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MP3 Grigaitis, Tijunelis, Venclovas - Zuikis Puikis - Lithuanian Children's Songs

This highly recommended (see bottom of this web page) classic album is a collection of Lithuanian children''s songs and poems composed and performed by Lithuanians

8 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music, WORLD: Eastern European

This vintage album is a classic collection of cherished Lithuanian children''s songs sung by children. Almost thirty years ago, three Lithuanian families from Chicago''s North Shore recorded these nursery rhymes in an effort to preserve the Lithuanian culture which was then under Communist government. (Sitas lietuviskas albumas yra klasikines lietuviskos vaiku daineles, muzika, ir pasakeles. Pries trisdesimt metu, trys seimos Cikagos lietuviu rekordavo sita lietuviska CD bandyti prezervuoti lietuviska kalba ir kultura kuri tuo laiko buvo laikyta Komunistineje kontrole.)

The songs, poems, and stories are as follows (Song lyrics, stories, poems, and their English translations further below)(Situos dainos, poezija, ir pasakeles yra cia surasytuos):

Track 1: Rytas - Morning
1. Birutes Rytas - Birute''s Morning
2. Sitaip Prausiam - We wash like this
3. Laikrodis - Clock

Track 2: Kaimas - Country
1. Dangus Griuva - The sky is falling
2. Klause Zvirblis - The bird listened
3. Pupa ir Senele - Bean and Grandmother
4. Du Gaideliai - Two Roosters
5. Opa-pa
6. Mano Tevelis - My father
7. Avyte - Baby lamb
8. Jurgelis -Little George

Track 3: Kiskis - Rabbit
1. Kiskio Lupa - The rabbit''s lip
2. Bego Kiskis - The rabbit ran
3. Kiskis ir Vilkas - Rabbit and wolf
4. Kiskelis Begdamas - Rabbit, while running

Track 4: Siupynelis - Weaving
1. Vytis - Emblem
2. Man Kasyte - A braid for me
3. As Mergyte - I am a girl
4. Lietuvaite - Lithuanian girl

Track 5: Ismokime - Let''s Learn
1. Maziukas Anciukas - Small duckling
2. Viens, Du ... - One, two ...
3. Du ir Du - Two and two
4. As Mergyte, As Maza - I am a girl, I am small
5. As Mokejau Viena Raide - I learned one letter
6. Abecele ir Savaites Dienos - ABC and the days of the week

Track 6: Miskas - The Woods
1. Neklauzados - Wreckless people
2. Vijo Lizda - Ran after the nest
3. Tindi Rindi
4. Garnys - Stork

Track 7: Lietus ir Sniegas - Rain and snow
1. Sniego Senis - Snowman
2. Lyja Lietus, Krinta Snaiges - It is raining, snowflakes are falling
3. Kaminkretys - Chimneysweep

Track 8: Ivairumai - Interesting Things
1. Buvo Grazi Mergaite - There was a beautiful girl
2. Po Svetimu Dangum - Under a strange sky
3. Saulute Tekejo - The sun was rising

This CD is for any family that likes to provide cultural influences for their children or for anyone who wants to preserve the Lithuanian heritage, or for a collector of children''s folk songs.

Daiva and Lina Grigaitis
Daina, Rasa, and Aras Tijunelis
Viktorija, Liudas, and Audra Venslovas
Algirdas Grigaitis (pianist and pictures)
Indre Tijunelis
Rita Venslovas
Irene Grigaitis (cover)

This album is also available as merchandise in LP format by emailing the artist on the left hand column of this page where it says "Links".

Feel free to email this www page to anyone that you think would be interested in this CD! Just highlight "https://www.tradebit.com copy it, and paste it into an email that is all set to go!

NOTICE - Once this batch of CDs is sold, the Zuikis Puikis CD album will not be reprinted for some time. Contact the artist directly with your concerns or questions.

Thank you for your interest!

