MP3 Nautical Disaster - Sevens
A return to dirty rock ''n roll in the meta-physical punk rock vein.
9 MP3 Songs
ROCK: American Underground, BLUES: Dirty Blues
Nautical Disaster''s "Sevens" features tales torn from Cap''n Rehab''s "Diary of Debauchery." Songs of psychotic love, botched potential, late night misdeeds, harnessed inner-psyche explosions, serial killer stalkers, the Napoleonic Undead, time travel, drinking debts, and a long sad drunken train ride that you hope to God never ends. "Sevens" constitutes a Pledge to Rock with twisted misgivings. Born in San Diego, Nautical Disaster hopes to inspire a return to that brand of Rock that bares it''s soul, gets drunk, and passes out on your couch only to make you delicious coffee in the morning and hoping the demons from the past evening hold off ''til sundown. Please enjoy irresponsibly!
People who are interested in Pixies Eels The Hold Steady should consider this download.