MP3 Foibles - Solid Rock Baptist Church Rummage Sale
26 tiny, caffeinated, indie fake folk (fauxk?), psychotic episodes featuring Mom''s acoustic guitar, Wendy''s clarinet, Vince''s Grandma''s accordion, Asa''s Toys-R-Us drum set and a coffee can cow bell.
26 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Anti-Folk, POP: Psychedelic Pop
Dearest Marketing Target,
Foibles likes coffee. Foibles has social anxiety disorder and should be on medication. Foibles can grow a mustache but probably should not. Foibles is a guy named Phil who writes and records music in his bedroom in San Francisco. Foibles owes the bank a lot of money. Foibles can make pancakes. Foibles is sleepy now.
Crank & Rattle Records
P.S. Here''s what Dan said about Foibles:
"Whereas much pop music is built around endlessly repeated choruses, Dumesnil''s [Foibles] songs are resolutely non-redundant. He eschews lyrical repetition almost to a fault, preferring to end a song after a minute and a half rather than repeat himself. He''s like a surrealist machine-gunner, continually pelting the listener with odd juxtapositions, non sequiturs, and tart observations."
- Dan Strachota
SF Weekly
Jeez, thanks Dan!!!
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