And now, for the Zuikis Puikis Song Lyrics, Poems, Stories, and English translations in (brackets) -

Track 1: Rytas (Morning)
1. Birutes Rytas (Birute''s Morning)

Ciuku Ciuku traukiniuku (Choo Choo train)
mes pazaisim zaidimuku (We will play some games)
Ciuku Ciuku traukineliu (Choo Choo train)
paklausysim pasakeliu (We will hear some stories)

Sauluzele ryta kele (The sun woke up the morning)
Ir pagloste ziedelius (And petted the flowers)
Ir prikele paukstelius (And woke up the birds)

Suciulebeje sugiedojo (She chirped, she sang)
Stai maza pilka paukstute (The small grey birdie)
Prie namelio kur miegojo (Near the house when slept)
Savo lovoje Birute (In her bed Birute)

Kelk mergyte lelijele (Get up little flower girl)
Geltonplauke Birutele (Golden haired Birute)
Ir Birute greitai kelia (And Birute gets up fast)
Sukalba tuojau maldele (She says her prayers)

Duok Dievuli grazia diena (God, give a beautiful day)
Kad myleciau as kiekviena (That I would love everyone)
Ir tevelio ir mamytes (And father and mother)
Kad mokeciau as klausyti (That I learn how to listen to)

Kai maldele sukalbejo (When she finished her prayers,)
Ji veideli prausti ejo (She went to wash her face)
Juk katyte irgi prausia (The cat also washes)
Savo nosi, savo ausi (her nose, her ear)

Issivalo dantukus (She brushes her teeth)
Baltus baltus ir sveikus (White white and healthy)
Is poloves traukia bata (From under the be she pulls out a shoe)
Va! ir kita rankoj krato (And shakes it in her other hand)

Begs per gatve tuku tuku (Runs across the street)
Su svaria pora batuku (With a clean pair of shoes)
Ir pamato veidrodeli (And sees in a mirror)
Kad plaukai jau susivelia (That her hair is a mess)

Ak! As dar nesusukuota (Oh! I am a mess)
Juk atrodyciau kaip sluota! (As if I look like a broom!)
Ima i rankas sukas, (Takes in her hands a comb)
Brauko, glosto ji kasas (She combs, and pets her braids)

Greitai bega prie mamos (She runs to her mother)
Kad isimtu is spintos (That she would take out of the cabinet)
Drabuzeli svaru svaru (Her clothes clean clean)
Ir varsteli is gintaro (And her amber necklace)

Jau Birute apsirengus (Now Birute is ready)
Tevus sveikina linksma (She happily greets her parents)
Stai teveliai mano brangus (Her are my lovely parents)
As visai jau gatava (I am all ready)

Pusryciu Birute siekia (Birutes reaches for her breakfast)
Uzsitepus duonos riekia (A buttered slice of bread)
Valgo, kramto taip rimtai (She eats and chews very seriously)
Mama, tete, ar matai? (Mother, father, do you see?)

Zyles, zvirbliai ore narsto (Bugs, birds play in the air)
Birutele greit pabarsto (Birute hastens to throw)
Jiems nuo stalo trupiniu (Them crumbs from the table)
Is rankeliu is duosniu (From her generous hands)

Issilupe ta pilkute (The little grey one belted out)
Birutelei lelijeliai (For the flower girl Birute)
Ciulba, sneka (She chirps, she chats)
Stai prie tako (Right near the path)

Tu labai gera mergyte (You are a very good girl)
Tau nereikia daug sakyti (You don''t have to be told)
Viska tu zinai pati (You know everything)
Tu tvarkinga, tu darbsti (You are clean, you are smart)

O mamyte malionioji (Oh my lovely mother)
Pyrageli ivynioja (Wraps the cake)
Prie piestuku knygu deda (Places it near the pencils and the books)
I darzeli dukra veda (She takes her daughter to school)

Parodykite man ka jus atsikelia rytais darote
(Show me what you do when you wake up in the morning)

