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MP3 Awaken - Party In Lyceum's Toilets

The Magnetic Soul ~ Love Music will transport you to a parallel universe of power, sensuality, hypnotic trips and dream-like sensations. Is it pop, progressive or punk ? New-wave or disco ? Soul or metal ? This is Magnetic Soul ~ Love Music.

41 MP3 Songs
POP: 80''s Pop, ROCK: Euro-Rock


Dear friends, fans, newcomers, passing smiles,
it seems you just reached the right page to get this mythic album about the most underground party you can imagine, a PARTY IN LYCEUM''S TOILETS ! Maybe you know AWAKEN already. Or maybe you came here by chance and you don''t know if you must buy this album or not ? In this case, please have a look below. It might help you. A lot.

More about the cd ? Volume 1 is made of AWAKEN''s original songs, volume 2 features cover songs. Who are the original artists covered here ? Read this :
CD 2 is made of cover songs. Here are the original artists :
One Caress = Depeche Mode
Eesom = Quincy Jones
Send My Body Home = Dick Annegarn
One Thing = Neil Young
Best Kept Lies = Cold Chisel
LA Is My Lady = Frank Sinatra
Run Out Of Time = Genesis
You''re Really Out Of Line = Rufus
Golden Age Dreams = Vanilla Fudge
I''m Gonna Love You = Peter Criss
Heart Of Me = Cerrone
Nothing Else Matters = Metallica
Chrysalide = Patrick Juvet
Open The Kingdom = Philip Glass
The Dance = Uriah Heep
Sweet Thing = David Bowie
Koyaanisqatsi = Philip Glass
Shandi = Kiss
This Is Love = Tony Banks
Clouds And Rain = Gillan & Glover
In Search Of England = Barclay James Harvest
Tyger = Tangerine Dream
Everybody = Jacksons
Sweet Dream Machine = Supremes
Come Into My Life = Supremes
Love I Never Knew You Could Feel So Good = Supremes
Something I Should Have Known = Matthew Fisher
Taking It Back = Toto
Jazzy = Renaud Lhoest
Young Girls = Sparks
Theme Once Upon A Time = Donna Summer
Only The Fool Survives = Donna Summer
Hearts To Heart = Earth Wind & Fire
Moonwalk = Earth Wind & Fire
Here Today = Paul McCartney
The Candidate = Al Stewart
Until = Bee Gees

