MP3 Patty Bullet - Bulletronica
trip-hop meets the psycho stylings of a creepy female stalker. This album is sure to stimulate some disturbed mental imagery. Heavy drum and bass infused with textured melodies and colorful samples make this CD a must have.
18 MP3 Songs
ELECTRONIC: Experimental, HIP-HOP/RAP: Trip Hop
Bulletronica is a collection of songs that have been described as abstract, dancy, creepy, alternative, experimental hip-hop, trip-rap and a lot of "we don''t know what to call that".
The Artist, Patty Bullet (a.k.a. Kat Kupelian) is a self taught musician and lyricist. This drum and bass infusion of electronic beats, saxophone/flute, and samples sprinkled with twisted female stalker tendencies stimulates great mental imagery. Funny and Disturbing concepts, freakish hooks and her ability to summon multiple personalities into the mixture make Patty''s style uniquely her own. She produces, engineers, records and masters all her work. Most nights, you can find her in the studio drinking beer, smoking and laughing at the absurdity of her own music. She''s also a genius with an IQ of 189..
Born in Chicago, Il. Patty started her musical career where most musicians start.. Band. Over the years she has mastered the flute, saxophone, drums, bass, guitar,keys electronic music production and digital recording. For 3 years, patty performed in a live hip-hop band from Houston, TX. called "Friends Of the Enemy" and currently performs with a houston based band called Dubtex. Patty has performed solo in various venues around Houston, TX. which include, Helio''s with Mission Control, the GRAB,and South by Due East at Dan electro''s.
Bulletronica is a deliciously creepy and schizophrenic blend of a genuis''s frustration with the world.
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