2. Sitaip prausiam (We wash like this)

Sitaip prausiam veidukus veidukus veidukus
(This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face)
Sitaip prausiam veidukus
(This is the way we wash our face)
Sitaip veidukus prausiam
(This is the way we wash our face)

Sitaip plaunam dantukus dantukus dantukus
(This is the way we wash our teeth, wash our teeth, wash our teeth)
Sitaip plaunam dantukus
(This is the way we wash our teeth)
Sitaip dantukus plaunam
(This is the way we wash our face)

Sitaip plaukus sukuojam sukuojam sukuojam
(This is the way we brush our hair, brush our hair, brush our hair)
Sitaip plaukus sukuojam
(This is the way we brush our hair)
Sitaip sukuojam plaukus
(This is the way we brush our hair)

Sitaip velkam rubelius rubelius rubelius
(This is the way we put on our clothes, put on our clothes, put on our clothes)
Sitaip velkam rubelius
(This is the way we put on our clothes)
Sitaip rubelius velkam
(This is the way we put on our clothes)

Sitaip maunam batukus batukus batukus
(This is the way we put on our shoes, put on our shoes, put on our shoes)
Sitaip maunam batukus
(This is the way we put on our shoes)
Sitaip batukus maunam
(This is the way we put on our shoes)

Sitaip begam tepu tepu tepu tepu tepu tepu
(This is the way we run so fast, very fast, very fast)
Sitaip begam tepu tepu
(This is the way we run so fast
Sitaip tepu tepu
(This is the way we run)

3. Laikrodis (Clock)

Dar tik tik tik pro sesiu (It is just after six)
Mazoji Elzyte (Little Elsie)
Pusryteliu taip skaniu (A very good breakfast)
Isvyre mamyte (Has been cooked by mother)

Is loveles greitai sok (Jump out of bed - quick!)
Salto vandeneliu (With cold water)
Nusiprausus pagalvok (Clean yourself and think)
Apie poperelius (About your papers)

I batelius paziurek (Look at your shoes)
Ar visai svaruciai? (Are they clean?)
Svara turi pamylet (They have to love cleanliness)
Lietuvos vaikuciai (Lithuania''s children)

Svara turi pamylet (They have to love cleanliness)
Lietuvos vaikuciai (Lithuania''s children)

Track 2: Kaimas (Country)

1. Dangus griuva (The sky is falling)

Viena karta, kate vaikstinejo po kopustu darza. (Once upon a time, cat was walking in the cabbage patch.)

Jai bevaikstinejant pradejo lyti. (As she was walking, it started to rain.)

Kate palindo po kopustu lapu. (Cat hid under a cabbage leaf.)

Staiga kopustu lapas, prilytas vandens - trokst - nuluzo, nukrito jai ant uodegos ir apipyle vandeniu. (All of a sudden, the cabbage leaf, full of water, troksht, broke, and fell on her leg, getting the cat wet.)

Kate labai nusigando ir eme begti. (Cat became very scared and started to run.)

Bega bega ir susitinka katina. (She runs and runs, and meets Big Cat.)

"Katine patine bekim dangus griuva." ("Big Cat, let''s run, the sky is falling.")

"Kas tau sake?" ("Who told you?")

"Man ant uodegos galo nukrito." ("It fell on the end of my tail.")

Bega abudu bega ir susitinka kiski. (Both of them run and meet Rabbit.)

"Kiski piski bekim. Dangus griuva." ("Rabbit, let''s run, the sky is falling.")

"Kas tau sake?" ("Who told you?")

"Man sake kate pate." ("Cat told me.")

Bega visi bega ir susitinka briedi. (Everyone runs and meets Moose.)

"Briedi ragi bekim dangus griuva." (Moose, let''s run, the sky is falling.")

"Kas jum sake?" ("Who told you?")

"Mum sake kate pate." ("Cat told us.")

"Kate pate, kas tau sake?" ("Cat, who told you?")

"Man ant uodegos galo nukrito." ("It fell on the end of my tail.")