Wow, where do I start!? A 2 disc set from this European band with lots of drum machines, synths, organ, guitar, and what’s labeled as “a concept album about the darkest side of dreams”. Probably not for everyone, especially rockers, but pretty interesting and adventurous to say the least. Tracks range from the guitar driven punk of “I’ll Disagree” to the electronic dance approach of “Cold As My Heart” to the keyboard ballad “Carla’s Dream” to the rap direction of “Lycee Nase”. Some you’ll dig, some you’ll want to skip quickly! Disc 2 is the band’s unique interpretations of old pop and rock classics. Again it’s a very mixed bag of interesting choices, from Depeche Mode’s “One Caress” to an electronic take of Neil Young’s “One Thing” paired with Cold Chisel’s “Best Kept Lies” to a slowed down keyboard version of Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters” [this one’s real good!] to Bowie’s “Sweet Thing”, all very keyboard dominated versions with drum machines and wild synth sounds. The covers’ disc includes 25 tracks, although there’s plenty more titles as there’s a number of medleys. Other covers include songs by Kiss, Peter Criss, Gillan/Glover, Genesis, Barclay James Harvest, The Supremes, Toto, Earth Wind & Fire, The Bee Gees,.... Not sure who’d I’d recommend this to. I suppose anyone’s who’s into keyboard stuff or who’d like to hear the covers. Definitely a very interesting collection of original and covered music, somewhat of a novelty, and strangely likable. (Kevin Julie, Universal Wheels, https://www.tradebit.com
Awaken est un groupe belge formé depuis le milieu des années 80. Ils ont sorti un album, Tales Of Acid Ice Cream. Le 2ème album, Party In Lyceum''s Toilets, est décrit comme un concept album "about the darkest side of dreams" (pas besoin de traduire j''imagine). Un véritable ovni musical autrement dit, puisque Awaken (dont le nom est tiré du morceau de YES du même nom) explore les facettes les plus sombres de styles musicaux divers et variés, c''est le moins qu''on puisse dire. Tous les morceaux de ce disque ont été écrit entre 1988 et 2000, donc il n''y a aucune unité entre chaque titre. On trouve de tout ici : pop japonaise avec gros synthés (Cold As My Heart), heavy metal (I''ll Disagree), metal prog (Neon''s Of Lyceum''s Toilets), ballade pop avec chant féminin (Down The Drain), rap (Lycée Nase), un dialogue délirant entre Britney Spears et Barry White (Britney and Barry) et même un long morceau progressif de 30 minutes à la fin (Four Dreams Suite). Ce sont surtout les claviers et les synthés de Gilles Snowcat qui occupent le terrain. Certaines sonorités sont hyper vieillottes, rappelant souvent la new wave ou même la dance music, et on entend sans peine que certains morceaux ont été composé à la fin des années 80.
Parmi ses influences, on retrouve Tony Banks (certaines parties de synthés font clairement penser au Genesis des années 80) mais aussi Richard Clayderman (si si !!!) et Vangelis, pour un mélange pop - prog - new wave - dance music pour le moins incongru et difficile à assimiler au premier abord. Le 2nd CD, entièrement constitué de reprises, permet de mieux comprendre d''où viennent les influences du combo et son goût pour les mélanges à tout va : des reprises (souvent obscures, ce ne sont pas souvent des classiques qui sont choisis) de Patrick Juvet, David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Toto, Uriah Heep, Gillan-Glover, Kiss, Neil Young, Genesis, Vanilla Fudge, Tangerine Dream, Depeche Mode et j''en passe !!! Un programme éclectique et alléchant, n''est-il pas ? Mais ces reprises façon "soirée karaoké" sont super indigestes à écouter puisque essentiellement jouées avec une boite à rythme, un synthé et le chant pas toujours terrible de Gilles Snowcat. Au pire, ça peut faire un bon blind test (ardu quand même !). Chez Awaken, ce ne sont pas les idées qui manquent, mais je préfère prévenir que le fan de prog risque d''halluciner car la vision du prog qu''ils ont se situe à 1000 lieux des canons du genre. Reste que si le groupe se décidait d''enregistrer un véritable album, bien construit, homogène et tout, ça pourrait nous donner une belle tuerie. Car pour l''instant, sans être une oeuvre d''art, on reste un peu dans un patchwork intéressant étalé sur plus de 10 ans, complètement décalé et à ne pas prendre au sérieux. (David, Forces Parallèles, https://www.tradebit.com
Out of Brussels, Belgium comes AWAKEN, a very strange sounding band. They sent me their CD, which happens to be a double CD. Musically it is an adventure through all kinds of musicstyles. AWAKEN is making a mix of 80s Pop, New Age, Psycho Rock, Hardrock and Neo-prog, but most of the time they sound like some sort of 1980s Electronic Popband. Well, the start wasn''t that bad, with the 80s Hardrocksong "I''ll disagree", which reminded me of RATT. The rest of the 2 CDs has nothing to do with that Hardrockstyle created on the opening tune. Songs like "Cold as my heart" (80s Italo-pop disco a la SABRINA!!!), "Lycee Nase" Send my body home" and "L.A. is my lady" are just pure Pop in an 80s approach and they have absolutely nothing to offer for fans of any of the musicgenres we promote. Happily, there are still some songs that may appeal to soem of you, such as the keyboard driven Neo-prog songs "Eesom" and "One thing/Best kept lies". Still this is something very different than the usual stuff we discuss, so better first check out their site (...) (Gabor Kleinbloesem, AOR Reviews, https://www.tradebit.com

