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MP3 Alan Cunningham - Colors All Around Kid Songs 2

A CD for kids that will fast become their favorite. Fun songs with great hooks that you''ll want to sing along with. Written by a music teacher, kid tested, every songs a hit. Mom and Dad, you''ll enjoy it too.

12 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music, KIDS/FAMILY: Kid Friendly

Alan Cunningham has been writing songs and teaching elementary music for the past twenty years. He started writing sharing his songs with his students and now enjoys sharing them with kids all around the Midwest. Alan has created fun-filled songs, and makes them even more exciting by sharing the story behind each song. Stories of wiggly kids, little red tractors, teeny tiny turtles and big bad bubble bees, all are apart of the fun of this CD. The songs are a variety of folk, rock, country, patriotic, and even a sweet lullaby.

Alan has spent the last ten years performing for kids in the Midwest at schools, libraries, and festivals. His one hour show keeps kids laughing and singing along as they move to the music. Young and old enjoy the music and the stories Alan brings.

The Short Stories of My Songs

Wiggly Jack: I’m a music teacher, I had a boy that never could sit still in my class, and one day I talked with him about sitting still. He told me it was hard for him but he would try to do his best. As I watched him go down the hall, he jumped up and touched the top of the doors and bounced off the walls all the way to his class. I just smiled, walked into my room and just like that I had a song in my head.

Teeny Turtle: At school, my first grade teacher asked me for a turtle song. I couldn’t think of any. She told me they were studying the letter T. It would be nice to have a turtle song to go with the letter T. I went back to my room during lunch to work on it. Many, many T sounds later, Teeny Tiny Turtle was born.

Little Red Tractor: I was sitting at the cabin, on the front porch in Colorado. I was thinking about my Red Tractor back in Kansas just Putt, Putt, Putt, Putt, Putting along. When it was time to go inside, I had a new song.

King With a Swing: This song is from a show I wrote for my little guys at school. It has been a fun song to sing. I love watching all who have played the king and the dragons at my shows. Florence you have been a great horse!!!

I Like Money: My kindergarten teacher asked me to make something up so her kids could remember the different coins. My wife says that the song sounds mercenary. There have been days I wished I had more!!!

Loose Tooth: All because a first grade girl came into my room with a loose tooth. We made up the chorus just like that. One year later she asked me to sing it again. So that night I found the words and finished the song. It has been a big hit for both young and old. Remember to brush your teeth before you go to bed!!!

Staff Song: Something I made up to help my kids remember the staff, I thought it would be good if we all had a little help remembering the 5 lines and 4 spaces. Test tomorrow.

Big Bad Bumble Bee: Thought about writing a song for every letter in the alphabet, so far I have two. This song came to me once and I didn’t like it. It came back to me a year later, while I was riding my Little Red Tractor. I still think I was hearing the ghost of Elvis in my ear. My wife still says it is the dumbest song I ever wrote. Kids love it!!!

Colors: I was asked to do something for Dr. Susses’s birthday; March 2nd (which is also my birthday.) I took the colors from his book and wrote this song. It was the last song my Mom and I talked about before she passed. My Mom was a great artist, when in Colorado she loved the mountains, when in Kansas she loved the sky.

Close Your Eyes: I was looking through old songs that I wrote. I found the words to this song but couldn’t remember the tune, so I wrote a new melody. The date on the paper showed that Tara, my first child, was two. It was probably one of those late nights when the creative juices where flowing and the love of my child was in my heart. I have three great kids and a wonderful wife that I love. Tara, Chad, Cord and PJ, Thanks for being my life.

The RV song: True story!!!! Every word!!!! Best family trip ever!!! We fell in love with that old RV and all the family trips after!!!!

We Are Americans: This song I also wrote for a school show. It gives me goose bumps when I see little people stand tall and sing this with pride. Many of my kids have done this song. It is beautiful when signed. I always thought someday I could get a call form the President of the United States and we could go to Washington and sing it for him, or her?

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