Bega visi bega ir susitinka vilka. (Everyone runs and meets Wolf.)

"Vilke pilke bekim, dangus griuva." (Wolf, let''s run, the sky is falling.")

"Kas jum sake?" ("Who told you?")

"Mum sake kate pate." ("Cat told us.")

"Kate pate, kas tau sake?" ("Cat, who told you?")

"Man ant uodegos galo nukrito." ("It fell on the end of my tail.")

Bega visi bega ir susitinka loki. (Everyone runs and meets Bobcat.)

"Loki sleivi bekim dangus griuva." (Bobcat, let''s run, the sky is falling.")

"Kas jum sake?" ("Who told you?")

"Mum sake kate pate." ("Cat told us.")

"Kate pate, kas tau sake?" ("Cat, who told you?")

"Man ant uodegos galo nukrito." ("It fell on the end of my tail.")

Bega visi bega ir susitinka lape. (Everyone runs and meets Fox.)

"Lape snape bekim dangus griuva." (Fox, let''s run, the sky is falling.")

"Loki sleivi, kas tau sake?" ("Bobcat, who told you?")

"Mum sake kate pate." ("Cat told us.")

"Kate pate, kas tau sake?" ("Cat, who told you?")

"Man ant uodegos galo nukrito." ("It fell on the end of my tail.")

Bega visi bega, bebegdami pavargo ir sustojo pailseti.
(Everyone runs and become tired, so they stop to rest.)

Lape ir sako, "Cit! Paklausykite! Kas girdeti?"
(The fox says, "Sh! Listen! Can anyone hear anything?"

Visi prigule prie zemes ir ausis istempia pradejo klausytis.
(Everyone lay on the ground, and, ears extended, started to listen.)

Nieko negirdeti. (Nothing is heard.)

Lape klausia katino, "O kur tu buvai pradejus dangui griuti?"
(The fox asked the cat, "And where were you when the sky started to fall?")

"Kopustu darze. Po kopustu lapu."
("In the cabbage patch. Under a cabbage leaf.")

"O kas tau ant uodegos galo nukrito? Are didelis tas daiktas buvo?"
("And what fell on your tail? Was it a large object?")

"Ai! Kaip gaidzio sparnas!"
("Oh! As big as a rooster''s feather!")

"O gal kopusto lapas?"
("And maybe a cabbage leaf?")

"Ha! Gal ir kopusto lapas!"
("Ha! Maybe it was a cabbage leaf!")

Visi nusijuoke ir nuejo kiekvienas i savo puse.
(Everyone laughed and each went their own way.)

2. Klause zvirblis (The bird listened)

Klause zvirblis ciurbonelis (The chatty bird asked)
Pas ta pilka karveleli (At the grey pigeons place)
Kaip kaip aguoneles seja (How do they plant the poppys?)

Sitaip sitaip va ir va kaip (This way this way that and that way)
Taip taip aguoneles seja (That is how they plant the poppys.)

Klause zvirblis ciurbonelis (The chatty bird asked)
pas ta pilka karveleli (At the grey pigeons place)
Kaip kaip aguoneles auga (How do they grow the poppys?)

Sitaip sitaip va ir va kaip (This way this way that and that way)
Taip taip aguoneles auga (That is how they grow the poppys.)

Klause zvirblis ciurbonelis (The chatty bird asked)
pas ta pilka karveleli (At the grey pigeons place)
Kaip kaip aguoneles valgo (How do they eat the poppys?)

Sitaip sitaip va ir va kaip (This way this way that and that way)
Taip taip aguoneles valgo (That is how they eat the poppys.)

3. Pupa ir senele (Bean and grandmother)

Karta gyveno senelis ir senute.
(Once upon a time, there lived a grandfather and a grandmother.)

Nusipirko senute pupu maiseli ir parsinese namo.
(Grandmother bought a bag of beans and brought them home.)

