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Advanced Email Marketing Course - Lessons Week 1-12

Amazing Profit Loop System

With My New Amazing STEALTH Profit Loop System Youll Never Have To Worry About Money Again Because Youll Find Out How To Get All The Leads You Want, How To Convert Them and How To Work Your Back-End Profits Like A Marketing Maniac On Steriods!

These Stealth Profit-Generating Techniques Will Put You In The Position of MASTER of Web Profits - Just Follow The Videos*!

Dear Friend,

You probably already know who David Vallieres is... sort of. You probably know him through his online newslettesr or one of his ebooks. If you dont know who David is please feel free to inquire about him at any Internet marketing forum or click here to Google David.

To make you money as fast as possible with email marketing and a STEALTH Marketing method that only his $7,500 A Year Clients Have Learned

This course teaches advanced email marketing concepts and my STEALTH Profit Loop System - a method I have NEVER Revealed ANYWHERE else! These are techniques I havent revelead anywhere else before, because Ive been too busy USING them instead of teaching them!

My experience and that of thousands of successful online marketers agree on one thing:

The money is in the list ...
and for the first time youll UNDERSTAND what that REALLY means

So we are gong to start by setting up the foundation you need for marketing by email, how to build a huge list - I should say, a huge, responsive list. Huge lists mean nothing unless they are responsive!

Were going to talk in depth (and youll see the EXACT techniques I personally use) for writing messages that create loyal readers and highly responsive buyers.

Were going to talk about EVERY DETAIL of email marketing from start to finish so that youll be a MASTER at email marketing yourself, in any niche you choose.

The final Lesson includes complete details (and I mean COMPLETE) on how to implement my STEALTH Profit Loop System on your website- the same System that allowed me to generate thousands of dollars anytime I wanted including almost $45,000 in 3 days in June and $36,028 in just 3 days in April... and over $224,000 in the last 9 months using this ONE strategy alone!

Lets talk frankly about email marketing for a minute. Many, many people predicted the death of email marketing due to the high rate of spam eveyone is receiving, blogs taking over, etc

ts NOT happening.

Email marketing through publishing an ezine or newsletter is still the king of marketing online and will be for a very long time.

Although you may not believe me, email marketing- the way I do it - is extremely profitable - and the one and still, killer app online that could make you rich. For example I will show you ACTUAL results of 4 my own email marketing campaigns- One for my own product and 3 affiliate products! I go into details on how to write killer emails, how to send them, how to get them opened and how to CASH IN!

This course is for beginners as well as advanced marketers! 12 Lessons in all this material includes alomost 32 videos, several audio files and extensive pdf files!

All lessons and resources and teaching materials will be archived so that you can access the archive at anytime and catch-up or re-take the course at any time!

I will go way beyond what I have EVER revealed before with new material Ive never revealed in any of my other courses, ebooks or even on my Private Site

Youll get 3 sets of PC-Videos for most every lessons - The BIG Lesson, a Case Study and a Lab... to show you exactly the methods I use to generate a huge income from email marketing. -- I take you inside my email marketing lab where I test ideas, campaigns, segment lists and build my subscriber base. Youll see first hand results of my own campaigns. This is the first time I show the kind of detail into my own email marketing campaigns that will insipire you to email marketing greatness.

The course will cover much more than just email marketing... it will cover product development, list building, sales strategies, offers, psychology, relationship building and much, much more.

Heres a complete outline of LESSON 1:

LESSON 1 - An Overview of The Potential For Email Marketing Profits

Table of Contents:
- Video 1: Lesson :- The Potential of Email Marketing
- Video 2: Marketing Case Study :- Campaign Results for This Courses First Marketing Campaign
- Video 3: Lab :- LMP Sample Installation/Setup

You have a unique opportunity to get 10+ years worth of a hard knocks education and $100,000 in testing compacted and compressed in just 12 Lessons (with Lifetime access and free future upgrades!).

But there are some people I cannot help. Im not going to be able to help you if you dont believe in yourself or have no confidence in your ability to learn, have no motivation to improve your life or business or are just curious about this training and are not really passionate about making your living online.

Do You Value Your Time and Your Money?

This training is for entrepreneurs who value their time and money. Instead of trying this or trying that, testing this and testing that and wasting time and thousands of dollars in hopeless schemes, I can show you how to go from zero online presence to making money in your own business in ANY niche. Now, I cant guarantee that youll make even one penny as a result of this training. In fact, it would be foolish for me to guarantee you any results since I dont know you or your abilities or how youll use this training.

What I can guarantee is that I will show, in this training program, how I make thousands of dollars a month in just a few hours each day and exactly how I was able to make over $250,000 this year using this one strategy alone! Isnt that worth learning? What price is freedom? I mean freedom do be able to make money at will, take days off whenever you want, vacations, homes, cars and the type of freedom you cannot buy: Time with family, friends and loved ones or yourself.

The Amazing STEALTH Profit Loop System and Advanced Email Marketing is available now, for a limited time for just $297 just $197...

Over 500 students who have taken this training cant be wrong.

Join us now for our 12 day video ecourse and find out why this will be the best move youve made all year!!!

This Package Contains:

1. Advanced Email Marketing Course - Lessons Week 1-12

2. PUO License

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Advanced Email Marketing Course - Lessons Week 1-12.
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