electronics, patients can now use a small device called a pulse oximeter, which is attached to a fingertip to measure the oxygen saturation of the blood (percent of the total hemoglobin that is combined with oxygen). This non-intrusive monitor measures the difference in the color of the oxygenated and of the deoxygenated hemoglobins. Recordings of blood oxygen saturation during sleep may give an estimate of the severity of the problem although it's not been the most reliable screening tool.
There are a variety of treatments for sleep apnea, depending on an individual?s medical history and the severity of the disorder. Most treatment regimens begin with lifestyle changes, such as avoiding alcohol and medications that relax the central nervous system (for example, sedatives and muscle relaxants), losing weight, and quitting smoking.
Some people are helped by special pillows or devices that keep them from sleeping on their backs. Some cases are treated with oral appliances to keep the airway open during sleep.
If these conservative methods are inadequate, doctors often recommend continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). A face mask is attached to a tube and a machine that blows pressurized air into the mask and through the airway to keep it open. There are also surgical procedures that can be used to remove tissue and widen the airway. Some individuals may need a combination of therapies to successfully treat their sleep apnea.
In conclusion, sleep apnea left untreated can be life threatening. Excessive daytime sleepiness can cause people to fall asleep at inappropriate times, such as while driving. Sleep apnea also appears to put individuals at risk for stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs, also known as ?mini- strokes?), and is associated with coronary heart disease, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, gout and high blood pressure.
Although there is no cure for sleep apnea, recent studies show that successful treatment can reduce the risk of heart and blood pressure problems.
The First Key To A Good Night's Sleep
As the evening progresses towards bed time you need to start preparing your body for sleep. At this point in the day your mind and body requires a soothing bedtime routine in order to relax. Bed time routines are a significant sleep aid if you follow them consistently. Your body and mind need to have consistency at this time so that you can learn to fall asleep naturally.
Once you have read this book you should decide on a sleep improvement plan and apply it for at least a week before making changes to your routine.
Your sleep improvement plan should include a bedtime and a waking up time. In addition you should keep a list of the herbs, vitamins, and teas you have tried and how well they aided your sleep.
Because your body requires consistency and adjusts only slowly to change you need to stick to each new routine for a week or two before you adjust it. If you are still experiencing difficulty sleeping after you have tried sleep plan for a week or two, you can then make appropriate adjustments. The key to finding an insomnia cure that works for you is to be consistent and determined.
Your first goal should be to establish a regular sleep schedule. Keeping a regular sleep schedule means waking up each morning at the same time, even when you have the time to sleep in longer. Sleeping longer in the morning will only make you feel groggy and disoriented; it will not make you feel more rested.
According to leading sleep experts you should get an average of seven to eight hours of sleep each night but this sleep has to be balance in order to be restful. You can?t make up for a late night by sleeping in. Lost sleep can?t be recovered so, if you find that you?ve lost some hours of sleep one day, your best course of action is to struggle through that day and resume your sleep schedule that night.
It is important to realize that a regular bedtime routine is imperative to your goal of achieving natural sleep. Create a routine that will prepare you for sleep. Try to get ready for bed at the same time each night. The first step in creating a successful bed time routine is to determine which hours make the most sense for you. Once you have chosen a bed time, stick to it.
This course will suggest many sleep aids and insomnia cures which you can include in your bed time routine; however, your routine can be as simple as brushing your teeth or reading a book at the same time every night. Whatever routine you decide on it will be a way of telling your unconscious mind that it is time for you to fall asleep. Your routine needs to be as relaxing as possible so that your mind can rest. Just before bed is not the right time for stimulating music, exercise, or conversations.
In order to be sleepy at bedtime, make sure that daytime naps are not part of your daily routine! Even a short cat nap taken during the day will confuse your body's ability to differentiate between day and night sleeping.
To prevent yourself from napping and thus triggering insomnia later in the evening, make an effort to try staying active when you are feeling tired during the day. When you feel sleepy during the day, you can exercise or eat a small piece of fruit to increase your energy level.
Natural remedies work differently for each individual, so don?t become discouraged if you have to adjust your nightly routine a few times. Think positive thoughts as you design a sleep routine that is right for you. With perseverance and determination you will conquer your insomnia and achieve natural sleep.