Virtuveje pupos eme ir pabiro ant zemes.
(In the kitchen, the beans were knocked over and fell on the floor.)

Rinko pupas senute. (Grandmother picked up the beans.)

Rinko senelis bet viena pupa liko po stalu. (Grandfather picked up the beans, but one bean was left under the table.)

Liko ir pradejo augti.
(It started to grow.)

Augo augo pupa ir iki stalo priaugo.
(It grew and grew until the bean grew up to the table.)

"Seneli, seneli, nukelkt stala" sako senute.
("Grandfather, Grandfather, take the table off" said Grandmother.)

Senelis nukele. (Grandfather took it off.)

Augo augo pupa, ir ligi lubu priaugo.
(It grew and grew until the bean grew up to the ceiling.)

"Seneli, seneli, prakirst lubas".
("Grandfather, Grandfather, hack the ceiling open")

Senelis prakirto. (Grandfather hacked it open.)

Augo augo pupa, ir iki stogo priaugo.
(It grew and grew until the bean grew up to the roof.)

"Seneli, seneli, prakirst stoga" sako senute.
("Grandfather, Grandfather, hack the roof open" said Grandmother.)

Senelis prakirto.
(Grandfather hacked it open.)

Augo augo pupa, ir iki dangaus priaugo.
(It grew and grew until the bean grew up to the sky.)

"Seneli, seneli, lipkim i dangu" sako senute.
("Grandfather, Grandfather, let''s climb up to the sky" said Grandmother.)

Eme abu lipti.
(Both of them started to climb.)

Pupa trokst ir nuluzo.
(The bean stalk broke.)

Seneliai taip krito zemyn kad net prisitrenke.
(The grandparents fell so hard, that they hurt themselves.)

Tai tau ir pupa.
(What a bean!)

4. Du Gaideliai (Two Roosters)

Du gaideliai, du gaideliai (Two roosters, two roosters)
Baltus zirnius kule (culled the white peas)
Dvi visteles dvi visteles (Two chickens, two chickens)
I maluna veze. (Drove them to the pinwheel)

Ozys male, ozys male (The goats mulled, the goats mulled)
Ozka pikliavojo (One goat joked around)
O si trecia ozkytele (This third little goat)
Miltus nusijojo. (Took off with the flour)

Muse maise muse maise (Fly mixed, fly mixed)
Uodas vandens nese (Mosquito carried the water)
Saule vire saule vire (Sun cooked, sun cooked)
Meneselis kepe. (Moon baked)

5. Opa-pa (Opa-pa)

Opapa olialia (Opapa olialia)
Augo zirnis ir pupa (There grew a pea and a bean)
As ta zirni pamaciau (I saw that pea)
Su dantukais sukramciau. (With my teeth I ate it.)

6. Mano Tevelis (My Father)

Mano tevelis (My father)
Buvo karvelis (Was a blacksmith)
Tam tipu tam tapu (Tam tipu tam tapu)
Buvo karvelis. (Was a blacksmith)

Kale per diena (He hammered during the day)
Zagrele viena (one piece of iron)
Tam tipu tam tapu (Tam tipu tam tapu)
Zagrele viena (one piece of iron)

Uz ta zagrele (For that one iron)
Gavo skatika (He got some money)
Tam tipu tam tapu (Tam tipu tam tapu)
Gavo skatika (He got some money)

Uz ta skatika (For that money)
Pirko ridika (He bought a radish)
Tam tipu tam tapu (Tam tipu tam tapu)
Pirko ridika (He bought a radish)

Vaikai susede (Kids were seated)
Ridika valge (They are the radish)
Tam tipu tam tapu (Tam tipu tam tapu)
Ridika valge (They are the radish)