Coming straight away from the late 80’s, AWAKEN is the most intriguing under-underground project seen the last 20 years. Established by lazy student Gilles Snowcat in 1988, AWAKEN crossed fashions and trends without falling into any. From the early rough piano tunes to the sophisticated and funky progressive-punk of the masterpiece “Beppu Nights”, the music of Awaken always kept on talking to one’s mind and body, creating hypnotic and sensual vibrations in fan’s deepest soul. This dreamy mood is called magnetic soul ~ love music.
Prior to nowadays’ online-spread music, AWAKEN released two cult albums, the mythic TALES OF ACID ICE CREAM and the darker PARTY IN LYCEUM’S TOILETS. Influenced by disco rhythms as well as heavy riffs, funky synths or progressive structures, one should never forget that AWAKEN’s music’s main characteristic is still its unique soul and dream-like cosmic touch.
Based in Belgium but nurtured by Japanese and Vietnamese cultures, AWAKEN never ceased to release tunes that sometimes would become classics, like “Drunken Kuma”, “Wasabi Kiss”, “Chú Mèo Ngủ Quên” or the recent “Áo Dài Màu Hồng”. Instead of weaken the project, the many line-up changes have always consolidated the unique relationship between AWAKEN’s music and its faithful audience.
In 2008, AWAKEN is preparing to hit the road once again, after a long absence from the live stage and the lights and smokes. Back to the sounds of tinkling glasses, warm atmospheres of flowing beverages and hands touching hands. After all, the magnetic soul ~ love music of AWAKEN is there to connect, invade and penetrate bodies and souls. After all, isn’t music the start of every love story ? Isn’t AWAKEN more than music : a parallel experience ?
Here are the main important dates in Awaken''s calendar :
1988 : Official birth. First songs, rough recordings : "Four Dreams Suite", "Electric Time", "Still Today / I''m Nine".
1989 : First studio recording, "Memories Of A Teenage Cat".
1992 : Recordings that will lead to some demo tapes.
1996 : First official album "Tales Of Acid Ice Cream". First Live-To-Sequences performance.
1999 : Jam with Mr Al Stewart in Holland and Belgium.
2001 : Second official album "Party In Lyceum''s Toilets". Mythic demo "Farewell To The Pulsar". First serie of web-singles.
2002 : "One Wild War" web-single. First Japanese collaborations. NEKOKAWA side-project.
2005 : First Vietnamese collaborations : "Chú Mèo Ngủ Quên". Start of collaboration with It''s Oh! Music label in Miyazaki, Japan.
2006 : Start of Beppu days : "As A Start : Cà Phê & Pizza" web-single and "Beppu Nights" collection of songs.
2007 : New web single in December : "Áo Dài Màu Hồng" / "Xúp Sô-Cô-La".
2008 : "Beppu Nights" -2008 disco take hits the jackpot...


However, you might ask yourself “Why should I buy this cd ?”, don’t you ? Here are 9 good reasons why you should have it in your collection :

1. PiLT is a true collector.
Only 500 copies have been printed in 2001, and most of them have been sold already. The few copies remaining are now quite rare and will not be reprinted.

2. PiLT is a big part of Awaken’s History.
Since most of you fans have joined the club since “Chú Mèo Ngủ Quên”, “Cà Phê & Pizza” or “Beppu Nights”, you might not necessary know our past stuff. This is really a must-have in every Awaken fan’s Cd-theque.

3. PiLT has been released on Valentine Day !
Though it was due to an unexpected accident from the print company, this is a sign that the mantra “Every day is Valentine Day” was active before its creation.

4. PiLT is a real and tangible object.
Not only it features more than 2 hours of Awaken’s music, but also it offers what mp3 can’t give you : a tangible piece of collector, with its 12-pages booklet and double CD jewel box wrapped into a delicate film of cellophane.

5. PiLT is an official commercial release.
Not a bootleg, nor a home-made CD-r, PiLT is one of the rare true commercial releases of Awaken, that makes it even more collectible nowadays.

6. The piece of PiLT you’ll buy is an original 2001 print.
As it has never been reprinted since then, the piece you will get is a true original one from 2001.

7. PiLT is full of Awaken’s classics !
Which past songs could be the equal of today’s favorite “Beppu Nights” or “Áo Dài Màu Hồng”, if not PiLT’s angry “I’ll Disagree”, danceable “Cold As My Heart”, darkest “Neons Of Lyceum’s Toilets” or sensual “Down The Drain” ?

8. Awaken was a real band to record PiLT.
If the recent Awaken stuff only features a few musicians, PiLT is the witness of an era when Awaken was evolving as a band. 4 members and 12 guest musicians have been working on the recording and release of this album.

9. Awaken, as a cat, has 9 lives. PiLT is a part of them.
A music experience more than just a CD. Remember, we all only have 9 lives. Why not spend one of them listening to PiLT ?


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