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MP3 Hery P. Middlebrook - The Team Captain Meet The International 2008 UFO conferenc 1Part One

How do you spell "Epiphany? " or Epiphanies? I am, The Team Captain, The Supreme Ambassador to the Federation of Planets and The Negotiator for the Planet Earth. "I am One." "I am the Other."

1 MP3 Songs
SPOKEN WORD: Audiobook, SPIRITUAL: Spirituals

The Team Captain “Meet” The International 2008 UFO conference. Part One.

Hello: Donald Schmitt.


We were glad to make your acquaintance at the 2008 International UFO Convention.

Being that we do have pieces from Roswell, Corona and St. Augusting. Remembering that Dave Shoemaker was the warm up speaker for Col. Corso
At that International Conference. All the pieces were tested of course so we know we have the real thing.

I am writing you for your Comments on our Space War Video as you seen, and seen by all at the 2008 International convention.


I am also sending for Your Comments on The Team Captain Alien T9 Treaty 29 _ 22, Promo questions to the world? Bio: Donald R. Schmitt is the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies,
where he served as Director of Special Investigations for ten years. Prior to that, he was a special investigator for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek and the art director for the International UFO Reporter.

Schmitt graduated from MATC with a degree in Commercial Art and graduated cum laude from Concordia University with a degree in Liberal Arts. He is presently taking graduate courses in Criminal Justice. Schmitt is the author of dozens of articles about UFOs, as well as the co-author of two best-selling books, UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL, Avon 1991, and The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, published by M. Evans, 1994. He is also the author of ROSWELL, THE CHRONOLOGICAL PICTORIAL, due for publication at the end of 2000, Moonset Entertainment Group.

Presently, he is researching the biography of Chester Lytle, inventor of the first atomic bomb detonator. Schmitt is an exciting university lecturer and internationally considered one of the best investigators in his field. He has spoken 100''s of times in cities and countries around the globe, most notably, Battelle Institute. He has been interviewed frequently on TV, radio, and in print, including Oprah, Paul Harvey, CBS 48 Hours, Disney Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, BBC, Learning Channel, Today Show, NBC, ABC News, CBS Morning News, AP, UPI, CNN News, Sonja Live, Jim Bohannen, Morton Downey Jr., TIME, Wall Street Journal, Popular Science, OMNI Magazine, the Travel Channel, and the Learning Channel.

The basis of his research and consultation has been the theme of many documentaries including UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash, The Roswell Incident, Roswell, The Real Story, Roswell: Cover-ups and Close Encounters, and UFOs: 50 Years of Denial.

He wrote and narrated the audio CD UFO Crash at Roswell, an Audio Documentary, Caroline Records, 1997. He has also produced and co-starred with actor John de Lancie in the live theatrical radio drama Roswell, the Unheard Broadcast, Prosaic Pictures 2000..

By far his greatest achievement was the Golden Globe Best Picture nominated motion picture ROSWELL, which was based on the first book. Besides consulting on the movie, he made a cameo appearance. Presently, he is a contributing writer for UFO Magazine, and on the Board of Directors for the International UFO Research Museum.

Did you notice the real Interesting reasons for the Team Captain''s Space War Video to the world? Our Team went here, https://www.tradebit.com The reasons for the Video!

The Comments on that form was taken down. But I did copy them.

Before we left Omaha Nebraska, they told us we will be meeting the Best Investigators in the world. So we are asking for your Comments.

Wendelle Stevens, Donald Ware and Bob Brown have seen the Video, The Reason we were Invited back next year to speak.

They Showed and announce it to the banquette Attendee, The space War Video, They said with some kind of Interaction?

You have seen the Video, so you know that "The some kind of Interaction," is a gross under statement! When it Goes back to DR Greer when secrecy servers disclosure! It''s one thing to talk about it, and another thing to see it for your self.

One Interesting Point, we were really there also to meet and ask questions to the People in our CD X files stories.

I know I told you about the T2 Terminator, as I did with everyone else, Most people just gave me a strange look, some said tell me about the UFO''s you have seen.

Besides from your comments on my reasons on the Godlike form, Then The Team Captain Aliens T9 Treaty Promo questions to the World,
And then the Space War Video.

How did you like DR Dan''s Interview?

Put it all together and it is still, all about our free will choice, and the one that''s giving the real free will choice? I am sure you know him well.
So you have to ask your self, Not What would Jesus do? But, What would Jesus have you do, is your question?

Now if you or both of you are good as we all hope you are here, Then If so. You will then understand the Point of story,

Why I said I am the Team Captain Ambassador to the Federation of Planets and the Negotiator for the Planet earth. And what does that point really mean? What''s the big deal?

If you Can''t get around the Space War Video Documentation''s? Added to the below. Exclusive: Jeff Rense Interviews Dr. Dan Burisch on Live Radio. All 5-Hours https://www.tradebit.com I am sure it will make an Excellent Movie/Story on the real World Wide Disclosure.

Interesting point to think on doing this story, as you can see from the Interview above We will be having a New Majestic 12 Group, Good Guys and Girls left holding the Bag, but much, much wiser.
My complements on Both of your Bio''s:Tom Carey.

https://www.tradebit.com .

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Tom attended Philadelphia public schools where he was competitive in three sports. He attended Temple University on an athletic scholarship and graduated with a BS degree in Business Administration.

