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MP3 Theresa Dalton - Your Sweet Love
You''ll find a devotional experience in this acoustic offering of original songs, featuring the rich, deep and soulful voice of singer /songwriter Theresa Dalton, and the violin of Ann Strubler with the D.S.O.; song styles include Folk, Sacred & Blues.
(scroll down and click twice on
the arrow next to the song title)
Come Hear Theresa on Friday, Feb 8th
at the Blue Note Café
7 North Saginaw in Downtown Pontiac, Michigan
8 pm $5 cover charge
Theresa Dalton is singer/songwriter who leads worship in churches and sings in Coffee Houses with varied audiences, Theresa’s music reaches the depth of one’s heart. Her voice is described as being like a “Merlot wine, rich, deep and soulful.” Her original music reflects journeys of joy, sorrow, and faith. Her voice, combined with a rich anointing of the Holy Spirit, make for a wonderful musical experience.
Theresa is the wife of an Anglican minister, Father Richard Dalton, they live in Rochester, Michigan, and have four daughters and one son. Her website can be found at Ann Strubler; a violinist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra is a dear friend of Theresa''s and the mother of three musical sons.
YOUR SWEET LOVE – Comments from the Songwriter, Theresa Dalton
“A Child’s Hymn” (1986)
This song came out of a quick skim through an old McGuffey’s Reader we had around the house. I came across a poem, with this title, and the sentiments it expressed seemed so simple and pure. I picked up my guitar, and as I contemplated the words, the melody came. While, of course, in the words it is a prayer, I think of it as a sort of “Mission Statement”, dependent upon God to make it happen. When life gets all-too-complicated, this song definitely helps me keep it in perspective.
“Wish” (2003)
A while ago, within the space of a week, two separate pieces of news took the breath from me. First, the young grandson of some dear friends was diagnosed with a deadly form of cancer, and faced a very difficult fight. And, the next day came the word that a couple we had known and loved for many years were splitting up, and so much of the pain and sadness of what this entailed hit me. Life can be so hard…. And “Wish” came from that yearning we all have, to have peace…https://www.tradebit.come… in our own lives and in the lives of those we care about. Someday…
“Celtic Canticle” (1999)
In recent years, Celtic music has become very popular. And for good reason. It came from a people and culture gifted in music, faith, and wordcraft. “Celtic Canticle” is my version of “St. Patrick’s Breastplate”, an ancient prayer that has depth and mystery to it. When I wrote the music to it I envisioned it as a lush and full rendition, and so I was excited to have Ann Strubler add her own “Celtic fiddle” layers, doing justice to the song’s title. “Christ as a Light…illumine and guide me…Christ as a Shield, o’ershadow me…”
“Never Give Up” (2007)
Never give up. This particular phrase wasn’t a part of my vocabulary. I may have “hung in there” when there wasn’t much of choice, but when things got too crazy and hard, my first inclination was to bolt! I wouldn’t, of course, having a sense of duty and being a bit of a pragmatist. But, when my daughter Carrie became ill with something the doctors couldn’t diagnose, and it became worse and worse and still no diagnosis for 13 months, I was beside myself. It’s a long story, but at about month 12, things were looking pretty scary, and the stress of the unknown, and seeing Carrie so sick, was definitely taking its toll. I had a dream one night, and in it I observed myself confidently telling some people, “Never give up, for God will help you.” I awoke with the thought this was the last thing I felt… I was tired and scared and worried and sad and mad… yet I knew these words were true. I couldn’t give up. Why not? One reason only: God is faithful and He will help me. And if I give up, I must not believe this, and I could give up right before His help comes! I wrote a song to remind me of this, and to sing whenever I began to falter. Soon after, my daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease. She could then undergo treatment, leading to some improvement, but hasn’t yet been completely free of this little-understood disease. “Never give up.”
“I Will Wait For You” (2006)
This song is another one written during the challenges of life. Sometimes there is only one thing to do, and that is to “Wait” for the Lord. The lyrics reflect the times of storms, of darkness, of earthquakes even, literal and figurative. We all have experienced or will experience times when everything is crumbling, we can’t see which way to go, or life is just changing so much we don’t recognize it anymore. The Dylan song “To Everything Turn, turn, turn” says it too, and acknowledges that there are different seasons in this journey of life, and this song is for the season of waiting.
“He Spoke a Word” (2002)
During some of the hardest times in my life, I suppose I have written songs as a sort of “therapy”. That’s why this song was written. We had just gone through some crazy devastating times and I had the distinct sense that God “spoke a word” to me, and it completely and dramatically changed everything! Just knowing that God was aware of, and intimately involved in my circumstances, and there was even a “word” of communication from Him made me know His peace. In the same way as the Biblical characters mentioned in the song (Mary Magdalene at Jesus’ tomb, and the Disciples in the storm on the Sea of Galilee) “one single word” from Jesus made all the difference.
“Your Sweet Love” (2003)
I was taking an Autumn bike ride down the Paint Creek Trail, a wooded bike path converted to such from a train track… and the idea of dealing with tough times by singing the “blues” began to enter my mind… and the phrase,”Those friends who have hurt me are long past feeling, but they don’t know what they’re doing, Lord, so I leave them to Your dealing…” came to me. These seminal lines of the song, of course, expressed some of what life had dealt me recently. The rest of this “white girl” blues song came to me and I just had to sing it…my small attempt to pay tribute to a great genre, and now it is the title song of this CD.
“Bread of the World” (1980)
This poem by Reginald Heber (1783-1826) has been put to music before. It is in the Episcopal Hymnal with I’m not sure what melody. But I tend to like to take old hymns, with all their rich theology, and put the words to my own melodies, and sing them. To get them into my heart and mind and better try to understand what they are saying… “Bread of the World” is one such work, written in a minor key, a devotional song lauding Jesus’ sacrifice, and the sacrament of Eucharist. Truly He is “Bread of the world in mercy broken…”
“In the Still of the Night” (2005)
This song came after a restless night…I don’t know if I do this more often the older I get, but if I wake up in the middle of the night, every unresolved issue and painful memory seems to assail me, and I find myself experiencing the confusion and fear and fretting that in the daytime I could possibly face without this overwhelming midnight sense of doom….Again, I know that “this place I’ve discovered” that I return to at times like this, is a spiritual one, a realization that God is here with me, and will always be, that gives me the peace and grace to “be ok” (an understatement!!), even facing the “demons” of the past.
“The Veil is Rent” (1985)
Richard and I were on a trip, I forget where, but to pass the time we read some old poetry and hymns in one of the many antique hymnals he collects. In the process, this one by J.G. Deck (1802-1884) struck us as particularly magnificent. The words amazed us with their power and clarity, and helped us to better grasp the truth of the Gospel… what Jesus accomplished in His death, resurrection and ascension… for us! It was shortly before Easter, and thinking to come back from this trip with a new song for the occasion, we set to the task. Richard hummed a simple tune to the words; I picked up the guitar and soon the song was born. Through the years “The Veil is Rent” has found its way into the praise singing of congregations we have worked and worshipped with… Thought we’d end this CD on a high note!
- Theresa / 2008
Special Thanks to:
Ann Strubler for adding so much to this CD.
Dave Strubler for pushing the project forward.
Richard Dalton for graphics and production help.
Nolan Rossi for his wonderful studio recording skills.
Scott Loudon for the time in his beautiful studio.
The Folks at Disc Makers for their helpful services.