My Inspiration: While growing up, I was in love with the sound of music. As soon as I could hum a note, I was doing it. I had many inspirations, though. First were my parents. They worked very hard to buy us instruments and encouraged my siblings and I to sing. I always listened to my mother sing around the house. She formed my siblings and I into a family singing group. In our living room was a very antiquated piano that my oldest brother, Kenneth use to play. Sometimes my siblings and I met in a room we call "The Green Room". Someone always occupied the Green Room with singing or playing and instrument. It was the boys'' room at the time. Despite all, it became my favorite room because, that is where I would practice singing every single day. At the age of five years old, I practiced from sun up to sun down, there before and after. My brothers would sometimes help me by playing the piano while I sung. When they were practicing on a song or for whatever reason, they would call me to sing. This gradually helped me to come out of my shyness of singing in front of people. More and more, each day, I began to realize the gift God gave me to sing. The more I sung in front of people, the more they could see that gift, too. People began telling me how blessed they were by my singing, how God delivered them from habits in their lives, how they were lifted from depression, how God saved them, how God healed them through my ministering in song, how they now attend church, believe in God, or how in some form or way God touched their life. Many spoke of how they felt the annointing and its presence. They were many people to pass my way. Some prophesied and some just spoke from their heart about my gift of singing and ministering in song. Some were doctors, lawyers, preachers, teachers, and singers as well, etc.
Spiritual Life: My spiritual life with God is wonderful. I am so glad to be saved and know God. Having His spirit is awesome. I have not always been saved, but when I came to know Christ as my personal savior, I became brand new. I felt whole. I did not say perfect! Just, whole and brand-new and striving toward perfection, as I still do now. God is my, everything. He is my lover, protector, comforter, healer, savior, best friend, way-maker, He is my source of hope for tomorrow, peace in the midst of storms and troubles, joy like a river in times of sorrow, love that lifts and conquers when everything else fails, laughter in the midst of tears, safety in the midst of all my fears. I serve and worship Him and only HIm. I seek diligently to do His will. I currently worship at Davis Temple Church of God In Christ. I have been an active member of Sixth Church of God In Christ for over 26 years and always will.
Singing Career: There were many opportunities for me to run with. Waiting on God was and is not an option for me; it is a definite action. Every day I pray to God that His will be done and not mine. I put God first and He led me to where I needed and wanted to be. Though my life has not been a bed of roses, the Lord God Himself cried through every trial and obstacle I faced. He still carries me now. Today, I can say that, I am overjoyed and overwhelmed at the blessing of being contracted with Grace Productions and Ministry. For me, it is a dream that came true. Together, I pray we constantly move in the spirit, shake the nation and change lives and win souls for the kingdom of God.
You can contact Grace LLC for more information about Susie concerning booking concerts or for information about her recordings: