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No scene in the entire history of human race over brings joy and tears to the soul like the image on Calvary Hill, the Cross. The Cross of Christ must be either the darkest spot of all, in the mystery of existence or a searchlight by the help of which we may penetrate the surrounding darkness.

Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, the day on which Christians annually observe the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. From the early days of Christianity, Good Friday was observed as a day of sorrow, penance, and fasting, a characteristic that finds expression in the German word Karfreitag (“Sorrowful Friday”). Good Friday is celebrated on Friday.

Following the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), the mainstream of Christian tradition has held that Jesus’ last meal with his disciples on the evening before his Crucifixion was a Passover seder. That would place the date on which Jesus died on 15 Nisan of the Jewish calendar, or on the first day (starting at sundown) of Passover. According to the Gregorian (Western) calendar, that date would be April 7. (The Gospel According to John, in contrast, holds that Passover had not yet begun when Jesus’ final meal was held, which would place the date of Jesus’ death on 14 Nisan.) Christians, however, do not commemorate that fixed date. Instead, they follow the apparently flexible date of the Passover—which conforms to the Jewish lunisolar calendar rather than the Gregorian solar calendar—by relating the Last Supper to the seder.
Although that assumption is problematic, the dating of both Good Friday and Easter has proceeded on that basis. Thus, Good Friday falls between March 20, the first possible date for Passover, and April 23, with Easter falling two days later. (See also Paschal Controversies.)
The question of whether and when to observe Jesus’ death and Resurrection triggered a major controversy in early Christianity. Until the 4th century, Jesus’ Last Supper, his death, and his Resurrection were observed in one single commemoration on the evening before Easter. Since then, those three events have been observed separately—Easter, as the commemoration of Jesus’ Resurrection, being considered the pivotal event.
“He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; And by His stripes we are healed”. Isaiah 53:5.
In some strange and mystical way, Calvary is in the geography of the immeasurable and the crucifixion of Christ the express representation of the database or should I say, the calendar of eternity. Likewise, this, I have seen as a foremost predication in the church we all want the resurrection, but most of us don’t want the crucifixion. It was John Knox that said “To remember Jesus is to remember first of all his Cross”. The Cross is the only ladder high enough to touch Heaven’s threshold. The Master has desired that all should be with Him above the bright blue sky. The cross is the only access provided by the council in Divinity for the rescue of the human soul.

The truth is this, from the picture the prophet saw in (Isaiah 53), I would say, it’s really wasn’t easy but it was worth it. His Death to the Christian faithful is the funeral of all sorrows and evils, and the resurrection of all joys.

The tragedy of sin and death was settled on the cross through pain and blood. No one can fathom the height of emancipation the totality of humanity has graced into, via the event of Calvary.

It was the misfortunes sin brought to humanity that moved the Father of all flesh to send His only begotten Son, for the atonement of our misdeeds. From the moment the first man, Adam broke the rules governing the Garden of Eden his descendants became victims of the consequences of that disobedience. The afflictions of mortal man originated from when our first ancestors disobeyed a divine instruction and banged a costly death sentence. Meanwhile, apart from the death penalty, so many other pains preceded the consequences of sin. Man originally was the god and controller of this planet, but he relinquished it to his age long adversary the devil, who interestingly was the one that lured man to disobey Divinity.

However, the purpose of this book is to unfold the historic event of the Cross of Christ in regard to how it connects to our sins and the restoration of man’s glory. The Christian church is a society of sincere who are redeemed by the blood of His cross. It is the only society in the world, membership in which is based upon the single qualification that the candidate shall be unworthy of membership. For this reason, the mystery of God’s grace and mercy to man is what this old rugged Cross disclosed. Hopefully, through the information and revelations which has been uncovered and purpose of this book, you and I shall always carry in mind the cost of His Cross until we met Him face to face.


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