7. Avyte (Baby lamb)

Mano avytis, silko vilnytis (My baby lamb, silken wool)
Stiklo akeles, kiskio auseles (Glassy eyes, rabbit ears)
Nusikirpsiu ta avyte (I will shear her)
Susiverpsiu as vilnyte (I will clean her wool)
Issiausiu drobineli (I will weave some clothes)
Pasisiusiu sijoneli ( I will sew a skirt)
Dekui tau avele (Thank you, lamb)
Uz svelnia vilnele. (For such a smooth wool)
Bus silta man ziema (I will be warm in the winter)
Begioti po kiema (When I run in the yard)

8. Jurgelis (Little George)

Jurgeli meistreli (Maestro George)
Mokyk savo vaikus (Teach your kids)

O jus vaikai taip darykit (Children follow)
Kaip Jurgelis daro. (what George does)

Track 3: Kiskis (Rabbit)
1. Kiskio lupa (The rabbit''s lip)

Viena karta, kiskis ejo ir susitiko geni.
(Once upon a time, Rabbit went and met Woodkpecker.)

Genys ji klausia "Ko gi tu toks nuliudes? Kur eini?"
(Woodpecker asks him, "Why are you so sad? Where are you going?")

"Kur as nebusiu nuliudes" atsako kiskis. "Manes niekas nebijo, o ash turiu visu bijoti. Einu ir nebegrisiu."
("I am going where I will not be sad anymore" replies Rabbit. "No one is scared of me, and I have to be scared of everyone. I am leaving and will not return.")

"Nedaryk taip," sako genys. "Jei taip nori kad taves bijotu, nueik i krumus ir kaip pamatysi ateinanti pieva aveles, sok is krumu. Aveles ir issigas."
("Don''t do that" says Woodpecker. "If you want them to be scared of you, hide in the bushes, and when you see the lambs come near, jump out of the bushes. The lambs will be scared.")

Kiskis paklause genio. Nuejo i krumus ir atsigule.
(Rabbit listened to Woodpecker. He went into the bushes and lay down.)

Pamates aveles kai soks is krumu. Aveles issigando ir nubego toli toli.
(When he saw the lambs, he jumped out of the bushes. The lambs were scared and ran far far away.)

Apsidziauge kiskis ir pradejo juoktis.
(Rabbit became happy and started to laugh.)

Juokesis, juokesis, net jam lupytes parplyso.
(He laughed and he laughed, till his lips split open.)

2. Bego kiskis (The rabbit ran)

Bego kiskis pas kaimyna (Rabbit ran to his neighbors)
Ocia cia o lia lia (Ochia chia o lia lia)

Pas kaimyna pro lazdyna (To his neighbors, through the brush)
Ocia cia o lia lia (Ochia chia o lia lia)

Susitiko abu kiskiai (The two rabbits met)
Laba ryt laba ryt (Good morning, good morning)

Sveikinosi kai saviskiai (They greeted each other as good friends)
Laba ryt laba ryt (Good morning, good morning)

Kaimyneli broluzeli (Neighborly brother)
Ar zinai ar zinai (Do you know, do you know)

Kokia laime musu kaime (What fate lies for our neighborhood?)
Ar zinai ar zinai (Do you know, do you know)

Bekim bekim paveseti (Let''s run, let''s run and feast)
As kvieciu i svecius (I am inviting you as my guest)

Paveseti pailseti (To feast and to rest)
As kvieciu i svecius (I am inviting you as my guest)

3. Kiskis ir vilkas (Rabbit and wolf)

Kiskelis atbego prie upes atsigerti.
(Rabbit ran to the river to get a drink)

Cia ji netiketai uzsitiko vilkas.
(Worf met him by surprise.)

"Dabar jau nepabegsi" sako vilkas "Suvalgysiu as tave."
("Now you will not run away" says Wolf "I will eat you.")

"Gal ir nepabegsiu" sako kiskis. "Tiktai ne tu suvalgysi o kitas vilkas kuriam esu pasizadejes. Ziurek i vandeni. Tenai yra tas vilkas kuris mane suvalgys."
("Maybe I will not run away" says Rabbit. "Only you will not eat me, because I have promised myself to another wolf. Look into the water. There is the wolf that will eat me.")

