Sold by maifors on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,568 satisfied buyers
There is a lot of fun associated with being chosen as the maid of honor at a wedding.
Apart from getting lots of attention from the best man, you also understand how you
would dress up and what you would look like on your own wedding. Leaving the fun part
aside, there are some responsibilities and duties associated with being the maid of
honor. The most important responsibility is making the toast. All the guests are looking
forward to the toast and the speech of the maid of honor. And the most excited person
here sitting all ears to hear your speech is the bride herself.
If you are the maid of honor, it clearly indicates that you are a very important person in
the life of the bride and a special guest at the wedding. The bride has chosen you as the
maid of honor from amongst all her other bride’s maids, so it is important for you to live
up to the level you are expected to.
An unmarried woman acting as the principal bridesmaid at a wedding is called the maid
of honor. It is important for the maid of honor to put in all her efforts in making her
speech so that it is successful and all the guests are applauding for her. The best man
will also prepare and deliver a speech and the speech of the maid of honor will be
compared to his. Thus, the maid of honor has to be careful that her speech is better
than that of the best man and she should not lose out there.
The responsibilities of the maid of honor may be as many as she allows the bride to
assign her with. The only responsibility she is guaranteed to perform is participating at
the wedding ceremony. She may be asked to assist with the logistics of the wedding
such as sending invitations and going helping the bride when she shops for her wedding
The significance given to a toast and a speech are similar at a wedding. So do not plan
giving a full lecture or talking continuously for about 45minutes. The perfect time for a
toast should be between 60 to 120 seconds. In the following book, we will provide you
with the basic rules of a toast and the guidelines for preparing your speech. This will
help you understand how you can look the best on the wedding and get applauded.
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