The Importance of Baby Sleep
All living creatures need sleep.  Sleeping gives people and all living creatures the time for the body to recuperate and regenerate.  Lion's needs 16 to 18 hours of sleep, while primates, ten to twelve hours of sleep.  Humans need on average six to eight hours sleep to rejuvenate.  Human babies need a full eight hours of sleep and naps in between. 
The body uses sleep as a way to regenerate cells and refresh the brain and overall aids in the development of our body, mind, and health.  During our sleep, the human body can regenerate hair follicles, fingernails, toenails and even the outer covering of the skin.  This happens because of the automatic pilot that is built into our bodies.  People tend to think that the body only needs to recharge spent energy on the day's work but in truth the body works the regeneration cycle much faster when the brain does not control much action.
Babies therefore need their sleeping time to develop muscles, limbs, and skeletal structure. In order to achieve a good night's sleep for your baby, it is important that your baby have comfortable and inviting bedding.  The secret to a good bed is one that feels just right.  Beds that are to big may make your little one feel insecure.  Your baby's bed should be cozy and offer security for them to get a good night sleep.  Selecting the proper bedding should also be a concern.  The bedding should be easy to touch and feel cozy.  Bedding that is to stiff or even to fluffy decreases your baby's comfort level and therefore reduces his/her sleep time.  We would want our babies to enjoy their beds and consider it a place of security.
Try to make your baby's sleeping experience a pleasant one.  Bedding should be inviting to the eye.  There are so many wonderful patterns and fabrics on the market today that choosing the right bedding should not be to difficult.  Remember that your baby needs enough rest to stimulate his/her growth and development and when this is achieved, your baby can reach his full potential.
The Importance of Proper Sleeping Patterns
Sleeping is a regular habit and, in fact, a biological necessity. It is one of those things that people need to do in order to give the body and brain enough time to rest and rejuvenate. The typical sleeping positions would be to lie down with closed, preferably on a comfortable bed. A person who wants to get some sleep usually tries to minimize distractions and any loud noise that might prevent one having the right atmosphere for sleeping. During sleep, a person usually breathes in a slow and rhythmic pattern, with muscles completely relaxed.  A few minutes or some hours after falling asleep, one would occasionally roll over or change body positions. This change in sleeping posture occurs around once or twice every hour. This can be the body's way of making sure that no part of the body or skin has its circulation cut off too long a period of time. Basically, a sleeping person is unconscious of the things that are happening around in the environment. But for some people, they may be getting lack of sleep due to several factors. Stress, fatigue, and worry may be some of the reasons why people do not get enough sleep.
A large European research firm was commissioned to investigate the causes and implications of                  sleep problems from a medical as well as from a social point of view. Since our environment is changing into a 24/7 society, people are now having less time to sleep. The research focuses on the role of sleep in the quality of life; in mood disorders and how it can affect performance, accident rates, and cardiovascular diseases. One group from the research investigated sleep patterns during a normal week. They found out that following sleep restriction to four hours per night, an individual's ability to perform complex tasks gradually decreased during the five days. Another group has shown ways in which the social context of everyday life has influences on sleep quality. Interviews with women in Italy show how women's sleep is disturbed by care giving roles, especially for elderly relatives. Large scale surveys from the study made the conclusion of strong social inequalities in sleep problems with poorer sleep recorded for people living in disadvantaged social situations, such as low income or low educational attainment. This research study also suggests that disturbed sleep patterns thoroughly interferes with our well being and the interaction with the environment. The study clearly revealed age-related changes in the impairment of constant cautious attention after one night without sleep. This particular finding is consistent with epidemiological studies and has important implications for the prevention of accidents associated with loss of sleep or sleep problems.
Sleep studies such as this can open up new thoughts with regards to sleeping. Not all people pay great attention to sleep, much less sleep normally. Our society is changing, and sleep patterns change as well. A good night's sleep is essentially important for people who are active during the day, because sleep can recharge the body and give it some resting time. Most people need around seven to nine hours of sleep a night. This would be average, but can be subjective depending on the person himself. Improving sleep can be easy. By exercising regularly, it helps tire and relax one's body. Avoid caffeine after 4 p.m. and avoid stimulants like cigarettes, as well. Consuming alcohol disrupts the brain's normal patterns during sleep. By having a regular sleep pattern even on weekends, a person can really get a good night's sleep.
The secret to writing faster and with more focus -- Writing in your sleep!
