MP3 Debbie Fortnum - Oasis of Thirst -- Double Accompaniment Trax
The FULL, DOUBLE ACCOMPANIMENT CD to the successful, Nashville-recorded debut of original, congregation-friendly contemporary worship songs, with deep, Scriptural ballads that speak truth and healing to the soul.
21 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, POP: Today''s Top 40
This is the Full, Double Accompaniment Trax to Debbie''s debut Nashville-recorded album, "Oasis of Thirst". All 21 trax for a great, affordable price!
When purchased with the "Oasis of Thirst" CD, this Double Accompaniment Trax album is ideal for young or immerging soloists, fun & meaningful karioke nights, choirs, trios, events where you special music is needed, church and school music programs, and non-intrusive background music for those certain occasions!