MP3 Sense - Going Home
If you like Yes or Genesis this is for you.
5 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Progressive Rock, ROCK: 70''s Rock
Sense’s fourth album « Going Home » will be out in november 2007. Mixing folk-rock with acoustic guitars, celtic flute and mellotrons, « Going Home » will be an album of long pieces of music with a wide variety of styles. Stephan D.’s (The D Project) band is offering you the best progressive rock in Canada.
Sense vous offre son quatrième album en carrière ¨Going Home¨. De longues pièces mêlant un style musical toujours aussi varié. Un folk- rock aux guitares acoustiques, teinté de flûte et de mellotron. La troupe de Stéphane D. ( The D project ) vous livre le meilleur du rock progressif Canadien.
One of the best modern examples of the Classic 70’s progressive rock style, and certainly one of the most enjoyable albums I’ve come across for ages. Dave Sissions DPRP
What a great and pleasant surprise Sense turned out to be, I Cant wait to hear their former outings!!Progplanet NL
Going Home (2007) is another good one and the most Yes-influenced of the Sense CDs. Kinesis CD USA
Third studio https://www.tradebit.comeless prog with nods to Yes and other classic bands. Definitly one of the highlights of 2007. PROGRESS RECORDS
Their best album so far, no doubt. RECOMMENDED Missing pieces
Filled with lush acoustic guitars, flute, Mellotron, biting electric guitar, bass, Chapman Stick, various other keyboards, and drums, this is pretty rich stuff, well steeped in the greats of the classic prog era, but thankfully the songs are extremely melodic and memorable. SOT PETER PARDO USA
Sense confirme tout son potentiel et vient placer la barre très haut. Going Home ravira tous les amateurs de progressif symphonique bien charpenté, permettant à Sense de pointer le bout de son nez dans le peloton de tête des groupes québécois de haute tenue. PROGRESSIVE WAVES FRANCE
Un groupe et un disque à découvrir Prog-mania France
People who are interested in Yes Genesis King Crimson should consider this download.