MP3 Nick Subasic, Pianist - Panacea
Lke a cup of hot chocolate milk for your ears--like valium taken aurally. Passionate, sensual, melodic piano with a new age tinge.
12 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Solo Instrumental, EASY LISTENING: Mood Music
Music is the Cure-All for what ails us. This CD entitled PANACEA is my effort to add to the musical pharmacy. Be advised it can be addicting.
I was lucky. The two fine pianists who taught me lived within 200 yards of our Trafford Pa. home and I grew up during the time of Van Cliburn, Liberace and Ted Mack’s amateur hour. Inspired by the latter three I voiced an interest in lessons and began at 7 ½, taking classical for ten years. My first teacher, Henry Ferri, was also a guidance counselor and though I expressed my desire to be a concert pianist he steered me towards math and science as a career. So why did I major in Psychology in college? My classical chops are shot and my sight-reading stinks. But give me 88 keys and I can play standards and pop for hours. Part of my living has been at the keys for almost 30 years playing dinner music at hotels and restaurants.
About the CD:
Some of Panacea has an improvisational feel around a chord structure and although the general sound is New Age it is much more complex in harmonies and melody than typical. A reviewer at Taxi Music writes that some of my pieces are reminiscent of Debussy or Ravel with a new age tinge. Others are more song-like in the style of Jim Brickman or David Lanz. Others bring to mind Movie Music.
Not a bad combination if I say so myself.
Those who have heard this CD say it is very relaxing; that they will plug it into their computer at work or at home or car and put it on repeat. They comment on the passion and expressiveness. Each piece tells a story.
If I had Three Wishes-- is a actually a Christmas song. Lyrics exist but this is the instrumental. Family, Love and Peace. Each has a theme.
The Girl with the Auburn Hair--(1998) being recently separated I found myself in line at a movie behind a young lady with cut-off shorts, hiking boots, scrunched socks, long legs and auburn hair down to the middle of her back which brushed my face as I entered. Standing in line getting popcorn the sound of her voice further entranced me. I gave her my card and told her I was going to write a song about her and if she ever wanted to hear it she could call. When I returned home the melody came out effortlessly. She never called. I wonder who she was.
Never Again--expresses the emotional growth of a woman I know who, after divorce, realizes she will never again rely on a man to “make her happy”.
Mother’s Day--ever watch the joy of a mom at college graduation?
I was with you at Midnight--the mind’s travel from a darkened bedroom to the arms of a woman far away who you hope misses you, too.
The Watch--a young man who never knew his father receives his broken pocket watch and becomes a watchmaker just to get it running again. When opened he finds the watch is magical, enabling him to see the lives of all of the owners in a misty “movie”.
October--the first song I ever wrote-1968. For my future wife, whom I met in October.
One Last Time--former lovers, now aged, meet again. The passion is still there-but do they or don’t they?
TuTu Dancer--for my daughter Abby, dancing about the house as I practiced.
Sun-Dried Percale--do you remember the sheets drying on the line and rushing to get them down before a summer thunderstorm?
Too Soon, Angels--a catharsis from the sadness I felt when I heard the news of the young Amish girls’ murders in rural Pennsylvania.
Rug Rat--for the other of my twin daughters, Molly. She would crawl around in her diapers so fast. Touching everything, exploring. Then all of a sudden would just collapse and take a short nap, only to be at it again in a few minutes. A beautiful lullaby.
If you do purchase this CD my email address is on the back cover. Please let me know how you like it.
People who are interested in Claude Debussy David Lanz Jim Brickman should consider this download.