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"Would You Like The Blueprint To Building Your Own Online Business That Will Beat Any Recession?"

I want to help you to make money online by bringing you the perfect step by step video course showing you exactly how to build powerful websites that sell.

Dear Friend,

So the question on everyone's lips is, how can I make money online? Where do I start, how do I do it? Is it difficult?

Well, you have already started because you are searching online for money making opportunities and that is why you have found this website. I am going to make your life a lot easier because I have teamed up with Ben Hulme to show you EXACTLY how to build your own internet business.

We are going to guide you step by step so that you learn everything you need to know from scratch.

We are going to provide you with EVERYTHING you need to get started, the products, the website graphics, the sales letters, you name it......

So how do you become a success? By working hard? - NO!

This could not be further from the truth, you need to work smart in order to succeed. We have saved you a lot of time, money and effort as we’re going to show you the quickest and easiest way to build a passive income online, one that can eventually allow you to leave your current job and start living the life you want to live.

You will learn how to sell E-Products (electronically downloadable products) to hungry niche markets. No multi level marketing, no pyramid schemes, no Forex trading etc.

This is a very simple process that can be repeated over and over again creating many multiple income streams.

I understand that when you start out online, it can be quite confusing, how do I do this, how do I do that. But do not worry because that is why I have teamed up with Ben to show you how easy it actually is.

First, you need to take a step back, think about what you want in your life, what you want to achieve and where you want to be in 1 year, 2 years or 3 years time.

- You want to work for yourself.

- You want to have financial security.

- You want to live a more comfortable lifestyle, go one vacations when YOU choose to. Drive the luxury car, live in the dream house.

- You want to spend more time with your family, friends and loved ones.

- You want to make money even when times are hard such now, in the current recession/credit crunch.

- You want to have a better quality of life rather than having to hit snooze on that alarm clock at 6 in the morning every day.

- You want to stop working for the cash machine and living for the weekend.

- You are not alone and this is a definite possibility for you. In fact 79,000,000 (yes million) Americans plan on starting their own business in the next 3 years (Forbes Magazine). With that number of people looking to make money, don’t you think now is the time to start your own business online?

So why should you sell E-Products?

E-Products are the future, not only do you have a product that can be replicated infinitely at no cost to you. But there are no storage costs, shipping and handling charges etc. The products are stored on a host server and can be downloaded as many times as you wish at whatever price you should choose. They can be distributed to anywhere in the world and they can be automatically downloaded without you being there So you can make money even while you are sleeping.

So how can I help you?

Well, I am offering you a unique opportunity get hold of Ben’s New Video Course and sell it on yourself for pure profit. You will learn exactly how to build your own profitable sites and you will then have a quality product to sell online. You will get all the website graphics, the professional sales letter, videos etc.

The course will guide you and show you EXACTLY how to set everything up so you will be live online and ready to sell in a matter of hours.

You then keep all the money you make from selling the package.

This is a Video Course Package with a difference because I am giving you FULL INTERNATIONAL MASTER RESALE RIGHTS to the entire course meaning that you can sell it on for pure profit. This means thatYOU keep all the money generated by the sales.

You will be able to have your very own professional website with products ready to sell even if you have never built a website before and know nothing about it. This is an opportunity not to be missed...

Most people take months and months to get to that stage, so not only am I saving you time, BUT I am saving you money too as you will get everything you need. If you were to put this package together yourself it would cost you $thousands, and that's not including your time.

You are going to learn a very powerful business model that can be replicated over and over again. You just need to be willing to learn and believe in yourself and your success.

As Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right".

What will you actually receive?

You will receive the Video Course which consists of 10 videos and MP3's that have been built by Ben personally (not outsourced). You will be able to literally look over Ben’s shoulder while he shows you each and every step to building your own profitable website, ready to sell your own products. You get Full International Master Resale Rights to these so you can watch them again and again and copy them to produce your own powerful websites that sell time and time again.

Your video course consists of 10 videos and 10 MP3's:

1. Video and MP3

Getting Started - Domain names and hosting.

