Web Protect
Everything I Had Worked For Was Gone And In A Virutal Instant I Was Totally And Completely Ruined...
I Was In Shock! My Website Had Disappeared, And My Entire Business Was Lost! I Felt Like I Was Having A Heart Attack
...And You Could Be Next!
(Unless You Read This Very Important Letter)
From: Your Name Here
Date: Today, 6:24am
Dear Friend,
I was staring at my computer screen in absolute horror. I felt like I couldnt breathe, like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack!
My Website host just informed me that their servers had crashed, and that ALL of my files where permanently lost.
Within the blink of an eye I had just lost...
All of my Websites
All of my ezine and customer lists
All of my high traffic forums
... and much much more
You know what made this news even worse? The simple fact that I thought I was prepared for something like this.
I assumed I was safe from these kind of disasters because my Websites where backed up on a daily basis, only to discover that I was doing it the wrong way!
In fact, 9 out of every 10 online marketers are making the same mistakes.
Are you one of these marketers at risk of losing everything?
My guess is yes.
This letter will give you some pointers that might save you and your business from total disaster.
"Your Whole Business Wiped Out In SECONDS"
If youre like I was, youre thinking, Yeah, I know, I know, but I dont have the time or money to think about all of this stuff. And anyway, nothing has happened yet.
First of all, the fact that you havent had a data-meltdown yet is actually a good argument to get your act together now, before it's too late.
Its not a matter of if it will happen to you its a matter of when"
If you woke up tomorrow and your Website was down...
could you be back in business within a day? I could, but I had to learn it the hard way and you can benefit from my mistakes, because....
"Ive Written Down Every Single Step
To Being 100 Protected"
As you can imagine I have become quite the fanatic about protecting my Websites from these kind of disasters.
I have an almost fool-proof system for backups and special software I use to keep myself protected and safe.
You can do the same by letting me show you exactly what I do - step by step.
The first and best step for you to take is to get a copy of my new report "The Insider's Guide To Website Protection."
This Special Guide Is The Only One Of Its Kind!
Inside my report I reveal the little known secrets you absolutely need to know about to keep your Website running safe and hassle free.
I'll even show you the very same software I use to automate the whole process and how you can get it for free.
"The Insider's Guide To Website Protection" is:
No fluff or filler; direct and to the point. Many books and guides are fluffed up with material just to make them seem bigger than they really are. This guide is short, to the point, and filled with high-leverage information that can save you tens-of-thousands of dollars.
Applies to all online businesses, no matter what niche. It doesnt matter whether you sell digital products, shop physical products, or if youre a professional with just a simple sitethe information applies to everyone who owns a Website!
These specific, step-by-step tips can be implemented in just minutes. You dont just read this guide and say, Ill do that one of these days. These tips, tricks, and tactics can be put to work quickly and easily.
Save thousands immediately. Look, consultants will charge you thousands of dollars for the same information Im giving you in this guide. Do you want to pay thousands? Or just $27 (Special Offer Only $9.97!)
60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Get your copy of the guide now, open it up, and start implementing the protective steps I recommend. If you dont agree the guide shows you exactly how to protect your Website from total disaster, just say soand I will give you a no-questions-asked, no-hassle, 100 refund.
Reserve your copy right now by clicking here!
"Dont Let This Be The Day You Regret Forever"
Do you hear the time bomb ticking in your head right now? - Telling you that at any moment your business could be lost forever.
What if you decide not to get my reportor what if you decide to get your copy laterand then suddenly your Website goes down permanently?
You will have to live with that regret for a VERY long time...
Grab a copy of my report now and you will not only reap the benefits of protecting your online business, but the peace of mind that comes with it!