Michael Caldwell is thirteen years old and has 2 passions: Baseball and Music.
Born and raised in beautiful Napa Valley, California, Michael is an A student at St. John the Baptist School. He is an avid baseball player and knows a tremendous amount about the game, its players and recorded vital statistics. A talented boy soprano, Michael is often invited to sing solos in a variety of settings ... on stages of all sizes. He enjoys singing many different kinds of music from classical and pop to sacred hymns. His music is sweetly calming and his Christmas CD is absolutely beautiful and you will love it! The following descriptive verse on the inside cover:
T’was the month of December
And all through the vale,
The voice of an Angel was singing the tale
Of wise men and shepherds
And the birth of a Child
With sweetness and pure tones
And music made mild.
Michael sang inside churches
And to children with toys
Whose hearts were then opened
And filled with great joy.
Michael wanted his music
And songs to unfold
The story of God’s love
To our beautiful world …
So that all who might listen
To the songs that he sings
Will know of a Savior
And the hope that He brings.
When Michael is not singing and playing baseball, you will find him making movies with his friends, reading a favorite book or simply enjoying his family! Feel free to email Michael at
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