One of the most powerful tools in my creative arsenal is what I call unconscious creativity.
No, I do not ask someone to brain me with a hammer and I don't even need to be actually unconscious. This is when I simply allow my unconscious to do all the heavy lifting for me creatively. It is the use of this method that has allowed me to write quickly when working as a newspaper reporter and to generate several books while also working a demanding full-time job and going to school.
This method falls back on the age-old advice to "sleep on a problem". Have you ever been worried about a decision or struggled to remember something important before bedtime only to wake up the next morning with the answer sharp and clear in your mind as if it was a gift from the gods? It is a gift of sort, but no outside agency delivered it to you. The answer was supplied to you by your greatest creative ally-your subconscious.
Unconscious creativity uses the power of the unconscious mind. The simplest technique is incubation, where after thinking about the challenge consciously for some time, it is put to one side and left for a while. Often a solution will pop into your mind unbidden, as your mind continues to work on the problem below your level of awareness.
The human brain is a beautiful, highly-functional instrument and yet we utilize so little of its power. Our unconscious does amazing things for us. It helps with our daily coordination needed for useful tasks such as walking, eating, breathing, driving. It stores memories for us, it keeps a check on those things that are truly important to us (our values), it reminds us what we believe. Most of the time it does these things (and a myriad more) without us even having to consciously think about it - that's why it's called the unconscious, by the way!
However, it does something even more wonderful: it is able to sift and sort vast quantities of data (things we have seen, heard, said, felt, smelt, tasted) and recognize patterns and generate ways of responding. It sometimes does this in wonderfully creative ways. We often overlook the potential of our unconscious mind and instead let it worry about such trivia as our dental hygienist's name and whether or not we remembered to buy peanut butter. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Using the unconscious as a creative tool is very simple.
Spend some time consciously thinking about your writing task or challenge. What are the parameters of the project? What are the special requirements? What ideas do you have already? What specific questions do you need to work on further? Sometimes even spending some time jotting down the ideas you have is a good idea. Don't work on shaping or organizing them.  Just record them on paper or computer file. You may not even need them later, but the process of recording them can be a helpful way to prepare your subconscious for its task.
Then forget about it!  That's right. Move on with your life and consciously think about something else. Revise another project. Read something for education or pleasure.
The incubation time varies according to your creative personality and of course the size of the project at hand. I've found a few days usually works best although even giving myself a few hours can be beneficial. Doing something physical is often helpful during the incubation period and sometimes this is the only time I really get my gardening or housework accomplished!
When I am working on a novel I allow my subconscious to work scene by scene through the book and often when I sit down at the computer I find the words just flow throw me as the scene plays itself in my head almost like a movie. I have heard of several authors who are able to program their dreams so they are literally writing in their sleep. Dreams can be as vivid as a painting, as resonant as music, and as symbolic as poetry. Using this method I can often write a scene a day (sometimes in less than an hour) which is fairly decent progress while simultaneously working full-time and maintaining a life.
While it is often frightening to think about trusting something as important as the writing project of your heart to your subconscious, it might help to remember that your brain is a muscle of sorts. Your unconscious mind controls many muscle functions for you all the time (try thinking about the way that you walk while you actually walk. I always trip when I think too much about the action of walking and yet I don't trip when I'm not thinking about it.)
The same is true for great athletes. They talk about being in the zone. The zone is simply the place where they can act and react without consciously thinking about what needs to be done. The body and unconscious mind handle all the details. Thinking too hard can actually interfere with the zone and this is true of writing as well. Interestingly, a recent study of professional and amateur golfers showed that the amateur golfers had significantly more conscious activity when playing a shot than did the professionals. I would bet something similar would result if experienced and novice writers were studied.
So give unconscious creativity a try and see how far it takes you. Simply program your subconscious and then leave it alone to incubate for a while. It may take some time to find the method of tapping into your subconscious after your incubation period. For some free writing or journaling serve to unlock the fruits of your unconscious labor. Usually, I sit myself down and begin the task at hand. It is often slow-going at first but I force myself forward and at some point my subconscious kicks in and the words start flowing and the keyboard starts clicking away.
Best of luck with your writing!