After a stint in the Air Force where he possessed a TOP SECRET/CRYPTO clearance, Tom became interested in anthropology and human evolution and received a Masters Degree in Anthropology from California State University, Sacramento. Tom then received a fellowship to pursue a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Toronto.

Tom became interested in UFO''s while in high school and rekindled that interest when he became the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania (1986-2002). In that capacity, Tom investigated local UFO sightings in the Delaware Valley which encompasses the five-county area surrounding Philadelphia. Since 1991, Tom''s research has focused solely on the so-called "Roswell Incident" and the alleged retrieval/cover-up by the U.S. Government of an alien spaceship and crew that crashed near the town of Roswell, New Mexico in July, 1947. In this research, Tom has worked closely with Roswell investigators, Kevin Randle [until 1996] and Don Schmitt (since 1998). Tom was a Special Investigator for CUFOS (the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies) from 1992-1997 and served on its Board of Directors from 1997-2001.

Tom’s research has contributed to a number of books and articles on the Roswell Incident such as The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell (1994) by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt and will ultimately yield additional books and articles on the subject. Additionally, Tom has appeared as a guest on many radio and television shows concerning the Roswell Incident as well as appearing in Roswell documentaries. He has lectured all over the country regarding the subject as well. His portrait appears in the Hall of Fame at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, NM for his continuing contributions to our understanding of the Roswell events of 1947. With Don Schmitt, Tom was the investigative consultant for the highly acclaimed and top-rated 2002 Sci Fi Channel documentary, The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence. Most recently, Tom has appeard on Larry King Live (2003), CN8 Weekend Live (2004), the FOX NEWS CHANNEL (2004), Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory (2004) and the Jeff Rense Show (2004).

Tom''s other interests include playing ice hockey in the winter time, writing incisive letters-to-the-editor about sports, politics and society in general, listening to and collecting "oldies" records (he has the best collection around) and making home improvements. He has been married to Doreen since 1968 and has two grown children, Don and Erin. Tom is an Air Force Vietnam Era veteran. He works in Philadelphia, PA and resides in Huntingdon Valley, PA.
Interesting that The Team Captain and C. J also added The Team Captain Aliens T9 Treaty Promo question to the World, to the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, NM, of course we autograph them, check with them, Please!

With a TOP SECRET/CRYPTO clearance, it should be easy to check out, right? And if you would get back to us on the form Please!

I will be asking the same questions to the Other attendee''s and speakers that have an E-mail address. You will see there comments on the Form also!

With so many renown experts, I am sure it will be interesting getting to the truth.

If we all come together with our own piece of the Puzzle, Not only can we tell the World, but we can change the World for the better.

And You are a Part of that change. What part you play is up to you, as all ways it''s a free will choice!

Was that not the point of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies? The Truth To The People Of The World, all Six Billion of them!

Of course it''s all, just a Step of faith, but you have to think about how much faith it took for me to say, I am, The Team Captain The Supreme ambassador to the federation of Planets and the Negotiator for the Planet Earth?

Or for DR Dan and The Majestic 12 group to come out a make those statement in the Interviews. WE are Not Along!

That takes away the doubt if aliens are real or not, we find out they are not only hear but we have a treaty with them, which goes to the John Lear question, which leads to the Godlike Interview, which leads to the Team Captain Alien T9 Treaty Promo question to the world, Which is the real question at hand.

Donald Schmitt.: Director of Special Investigations? Why should you take this serious? Because you can''t get around the Space War Video, or can you? Still all about the personal free will choice.

I am of course Networking this story for the Best, of the best Possible People Mention by the Aliens.

You are welcome to come to the Eagle disobey form, https://www.tradebit.com .
To ad some comments to solve our Problem, The Topic: Ideas thread3? Talk to DR Marcie.

The second e-mail will be the Godlike form, my reasons.

Of course we all know disclosure had to happen sooner or later!

The question is how many really recognized the Disclosure Presented to the best experts and attendee''s world wide?

Only those who have eyes to see, first.

By this time next year I would like to say at the conference how we all came together to solve our Problem.

Other wise I say it to the Congress with the Space War Video, maybe I will have time to show our first abduction Caught on Video tape?

Now What I consider most Important: HOW TO VOTE. The Team Captain Alien T9_29:22 Promo and world questions: DonDep: it claims that if we say "yes," in our hearts, that will be our ballot. our vote. that we have the power to bring exposure, since the good faction has been locked out of the halls of the treaty-based groups.

If the Page is down, As you are considered one of the best investigators in his field, You can get the CD Audio Books on line now! But as always When you discover an epiphany like that, the "throught" kind of sits you back don''t it?

Any way around it? That''''s why it''s called an "Epiphany."

Thanks for signing our T-shirts.

And that''s why All truth will passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). Often Quoted By Charlene J. W.E.B DuBois

Remember this......
There are moments in time which mark your life, moments, when you will realize that nothing will ever be the same, and that time is divided into two parts, Before this, and after this!

Answer the questions, At the Risk of, Abandoning unbelief Here!

Your Reply of course, Requested for our world Wide Readers.

But then again, like I always say, Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, those free will personal decisions!

More? Of Course there Is more!

I am, The Team Captain, Supreme Ambassador to the Federation of Planets and The Negotiator for the Planet Earth.

I am, The Team Captain.

"I am One." "I am the Other."
Two Sheep Ministries
In The Service of our King. "Jesus Christ, Our Lord."
Authors Henry & Rose Middlebrook ©1996.

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