MP3 7 & A Switchblade - Stumble
Hard rock mixed with punk and metal. Full of samples and time changes. Not your run of the mill rock album. Full of melody.
7 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Progressive Rock, METAL/PUNK: Stoner Metal
Combining the musical styling of a chef, a bartender, and a research scientist, 7&aSwitchblade is the bastard child of metal, hard rock, punk, and booze. Hailing from the Alberta artist district of Portland Oregon , 7&aSwitchblade has been a favorite of the underground music scene since it formed in 2007. Their sound is the forgone synergistic conclusion of its soul crushingly awesome parts. Lead singer and bass player Damian, the child of folk musicians, and devotee to all that is metal; Shane, a diverse drummer who plays blistering hard rock sets one night, and on the next goes to session for local acts like blues man D.C. Malone; and guitarist Spencer, who was trained by several great Portland song writers and guitarists such as Pete Krebs of Hazel, and then forgot all of it and decided to play punk.
Now, with their very first release, Stumble, 7&aSwitchblade hopes to add something new to the already killer Portland music scene, something with balls, something that will forever burn their names into the lexicon of the great musicians of history. Or get free beer. Equally good.
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