Vilkas zvilgterejo i vandeni ir pamate ten kita vilka.
(Wolf looked into the water and saw another wold.)

Jo akys didelios. Dantys ilgi.
(His eyes were big. His teeth long.)

"Tai tu nori is manes kiski atimpti. Palauk!" susuko vilkas ir soko i vandeni.
("So you want to take the rabbit from me. Wait!" yelled Wolf and jumped into the water.)

Kol jis islindo is vandes, kiskelis buvo toli ir dingo laukose.
(Until he came out of the water, Rabbit was far and disappeared into the fields.)

4. Kiskelis begdamas (Rabbit, while running)

Kiskeli bebegdam (Rabbit was running)
Suktineli besaukdam (Yelling songs)

Ir sutiko voveraite (And he met Squirrel)
Ir pakele kepuraite (And he tipped his hat)

Labs ryts vovere (Good morning, squirrel)
Gal tu mano gimine (Maybe you are my relative)

Voveryte netingek (Squirrel, don''t be lazy)
Su manim pasokinek (Dance with me.)

Track 4: Siupynelis (Weaving)

1. Vytis (Emblem)

Vytis zenklas mus tevynes (Vytis is the symbol of our native land)
Ji nesiosim prie krutines (We will wear him near our chest)
Prie trispalves veliavos (Near the three-colored flag)
Atminimui Lietuvos (In remembrance of Lithuania)

2. Man kasyte (A braid for me)

Man kasyte ant kaktytes (A braid for me on my forehead)
Kaspinelis and galvos (Ribbon on my head)
As dukreles mamos tetes (I am the daughter of my mother and father)
As dukrele Lietuvos (I am the daughter of Lithuania)

3. As mergyte (I am a girl)

As mergyte kaip rohyte (I am a girl, like a rose)
Kaip darheli lelijyte (Like the garden lilies)
O berniukai su saldainiais (And the boys, with candy)
Paskui mane tik tik tik (Follow me around)

As berniukas pimpiriukas (I am a boy)
Kaip sodelyje zirniukas (Like the orchard peas)
O mergytes kaip katytes (And the girls, like kittens)
Paskui mane sukasi (Surround me)

4. Lietuvaite (Lithuanian girl)

Lietuvaite as mazyte (Lithuanian girl, I am small)
Tolimam krasteli (In a far away nation)
Teviskele pamatyti (My homeland to see)
Noriu nors sapneli (I want in my dreams)

Ten senelis ir mociute (There are grandfather and grandmother)
Ten gimti nameliai (There are the native homes)
As nuskrisciau (I would fly)
Kaip lakstute (Like a nightingale)
Greitaisiais sparneliais. (With fast wings)

Track 5: Ismokime (Let''s Learn)

1. Maziukas anciukas (Small duckling)

Kol esu dar mazuciukas (While I am still young)
Begineju kaip anciukas (I run like a duckling)
Kai truputi paaugesiu (When I will get a bit taller)
Darbo dirbti netingesiu (I will not be lazy)

Eisiu mokytis skaityti (I will go learn to read)
Graziai piesti ir rasyti (to beautifully draw and to write)
O be to, gerai skaicioti (And furthermore, count well)
Ir daineliu padainuoti (And sing songs)

2. Viens, du ... (One, two ...)

Viens du, mes abu (One two, we together)
Trys keturi, dazai margi (Three four, colorful paints)
Penki sesi, lapai zali (Five, six green leaves)
Septyni astuoni batai raudoni (Seven eight red shoes)
Devyni desim, nieko nepesim. (Nine ten, we will not fight)

3. Du ir du (Two and two)

Du ir du bus keturi (Two and two is four)
Kiek jau metu tu turi? (How old are you?)
As jau metu keturiu (I am four years old)
Dantukus visus turiu. (I have all of my teeth)

Du ir du bus keturi (Two and two is four)
Kiek jau metu tu turi? (How old are you?)
As jau metu septyniu (I am seven years old)
Paskaitau be akiniu. (I read without glasses)