The Sleep-Blood Pressure Connection
Sleep is more important than most people would assume. It somehow rejuvenates the body, relaxes various internal systems, and helps the brain from going into a gradual state of self-destruction. A lack of sleep can bring side effects that range from the annoying and mundane, such as feeling a little light-headed, or the very risky, like a loss of alertness while driving. Mental health and physical well-being alike are both subject to some serious damage if someone regularly lacks sleep, with the effects often being readily apparent. However, some recent findings indicate that women may be risking more by not sleeping than men do.
Blood pressure levels, according to a recent British study, showed a sharp increase if a person regularly has less than adequate sleep. The cause of the lack of sleep, whether insomnia or stress, did not seem to bear much importance. However, a regular lack of sleep showed a sharper increase in blood pressure for women than for men. According to the study, a 42 increase in overall risk of increased blood pressure was found for the women who participated in the study, in comparison to the men, who only increased their risk by 31. These findings were reportedly unexpected, though there are no indications as to what actually caused this result.
Further research is needed to find out what other potential factors contributed to the results. There are some doubts on whether or not the results should hold any veracity, particularly as there was no clear link between sleep deprivation and blood pressure in men. However, preliminary data from the research showed that there was one for the women in the test. The exact reasons for this is still unknown, though this has been taken as being suggestive of a gender-specific link between blood pressure and the hours of sleep a person gets. According to the reports, the subjects used for the research had no history of blood pressure problems and were assessed over a three-year period, from 1997 to 1995. The study was repeated with the many of the same participants from the first test, with the time frame being 2003 to 2005. The results showed a disparity in the average levels from the first group and second group, but the gap between the males and females that developed higher blood pressure remained.
The researchers took into account that there were other factors that had not been fully investigated at the time. These include lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and genetics. Any of the above factors could have had a role in the results, though no one is entirely sure just how the lack of sleep played into the interactions, or it if was even a factor at all. The fact that there appeared to be a gender disparity between the results might also be difficult to truly remove, though there is currently no concrete basis for this assumption. It is worth noting that the same factors that could have contributed to the increased heart rate in the female test subjects were also present in the males, yet the difference between the two was far from negligible.
The Sound Of Silence And The Agony Of Sleeplessness
Most people use sleeping pills as a drug to relieve stress and anxiety, muscle tension, and insomnia. A sleeping pill is a prescription medication that helps a person fall asleep or at least remain asleep. There are two categories of sleeping aids sold in the U.S today: prescription and over-the-counter sleeping pills. The prescription sleeping pills contains an active ingredient called Benzodiazepines and diazepam. Over-the-counter-sleeping pills can be bought without prescription and it contains antihistamines.
Sleeping pills have been around for centuries. The earliest form of sleeping aids were the herbal potions and the opiate laudanum. Barbiturates were later introduced in the early 1900's and this type of drug actually had 25,000 known compounds. However, barbiturates were eventually regulated due to its very addictive effects.  Other sleeping pills being marketed today are known as sedatives, muscle relaxants, and nerve pills. These medications are often used for relief of depression, anxiety or those who have difficulties in sleeping.  Difficulty in sleeping is caused by stress factors in life like the loss of a job, early retirement, the loss of  loved ones, and financial problems.
Listed below are some of the known side-effects of sleeping pills:
lack of concentration
blurred vision
dry mouth and throat
Other concerns related to the use of both over-the-counter and prescription sleeping pills also include:
drug dependence
drug tolerance
interactions with other drugs
rebound insomnia
withdrawal symptoms
Even if there have been advances in terms of the  manufacturing of sleeping pills, misuse can still lead to cases of sleeping pill overdose.
There are actually alternatives to the use of sleeping pills and tranquillizers. If you think that taking sleeping pills is not for you, these healthy and non-drug alternatives might just help you deal with your  sleeping problems:
Drink warm milk
Take a hot water bath before you go to bed
Make your bed more comfortable
Avoid coffee, soft drinks and tea after 5 pm
Don't drink alcohol in the evening---it can keep you awake
However, if you really must use prescription sleeping pills, please make sure to follow these safety guidelines:
1.Do not take the sleeping pills when you are stressed out or have certain anxieties. Don't use it as an instant cure for your depression, loneliness, and other emotional problems.
https://www.tradebit.comw your medication, how often you should take it , how long and if its safe to use it even if one is taking alcohol.
3.Do not keep on taking the medication if you find it that is not suitable for you.
https://www.tradebit.comck with your doctor when you stop taking sleeping pills or tranquillizers.
https://www.tradebit.comer share nor borrow medication.