Video one is all about setting up, a welcome to the course and then Ben shows you the basics, starting with the first step which is getting a domain name, https://www.tradebit.com for example. This is very important obviously as this is where your customers are going to go, it is like the entrance to your shop but it is more than just that and he explains why.

He will show you where to go to register a FREE domain name and where to get the best hosting* available online. This video is the starting point in your online journey. Once you have taken this step and you have your first domain name, you are on the road to success all you need now is the website and the product - which he will show you in the next videos.

*You will need to buy your own hosting – He will show you where to get the best deal he has found online.

2. Video and MP3

What software to build your website in.

Ben is going to show you the easiest way he has found to build a website using a piece of simple software called XsitePro. If you can use Microsoft word and write an email you can build your own website! Seriously, it is not as scary as it sounds.

You do not have to use this software to build your sites, but you can learn how to build your own instead of having to outsource your website design paying upwards of $400 a time.

You will see the power of this software and you will see why building a website is not such a daunting task like most people think. He will show you where to get the software and the advantages of using this over others.

* You do not have to use XsitePro but if you do, it is $197 one time fee. He think that this is the best web design software available. You can outsource the website design if you would like or use other software, this is just his recommendation.

3. Video and MP3

How to build your website from scratch

You will learn step by step how to build your own powerful website from scratch. How to put the professional website graphics into the software to build the structure and the aesthetics of your website. In a matter of minutes, you will cry laughing when you see how simple this is. This method can be used for all the professional website graphics provided for you, so you only need to do this once and you will be able to repeat it again and again.

He will also show you exactly how to structure your website, where to position the different pages and how to prepare it for the content. This will have your site looking like it was built by a professional web designer and it will be a site you can be very proud of.

4. Video and MP3

Putting content and products to your website

In the fourth video you will see how and where to put the content on your site. How to make the sales letter look perfect and how to edit it, how to put html into a website and how to edit that. You will be taken through this step by step so you can replicate this process over and over again.

You will also learn how to put audio onto your website, how this can make your website more personalized which can really help with sales. He will also show you how to put your products to the site allowing your customer to download it automatically after they have paid.

This can be a confusing process but he will show you exactly how to do this easily and quickly. This will automate your business so that when you make sales, even when you are asleep, you know that your customer is able to download what they paid for. It is after all very important to keep your customers happy.

5. Video and MP3

How to create your very own video for free

This is a step by step video on how to create your own video using free software. You will learn how to create a video that you can put to You Tube and other video sites for FREE. This is a great way to get traffic to your website, and Ben is going to show you exactly how.

After this video you will be able to create your own video to put to You Tube and other online video sites - great for generating huge qualified traffic to your site. You will be able to put music and narration to your video and how to put writing, subtitles and effects on to your videos.

*Windows movie maker for this - It is available on most windows computers and it is free.

6. Video and MP3

How to put your video to online video websites.

In the sixth video Ben is going to show you how to put your video to You Tube and other online video sites. This is a great way to get traffic to your website and again it is a free method of advertising your business. You will also learn how to embed that video onto your website so that your visitors can watch what you have created, on your website. Video is an extremely powerful tool and is something that every website should be using in one way or another.

7. Video and MP3

How to accept payment online

In the seventh video he is going to show you how to use PayPal to accept money from your website. How to put your product into PayPal and how to embed a payment button onto your website. You will also learn how to automate the sales process so that your customer is taken to the download page after they have made a purchase.

8. Video and MP3

How to publish your website to the internet

Its crunch time! He shows you step by step how to publish your website live to the internet via ftp (file transfer protocol) so that you can start getting visitors and start making money. After this video your site will be ready to go and you will be able to take money online. You will be able to publish all the websites you want now and it will all be a piece of cake!

9. Video and MP3

How to use Clickbank

In the nineth video you will learn how to use Clickbank to be able to sell over 10,000 products as an affiliate. You will learn how to choose a product, how to become and affiliate. How to create a hop link and how to disguise it so that it looks like a normal domain name. You will learn some clever little tips that will help you to build your online income.

