MP3 Floan - Movement Towards Awake
. . .subtle, altered state symphony filled with
other-worldly chants that drift over live instruments and machines manned by the
love children of free jazz, hip-hop, roots
and soul psychedelia. . .
27 MP3 Songs
ELECTRONIC: Experimental, HIP HOP/RAP: Alternative Hip Hop
In Georgia around the spring of 98, Jason Trammell (JayTram) acquired some recording gadgets which allowed him to explore his ideas for the first time at home. Floan had been formed sometime the year earlier by the North Carolina native. J likes drums, records and things that make sound. Here in art school he met and befriended Keith Reynaud. Keith comes from New Orleans and likes recording, manipulating sounds fishing and food. Around the time of this meeting floan took a turn from live psych hip hop group to a more introspective experimental home studio production. Jason had recently begun experimenting with live and sampled recordings as well as random drum machines and cheep keyboards. The live and studio projects continued to grow with an ever-changing lineup of musicians and artists. During these sessions Keith was a constant. Having already developed an amazing skill and knowledge of recording and sound, Keith understood the direction of the project and was able to expound, and expand on the ideals jason was aiming for. By the end of the summer ''99 the two had collaborated on and mixed 3 albums worth of material. JayTram migrated to NYC the following year. After settling a bit and reacquiring his equipment, he convinced keith to relocate as well. In april ''01 both moved to Brooklyn and found a place where they could live, record and not be bothered by complaints. Here they built friendships with artists and musicians who shared the same creative visions. In late ''03 this project became reality with the release of ''movement''.
album recorded:
the majority of this record came together and was recorded in brooklyn. additional material was created and recorded while jason was at work. mixing and additional recording took place at sound lounge, nyc - where keith works. the rest was recorded and produced in the dirty south.
this is an independently produced product.
it was formed naturally and
never compromised on any level.