MP3 Gomo - Best of GOMO
Fun party music with deep lyrics
12 MP3 Songs
POP: Quirky, POP: with Electronic Production
Who is Gomo?
In January, 2001, three of Portugal''s most influential radio DJs each received a two-song demo CD and a brief letter that said "Thanks for all the inspiration. Hope you like this. Gomo." No other name, no contact information, no return address. Just two songs, "You Might Ask", and "Proud to be Bald", sung in English. But the songs...! Home organ beatbox rhythms, disarmingly simple chiming guitar lines, and melodies that ferment in your brain for days. So unpretentious, so ridiculously out of left field, so refreshingly unlike the assembly-line electronica and the umpteenth wave of recycled grunge that was constipating the airwaves at the time, that they immediately went into rotation on national radio programs, without benefit of a commercial release, independent or otherwise. And the call went out - Who is Gomo!?