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Sound effects: Small Crowd Clapping 1

Small Crowd Clapping 1.wav

High quality up-close stereo recording of about 30 people clapping and cheering

Time Length :11

Product Info: 48k 24bit Stereo

Category: Human / Physical Sounds - Applause/Clapping

Relevant for: applause, crowd, cheer, clap, clapping, yelling, shouting, happy, shout, applausing, applauses, shouts, accolade,, approbation,, big, hand,, cheering,, cheers,, commendation,, eulogizing,, hand,, hand-clapping,, hurrahs,, laudation,, mitt, pound,, ovation,, plaudit,, praise,, rooting,, round, company,, concourse,, confluence,, congeries,, congregation,, coterie,, crew,, crush,, deluge,, drove,, faction,, flock,, flood,, gaggle,, great, unwashed*,, group,, herd,, horde,, host,, jam,, legion,, lot,, mass,, masses,, meet,, mob,, multitude,, muster,, organization,, pack,, party,, people,, posse,, press,, rabble,, scores,, sellout,, set,, stream,, surge,, swarm,, throng.

Try preview above (pink tone added for copyright).
Tags: approval , acclamation , conflux , acclaim , yell
File Data

This file is sold by sfxsource, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 3 megabytes
File Type WAV
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