The main purpose of taking sleeping aids or medications that induce sleep is to provide you some temporary relief from insomnia.  It is not the long-term solution to sleeping problems. The resolution of your anxieties and other problems is the best sleep inducer you can take.
The Strong Connection Between Sleep Deprivation and Weight Gain
The number of overweight children is growing at such an alarming rate. In a nutshell, children today are now spending less time playing outside and exercising, therefore having more time in front of the television, computer, or video game consoles. A normal family today may have less free time to prepare nutritious, home cooked meals for the day.  This situation is further worsened by the hectic schedules and high-pressure demands of work and school. Being quick and easy now seems to be the mindset of people, both young and old.
Since before, the number of overweight children and adolescents has more than doubled. Ten percent of kids up to five years of age and more than fifteen percent of children aging from six to nineteen are overweight. If these numbers are combined with the percentage of children who are at risk of becoming overweight, about one out of three children are affected.
Another related study on sleep has also found that lack of sleep in children aged nine to twelve is linked to an increased risk of being overweight. The researchers included in this study were working on a project called Sleep Image In that seeks the link between sleep duration in third and sixth grade children and their risk of being overweight. One of the researchers said that many children are not getting enough sleep, and that lack of sleep may not only be making them moody or preventing them from being alert and ready for school, but it may also lead to a higher risk of being overweight. 
The researchers in this study found that children who slept for less than nine hours a day were at increased risk of being overweight, and this was unaffected by race, gender, socioeconomic status, or quality of their home environment. Among the sixth graders, those who slept the least were the most likely to be overweight, and among the third grade children, those who slept the least were most likely to be overweight in sixth grade, regardless of their BMI (body mass index, used for measuring obesity) in third grade. On a more positive note, this study found that every extra hour of sleep in the sixth grade was connected to a 20 percent reduction in risk of being overweight in the sixth grade, while in the third grade this was connected to a 40 percent reduction in being overweight in the sixth grade.
Based on their findings, the researchers noted that sleep patterns may have a behavior impact on children. Those who get enough rest have more energy to exercise, such as playing outside instead of lying around and watching TV. And when children are tired, they may be more irritable and moody, and may use food to regulate their mood.
Sleep studies such as this can contribute to the healthcare that children need for proper growth. Researchers advised families who struggle to get their children to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, to seek help from their health care provider. By enforcing an age-appropriate bed time, or even revising school start-times, major improvements can be made to ensure that children have enough of health-giving rest and sleep.
The Tie That Binds Sleep And Sanity
What is sleep?
All living things require sleep.  It is the natural state of rest observed not only by human beings but also by other species of the animal kingdom. An adequate amount of sleep is important for one?s health and survival. It is during sleep that the body is recharged for another day of work.
Sleep has five stages. The first four stages are part of the non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) phase of sleep. The last stage is the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Stage one is the transition period from wake to sleep. Stage two is the intermediate level of sleep. Stages three and four are referred to as deep or slow wave sleep, with stage four as the deepest phase of sleep. The fifth stage of sleep, the REM stage, is the part of sleep where people have dreams.  The term rapid eye movement was coined from the fast movement of the eyes during this phase of sleep.
Studies have been done to find a link between sleep and certain psychological conditions.  It was found out that there are two sleeping difficulties that are related to psychiatric conditions.  These are:
·               Insomnia. A sufferer with this sleeping condition has difficulty falling or remaining asleep. Insomniacs usually complain that sleep is never restful for them.  This condition can be classified as acute or short-term, or chronic, wherein the condition lasts for over a month).
·               Hypersomnia. A patient who has this condition feels extremely sleepy throughout the day. Hypersomniacs usually sleep long during the night and still take multiple naps throughout the day. Even though patients sleep long, they are still complain that they are not refreshed.
What are the different psychological disorders related to sleeping problems?
As was mentioned above, sleeping disorders have been linked certain mental disorders.  Here are some psychiatric conditions that are commonly related to having sleeping disorders.
·               Generalized anxiety disorder. A patient with this condition displays frequent patterns of worrying about things. Patients find it difficult to sleep because of the thoughts that swin inside their minds.
·               Panic disorder. A patient often experiences extreme fear and anxiety over something unexplainable. Sufferers of this condition usually wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty going back to sleep.
