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Easy Writing: A Practical Guide for Practically Everybody

I hope you enjoy reading this book. It will help you improve your writing in several ways, but I want you to have some fun and pleasure reading it, too.

Enjoying a book on writing doesnt happen too often. After all, you probably associate writing skills with all sorts of rules and drills and quizzes--none of which has a reputation for generating good times…

Fortunately, in this book you wont find any tests or drills or blanks-at-the-right to fill in. Youll find some suggestions and even several practice sessions, but no hard and fast rules--­no You must always so-and-so restrictions. These would only tie up your thoughts and take much of the joy out of writing.

And you should enjoy writing. True, it can be difficult and challenging, even frustrating at times. But it also offers you an opportunity to grow, to clear your thoughts, to share, to develop your confidence and skill. And there isnt a man or woman alive who wouldnt profit from any one or all of these benefits.

So, what is in this book, and how can it help you? For one thing, its filled with practical, effective writing techniques that will work for you, just as theyve worked for the people Ive taught and helped for the past 30+ years. People just like you: home business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs, college students, and re-entry men and women, some of whom havent been inside a classroom or written a paragraph in more than 20 years.

This book will help in other ways: itll help you to write clear, correct sentences without worrying if they are clear and correct. Youll learn to write different types of sentences, with different beginnings, interrupters, and effective endings. And youll write these sentences with a new confidence and control.

Youll learn also to write detailed, well-structured paragraphs. Here again, youll review different paragraph types, different patterns, and how to write them effectively--no matter what the topic is. Soon youll realize that by mastering the basic skills of good paragraphing, youll master most of the craft of writing.

Finally, youll learn how to structure and write the longer forms: reports, guides, booklets--­yes, even books. Youll learn that length has nothing to do with difficulty. That is, if you really know what youre doing in one hundred words, then youll know how to put together a thousand words, or thousands of words. The reports or booklets wont be more difficult--theyll just be longer.

(Note: This book will concentrate on business and informational writing, namely the longer forms mentioned above. It will not discuss poetry, stories, drama, or the novel. Creative writing requires a different mindset, a totally different approach.)

Youll begin to enjoy writing. With knowledge comes confidence, and with your new knowledge youll develop skills and the ability to tackle successfully the writing challenges you now avoid. Being able to do this brings a real sense of achievement.

Will you have to learn 13 comma and semicolon rules? No, you only need two or three, ­rather simple ones at that. Will there be long explanations about who and whom? No, there are more important things for you to learn. Will you have to diagram sentences? No, not unless you have nothing better to do. And this book will show you lots of better things to do with your new skills.

Some of you may be thinking: But I dont really write that much at all. Im a real estate agent or a network marketer, or a home office person, etc. I dont need to write.

Well, I disagree. Too often people say that they dont need to write because they believe they cant write. Ironically, there are many ways they could increase their business--and their bottom line--by writing more: flyers, newsletters, updates, marketing reports and so forth. But because these people feel they just dont write well, they downplay their need to write. Sad, because theyre losing a lot of potential business--and a lot of personal satisfaction.

Easy Writing is a book written by someone who wants others to discover the joy of writing and to benefit from it. Whether you write or want to write Blogs, eBooks, lengthy monthly reports, How-to booklets or Self-help books, this book will help you by making writing easier, by showing you how to get the job done sooner and better.

I hope this book will leave you asking the question: Why have I been dodging this all my life?
For you, from this day on, writing will be exciting, creative, and best of all, enjoyable.
Thanks for reading.

George Kirazian

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