MP3 Frank Fileccia - Only One
If the greatest of all messages could be reduced down to one word, the word would be "love", and that love would come from the "ONE" source of all creation. Each song is like an audible footprint along the pathway of this miraculous journey.
13 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Spiritual, SPIRITUAL: Inspirational
Frank B. Fileccia
Born in 1944, in Detroit, Michigan, I came into this world “seeing the Light.” In the beginning, I ran from it . . . then questioned it . . . then learned to embrace it. I now realize that I AM that Light. We are each a part of the One Light and One Love from which all life is given birth.
When I moved to Tennessee in 1987, it felt like “coming home.” It only took a couple of months for customers to discover my little one man ad agency. My graphics business became a 24/7 commitment. In just two months after arriving in Nashville, a song I wrote called, “Lady Liberty,” was recorded, and made it to #88 on the national charts with a bullet.
To put back into the Garden of Life, which provided so well, I began to do service work within the community – President-Gallatin Cancer Society; on the Board of Directors for the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center; Adopt A Family Christmas Program (support services for local Police/Fire organizations); Sumner County Humane Society, and many others.
I also became involved with “Rock For The Animals.” Johnny Cash was the main supporter for this yearly event. In the process of providing the graphics and promotional materials for this concert, I discovered that there was no theme song for this event. So I wrote one, not realizing that I would be walked into Johnny’s office and asked to sing it acappella. I thought Johnny would sing the song, but he leaned forward, smiled, and said, “You wrote it, you sing it.” For the first time ever on stage, I sang the theme song and had to follow Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings. After that performance, I was asked to sing at another benefit at Twitty City the next week.
Although I came to Nashville to be a country music writer, my journey has been transformed into one of creating spiritual/message songs. I was always shy to get up in front of people, but somehow that also changed. One step at a time, I learned that it wasn’t about me; it was about the messages and the hearts waiting to receive them.
In April, 2007, my wife, Jane, and I began our “One Light One Love Tour.” We are Hospice volunteers, and take our music ministry to Nursing Homes, Senior Centers, Rehab Facilities, Hospitals, and Hospice patients. We go wherever God needs us to deliver the messages and share our music. Each time we go out to perform, we know, by the time we leave, who we were there for. The journey is all about Love and the healing within.
I refer to my songs as “the audible footprints of the journey.” They are not contrived songs; but instead, songs that flow freely from my heart and spirit . . . songs without walls or barriers . . . messages to touch the hearts of all.
Those who have acquired my CDs, have made them a part of their daily lives.
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