He will also show you how to put your affiliate link on your website and encourage people to click through. This will act as another Multiple income stream and enable you to earn more money online on autopilot.

10. Video and MP3

How to use Facebook to its Full Potential

Ben is going to show you how to use Facebook to your advantage, how to get hundreds of business contacts from your own website, how to build a group in a particular niche so that you can advertise your website to them.
Facebook is a very powerful tool if used correctly and he is going to show you exactly how.

You will receive the Full International Master Resale Rights to these videos and MP3's so that you can sell them on to make money for yourself again and again.

The videos and MP3's are downloaded to your computer immediately after purchase so you can get started straight away.

- You will get all the professional graphics for the video course so that you can put them straight up on your new website. You have 6 sets so you can have a choice of how you want your site to look. It is important to have your site looking as professional as possible so that you can make heaps of money with these quality products.

- You will also get a professionally written sales letters to put on the site to sell the video course yourself, this is in html format ready to put on the site, you can edit this as much as you like and put your own photos in and other information if you so wish.

- You will have everything you need to be up and running very quickly and easily. Even if you have never built a website before.

BONUS! – Order today and get these for free.


"The Beginners Guide to Internet Marketing"

This book is crammed full of useful tricks and tips on how to make money on the internet, it is ideal for those of you who are relatively new to the internet marketing. You are going to find it extremely useful for your online business. It is an interactive Book so there are lots of links you can click on to find out more information. You will find recommended products, resources and links to helpful forums to get support etc.

You will have FULL INTERNATIONAL MASTER RESALE RIGHTS to this book and you will be able to sell it at whatever price you choose.

You will also get:

"The Beginners Guide to Article Marketing"

You will learn all about the free traffic generating method that is Article Marketing. You will learn how to write your own articles or how to outsource the work on a budget. Also where to submit the articles to get swarms of hungry qualified traffic to your website with their credit cards at the ready.

Article marketing is a powerful free method of advertising and one that should not be overlooked.

You have Full International Master Resale Rights to this book as well and you can sell it for what ever price you choose to.

Please DO NOT forget -

You keep all the money you earn from sales of the course!

You are getting a Full International Master Resale Rights to these products so you can sell them on again and again for vast profits.

This awesome video and product package will take you from a complete beginner in Internet Marketing (or where-ever you are now) to being able to create your own websites selling your own products! - How powerful is that?!

You will have the website, the products and the traffic to make this work, what are you waiting for?....

So just to summarize what you will receive when you order today:

- Full International Master Resale Rights to 10 step by step videos showing you exactly how to set up your website to sell your products and be able to automatically download the products to your hungry customers. ($1997 Real Value)

- Full International Master Resale Rights to 10 MP3's of the videos so you can listen to them when you want to. ($197 Real Value)

- 6 professional sets of website graphics and photos for the site. So you have a choice of who you want your site to look. ($247 Real Value)

- A professional sales letter for the site. ($997 Real Value)

- Full International Master Resale Rights* to "The Beginners Guide To Internet Marketing" book. ($97 Real Value)

- Full International Master Resale Rights to "The Beginners Guide To Article Marketing" book. ($97 Real Value)


I haven't just thrown you in the deep end as you will see exactly how to build your own powerful websites so you can start selling online straight away. Never before has such a comprehensive course been made available.

This Package Contains:

1. Flash Video & MP3s - YOUR VIDEO COURSE

2. PDF - Beginners Guide Ebooks

3. Reseller Site

4. MP4 - Joint Venture Video

5. Graphics Pack

6. MRR License

Your Rights:

MRR License


All products are sold as is,We do not guarantee that any form of financial success by using our
products and services. Results vary. Hard work, diligence, knowledge, enthusiasm and motivation
all play a vital role in your quest to make an income from your internet business,We do not
provide any support for the following, Wordpress, PHP programming, html, webpage creation/editing,
graphics or information product creation/editing.

ebooklover/tradebit.com is not liable in any manner resulting from the use or misuse of this product.


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