MP3 Fractal Garden - Pangaea
Hard rock meets electronica, bumps into some alternative, and has a brief fling with symphonic metal. This double CD features several of the top artists on, exploring genres as wide as the distances that separate us.
16 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Hard Rock, ELECTRONIC: Techno
Hundreds of millions of years ago, all of the world''s land masses were joined together into one "supercontinent," Pangaea. Rifts in the earth''s crust caused separation of this massive landmass into what we now call today''s continents.
Fractal Garden is the internet collaborative music project of John Aldrich and Jay Loeper, with special guest artists. Our Pangaea CD concept was born from the idea of joining together that which was split apart. Complete strangers from the US and the UK, who met on and share the love of creating original music, lent their talents towards this goal. Today''s internet connections and digital audio software allow us to musically bring our continents together again for this double CD. The range of musical genres we explore on this project are as wide as the distances that separate us from each other, but we hope you find the common thread of our music throughout.
John Aldrich: Keyboards
Jay Loeper: Guitars, Bass
James Moore: Drums
Erin Pezdek: Vocals/lyrics/flute
David Millard: Vocals/lyrics/guitar
John Kane: Vocals/lyrics
Nadie Keating: Vocals/lyrics
Matt Peterson: Orchestration
Jim Pecchillo, aka ghost: Beats
Laura Madeley: Vocals/lyrics
Disk 1
The Chase
Music/Keyboards: John Aldrich
Guitars/Bass: Jay Loeper
Brighter Days
Vocals/Lyrics/Flute: Erin Pezdek
Drums: James Moore
Music/Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
The Space You Leave
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Glidin'' on Water
Vocals: Dave Millard
Drums/Percussions: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Lyrics/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Leave it Alone
Vocals/Lyrics: John Kane
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Drums: John
Music/Keyboards: John
Guitars: Jay
Can''t Look Her in the Eye
Vocals: Dave
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Alone with You
Drums: James
Music/Keyboards: John
Guitars/Bass: Jay
Disk 2
Music/Keyboards: John
Guitars: Jay
Fractured Mind
Vocals/Lyrics: Nadie Keating
Orchestration: Matt Peterson
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Wind Chill
Beats: Jim Pecchillo, aka ghost
Music/Keyboards: John
Guitars/Bass: Jay
Vocals/Guitar: Dave
Drums: James
Keyboards/Lyrics: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Break the Silence
Vocals/Lyrics: Laura Madeley
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Outta My Way
Vocals/Rant: Dave
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Lyrics/Guitars/Bass: Jay
One Day
Vocals/Lyrics: Erin
Music/Keyboards: John
Guitars/Bass: Jay
Closing Time
Drums: James
Keyboards: John
Music/Guitars/Bass: Jay
Produced by Jay Loeper
Art by John Aldrich
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