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Constitution, Declaration, George Washington

The Patriot Papers

Attention home schoolers, freedom lovers, Constitutionalists and other patriots!  This eBook contains the most critical Founding Documents you or your students require to learn the true intent of our Constitution's framers.

The following complete documents may be found on the Patriot Papers e-Book:

1.   The Declaration of Independence
2.   The Constitution of the United States of America
3.   The Bill of Rights
4.   Amendments 11-27
5.   The Federalist Papers
6.   The Antifederalist Papers
7.   The Articles of Confederation
8.   George Washington's Farewell Address
9.   Common Sense, by Thomas Paine
10. The Magna Carta
11. The Monroe Doctrine
12. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878

The Inhumanity of Socialism eBook

One might write continuously while he lived for or against Socialism and
yet at the end of a long and misspent life have said nothing that others
had not said before him.

Nevertheless, new generations come on and have to learn about Socialism
as they learn about other things, for there always have been and always
will be Socialists. It is a habit of mind which becomes fixed in a
certain number of each generation; and succeeding generations seem to
prefer fresh statements of the theory to the study of the ancient texts.
Besides, Socialistic endeavor, while its ultimate object in all ages is
the same, assumes different forms at different periods and is best dealt
with in terms of the day.

I am opposed to Socialism because of its inhumanity; because it saps the
vitality of the human race which has no vitality to spare; because it
lulls to indolence those who must struggle to survive; because the
theories of good men who are enthralled by its delusions are made the
excuse of the wicked who would rather plunder than work; because it
stops enterprise, promotes laziness, exalts inefficiency, inspires
hatred, checks production, assures waste and instills into the souls of
the unfortunate and the weak hopes impossible of fruition whose
inevitable blasting will add to the bitterness of their lot.

Some years ago I was invited to dine with and address a charming group
of Socialists comprising the Ruskin Club of Oakland. We had a joyful
evening and I read to them "A Critique of Socialism" which forms the
second part of this volume. It was published in 1905 by Paul Elder and
Company, but almost the entire edition was burned in our great fire of
1906. As there are still inquiries for it, it is thought best to
republish it. Obviously it was primarily intended to amuse my hosts, but
there is some sense in it.

A few months ago I was asked to present "The Case Against Socialism" to
the League of the Republic, an organization within the student body of
the University of California, it being the last of a series in which a
member of the Faculty of Stanford University and a much respected
Socialist of the State took part, neither of whom, much to my regret,
was I able to hear. What I said seemed to please some of the more
vigorous non-Socialists present who thought it should be printed. Those
who prefer pleasant reading should skip the "Case" and read the
"Critique." Edward F. Adams


Secret Societies eBook



The Symbolism of Freemasonry eBook
Illustrating and Explaining
Its Science and Philosophy, its Legends,
Myths and Symbols.


The Principles of Masonic Law eBook

The Principles of Masonic Law:
A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages And Landmarks of Freemasonry,


The Mysteries of Freemasonry eBook


All the Degrees Conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and
Grand Encampment of Knights Templars—Knights
of the Red Cross—of the Christian Mark—and
of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Eleven Ineffable Degrees Conferred in the Lodge of Perfection—and the
still higher degrees of Prince of Jerusalem—Knights of the East and
West—Venerable Grand Masters of Symbolic Lodges—Knights
and Adepts of the Eagle or Sun—Princes of the Royal
Secret—Sovereign Inspector General, etc.

Revised and Corrected to Correspond with the Most Approved
Forms and Ceremonies in the Various Lodges of Free-Masons
Throughout the United States.

Formerly Thrice Puissant Grand Master of Manitou Council, N.Y.


The Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant eBook

"Man proposes and God disposes."  There are but few important events in
the affairs of men brought about by their own choice.
Although frequently urged by friends to write my memoirs I had
determined never to do so, nor to write anything for publication.  At
the age of nearly sixty-two I received an injury from a fall, which
confined me closely to the house while it did not apparently affect my
general health. This made study a pleasant pastime.  Shortly after, the
rascality of a business partner developed itself by the announcement of
a failure.  This was followed soon after by universal depression of all
securities, which seemed to threaten the extinction of a good part of
the income still retained, and for which I am indebted to the kindly act
of friends.  At this juncture the editor of the Century Magazine asked
me to write a few articles for him. I consented for the money it gave
me; for at that moment I was living upon borrowed money.  The work I
found congenial, and I determined to continue it.  The event is an
important one for me, for good or evil; I hope for the former.
In preparing these volumes for the public, I have entered upon the task
with the sincere desire to avoid doing injustice to any one, whether on
the National or Confederate side, other than the unavoidable injustice
of not making mention often where special mention is due.  There must be
many errors of omission in this work, because the subject is too large
to be treated of in two volumes in such way as to do justice to all the
officers and men engaged.  There were thousands of instances, during the
rebellion, of individual, company, regimental and brigade deeds of
heroism which deserve special mention and are not here alluded to.  The
troops engaged in them will have to look to the detailed reports of
their individual commanders for the full history of those deeds.
The first volume, as well as a portion of the second, was written before
I had reason to suppose I was in a critical condition of health.  Later
I was reduced almost to the point of death, and it became impossible for
me to attend to anything for weeks.  I have, however, somewhat regained
my strength, and am able, often, to devote as many hours a day as a
person should devote to such work.  I would have more hope of satisfying
the expectation of the public if I could have allowed myself more time.
I have used my best efforts, with the aid of my eldest son, F. D. Grant,
assisted by his brothers, to verify from the records every statement of
fact given.  The comments are my own, and show how I saw the matters
treated of whether others saw them in the same light or not.
With these remarks I present these volumes to the public, asking no
favor but hoping they will meet the approval of the reader.


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