·               Adjustment disorders. This is a condition wherein a person overreacts to any form of stress in their life. Patients with this disorder often complain of having insomnia.
·               Bipolar disorder. In this mental disorder, a sufferer feels periods of mania and depression alternately. Patients with this conditions are most often diagnosed with hypersomnia.
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How are mental disorders linked to sleeping dysfunctions?
People who suffer from sleeping disorders sometimes show symptoms of their mental illness or that of the sleeping disorder itself. Here are some of the most noted signs:
·               Feelings of anxiety increase at bedtime.
·               Feels an inclination to staying in bed more often.
·               Fatigue or complete lack of energy.
·               Having a difficult time concentrating.
·               A tendency to fall asleep when in low-stimulation situations.
·               Feels disoriented when awakened.
·               Decreased appetite.
·               Gets easily irritated.
·               Memory impairment.
Recent studies have shown that brain movement noted with mental illnesses have been observed in healthy people who?ve been deprived of a night's worth of sleep. An increase in activity in the brain?s emotion center, the amygdala, was seen in patients who?ve been asked to miss a night?s rest. The same study noted that sleep deprivation affected the way the prefrontal cortex, which damps down the amygdala, reacts. The same disruption of prefrontal cortex function has been noted in patients with certain psychiatric disorders.
Sleep is not just a regular function that we need to engage in to rest our body. It doesn't only help our body recharge and heal, our mind?s health depends on it too. Your busy schedule and lifestyle may tell you that sleep is for the weak. But think of how much weaker a lack of sleep may turn you into.
The Wonders of Natural Sleep Aids
Getting a good night's sleep is essential for feeling refreshed
and alert during the day. When we sleep, our body rests and
restores energy levels. However, sleep is an active state that
affects both our physical and mental well-being. A good night's
sleep is often the best way to help a person cope with stress,
solve problems, and get a full recovery from illness. But, with
all the stresses of everyday life, not everyone can now afford to
have the needed eight hours sleep. Eight hours of uninterrupted
sleep is what an average adult needs to maintain an optimal mental
and physical health.
Sleep is prompted by natural cycles of activity in the brain and
consists of two basic states: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and
non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which consists of Stages 1
through 4. During sleep, the body cycles between non-REM and REM
sleep. Typically, people begin the sleep cycle with a period of
non-REM sleep followed by a very short period of REM sleep. Dreams
generally occur in the REM stage of sleep.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Stroke, over 40 million Americans a year will suffer from some
sort of sleep disorder. Many of them will go undiagnosed, or turn
to over-the-counter sleeping aids for relief. While insomnia is
the best-known sleep disorder, over 100 types of sleep disorders
actually exist. In order to get a proper diagnosis, it?s important
to understand the symptoms and causes of the most common forms of
each sleep problem. Other known sleep disorders include sleep
apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), and narcolepsy.
Insomnia is often a symptom of other health problems. Typical
patterns of insomnia include the inability to fall asleep or stay
asleep at night, waking up earlier than usual, and daytime
fatigue. Most people with insomnia don't fall asleep in
inappropriate situations, like driving. If this does occur, it may
signal that a medical disorder (such as sleep apnea) is the cause
of insomnia.
Fortunately, there are many natural sleep aids that could be
considered as effective cures for insomnia. Popular natural
insomnia treatments include the herbal sleep aid Valerian Root.
Studies show that taking supplements can help improve the quality
of sleep. If a person wants to avoid taking potentially addictive
sleep aids, taking natural insomnia remedies including Melatonin
and other vitamin supplements can be helpful.
Melatonin is a popular natural cure for insomnia.  While our
bodies naturally produce a certain amount of melatonin, taking it
in supplement form can help us make sure we get the necessary
amount we need to get quality sleep.  Clinical studies of this
herbal sleep aid find that it is quite effective.
Another natural insomnia remedy is the B-complex vitamin. Research
has also shown that being deficient in B-complex may lead to sleep
problems. For many, taking B-complex supplement has been a very
effective natural cure for insomnia. Many people in search of
natural insomnia treatments have also had good luck taking a 5-HTP
herbal remedy.
Natural insomnia treatments are numerous. A wide variety of
natural cure for insomnia supplements are available. Natural
insomnia remedy can help a person get the needed sleep aid.  From
melatonin, to the B vitamin family, and herbal insomnia remedy
5-HTP, a good night?s sleep should soon be yours!
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