Our story begins in the final moments of the universe when all matter and energy becomes slowly condensed into one massive entity able to draw from the knowledge and experience of all things existing throughout space and time. In a moment of reflection, this omnipotent being becomes self aware and ponders the complexities of its own body made up of mostly nothing but empty space between all the galaxies and nebulae. Upon further enlightenment the entity begins to understand the nature of individual stars and planets that are home to billions and billions organisms being destroyed by the collapse of everything. The Tesseract represents an avatar of a dying universe trying to bridge the gap between this dimension of space/time and the next. As time ultimately runs out, it comes to realize the inevitability of a big collapse. In order for the next universe to exist, it would have to explode with all of its strength to scatter particles of energy to the farthest reaches of nothingness. When you break matter down to the most basic building blocks, our physical bodies are made up of the same stuff as the planets and the stars. Everything in the material world is made up of tiny particles of energy that all come from the same source. In words of the late Dr. Carl Sagan "We are all star stuff". These very tiny particles are drawn together by a force so powerful it would result in an immense discharge of nuclear energy if you were to split an atom at its core. This Cosmic Glue is the power that holds small things like atoms together so they can form chemical bonds that make the building blocks for big things like stars and planets. It may also hold the potential for an infinite source of power when converted into other forms of energy for transportation and household appliances. But the ability to harness such power comes with great consequences. As the fabric of space and time become condensed into literally nothing, an enlightened universal being discovers that absolutely everything is connected to the great cycle of cosmic deaths and re-births and even with all the knowledge and power in existence, there is nothing it can do to stop the frequency of the oldest most powerful bass drop… the big bang!
As particles speed away from the source, they take on different vibration resulting from each one having a unique experience from the next. Time and space begin to play a role in existence as the amplitude and frequency of these vibrating particles become relative to other objects in motion. Some particles accumulate in groups with massive numbers sharing similar characteristics. Given enough time to evolve, these particles became configured into so many different shapes and sizes that some patterns might offer advantages over others such as structural stability or being able to conduct heat. Under extreme conditions, massive clouds of charged particles ignite into burning balls of matter able to discharge great amounts of light and swallow up the mass of other nearby bodies to sustain the conversion of its own energy. These geometric designs that occur naturally in space are the result of shapes that are able to perform efficiently over great periods of time and convert massive amounts of energy into heat or light for the use of other systems. The conception of geometry marks a significant Turning Point in the quest for understanding existence. (intelligence not required) For the first time, the question of "why" was conceived and with that you get nothing but more questions. What you need is a fresh new planet with ample energy conditions and a few billion years to allow things to settle in a bit. Earth was just that kind of planet. Certain particles had gathered into complex arrangements of molecules that had awesome potential for storing energy and converting it into deliberate motion. Gravity was no longer the only way to feed a hungry body. These organisms behave much like any other system of energy users. Simple at first, in need of energy to convert and sustain life and the ability to convert more energy into whatever it needs. Then, just like the particles they where made of, some organisms managed to evolve and diversify into many groups with different characteristics but time always favors the most efficient designs. Geometry is an intricate role in what I like to call Konkrete Evolution. The power of attraction is something worth much consideration. Those with the best adaptations have the greatest probability of passing on their features and characteristics, but each individual has the potential to contribute a unique experience to the universe. All you have to do is exist and make observations, but in order to exist on this planet you must also struggle to survive! Even if you live in a big city with high technology and pervasive phallic symbols that make you feel safe, you may still feel the instinct of survival when you’re stuck in traffic or on hold with the credit card company trying to get back a little of what you think you need, while other species like the sea turtle have lived simple lives unchanged for millions of years without credit cards.
And so the question remains the same: Why? Why me? Why us? Why them? With the questions still evolving in their own ways, there begins to appear an invention of "them". Something new to the universe that would prove to be a challenge for all life: To understand the physical differences and separation from other energy users. Perhaps even to co-exist with them, but let‘s not get ahead of ourselves. Who would "we" be without "them" anyway? The equation goes something like this: "we" minus “them” plus “shiny space suits” = AstroMen! When there is not enough energy to sustain a body in motion the quest for existence turns to chaos. War is death and destruction, the opposite of living and creating. But it is an experience of it’s own. This particular planet in our story chose to declare war on an alien race in order to unite its people once and for all. With the moon as their main defensive outpost, they focus all resources on killing alien invaders and promoting government propaganda to the people who fear anything that threatens their way of life. This deception goes on for a relatively short period of time until it becomes clear that the aliens ultimately share the same goal of existing and understanding the universe through experience. (killing not required) By throwing down their weapons and opening their minds the Prisoners of Earth wake up and smell the wealth of information at their finger tips. Together with some of the most advanced technology these highly evolved organisms find a way to harness the infinite power that has been locked away inside the tiny building blocks of everything since the beginning of time. Once the power of universal energy is unlocked, those who travel to the greatest reaches of space will be able to gather information about things beyond our wildest imagination and have experiences so rare and significant that they could answer questions we have not even begun to ask in our time. Having this kind of technological power might even give intelligent beings the ability to transcend time and space by taking control of the variables around them. The beautiful thing about experience is that there are always variables around you. Some people tap into what I like to call the Fourth Eye that gives a person insight into the mathematic structure of the world around us. In every conscious being there is a built-in sense that reveals imperfections in nature. It raises the red flag when a geometric shape or a musical passage just doesn''t seem right. It also has been known to give positive feedback when things seem to be working together in harmony. This sense of structure is one of the most important clues that connect us to the universe because it dates back to the beginning when the early formation of geometric structures were the first step in laying down the framework for the laws of physics. Geometry is present in almost every aspect of this physical universe including the bodies of every life form who ever thought it was more important than any other life form. The moral of this story is, all forms of life or converters of energy ultimately have the same goal: To understand and learn from our universe with first-hand experience.
When the vast majority of Conscious Minds realize that absolutely everything in our universe is connected, it could result in a massive motivation of all matter and energy to condense into one central point of infinite Gravitation, simultaneously causing the physical world to collapse and share the wealth of knowledge of everything that ever existed.
~Dan Sharp
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