Du ir du bus keturi (Two and two is four)
Kiek jau metu tu turi? (How old are you?)
As jau metu desimties (I am ten years old)
Vyras didelis isties. (Big men can fight me)

4. As mergyte, as maza (I am a girl, I am small)

As mergyte, as maza (I am a girl, I am small)
Parasysiu raide a (I will write the letter a)
O dainuodama valio (While I am singing hooray)
Parasysiu raide o. (I will write the letter o)

5. As mokejau viena raide (I knew one letter)

As mokejau viena raide (I learned one letter)
Bet ji manes pasibaide (But it grew scared of me)
Jinai nubego pas vistas (She ran amongst the chickens)
O ash mokinaus kitas. (And I learned the others)

6. Abecele ir savaites dienos (ABC and the days of the week)

Mes mokam abecele (We know the abc''s)
Mes mokam ja dainuot (We can sing them)
Ir mokame zodeli (We know words)
Prie raidziu priklyjot (That we can glue to the letters)

A - arklys (Horse)
B - batas (Shoe)
C - cukrus (Sugar)
C - ciuozti (To skate)
D - duda (Trumpet)
E - egle (Pine tree)
E - edzios (Manger)
F - fabrikas (Factory)
G - gaidys (Rooster)
H - himnas (Hymn)
I - indai (Dishes)
J - jura (Sea)
K - kate (Cat)
L - lape (Fox)
M - mama (Mother)
N - namas (House)
O - obuolys (Apple)
P - pele (Mouse)
R - ratas (Wheel)
S - saule (Sun)
Sh - sluota (Broom)
T - tete (Father)
U - upelis (River)
Uu - usai (Whiskers)
V - varle (Frog)
Y - yla (Screwdriver)
Z - zuikis (Rabbit)
Zh- zhuvis (Fish)

Mes mokam savaites dienas (We know the days of the week)
Mes mokam jas dainuot (We know how to sing them)
Ir mokame rankytem (And we know how to use our hands)
Linskmai linksmai suplot (To clap happily)

Primadienis (Monday)
Antradienis (Tuesday)
Trechiadienis (Wednesday)
Ketvirtadienis (Thursday)
Penktadienis (Friday)
Sestadienis (Saturday)
Sekmadienis (Sunday)

Mes mokam daug dalyku (We know many things)
Mes mokam juos dainuot (We know how to sing them)
Ir mokame kojytem (And we know how use our legs)
Smagiai smagiai zygiuot (To march merrily)

7. Augo Sode Klevelis (A maple grew in the yard)

Augo Sode klevelis (A maple grew in the yard)
Augo sode zaliasai (A maple grew green)
Po to klevu po zalioju (Under that maple, under the green one)
Gul bernelis jaunasai (A young boy lies)

Viens du (One two)
Grazi Lietuva (Beautiful Lithuania)
Kaip geleles (The flowers)
Zydi visada (Are always blooming)

Track 6: Miskas (The woods)

1. Neklauzados (Wreckless people)

Sako motina vaikuciams, "Jau Kaledos bus rytoj. Bukite namie kol grisiu su egle is misko tuoj."
(Mother is telling her children, "Christmas is tomorrow. Stay home till I return with a pine tree from the forest.")

Bet vaikuciai nepaklause.
(But the children did not listen.)

Saus kiemelyn aitvarais, nulipdyt gadina seni kol mama namo pareis.
(They bolted for the yard with their kites, ruining the snow man until their mother returns.)

Palei tvora vilkas slinko.
(Wolf was crawling along the fence.)

Baisiai alkanas, niurus.
(Very hungry, skinny)

Pastebejo jis kiemeli beginejancius vaikus.
(He noticed in the yard, the running children)

Vilkas seile ryja.
(Wolf is drooling.)

Masto, suviliot kaip juos cianai.
(He''s thinking, how to charm them)

Mmm kepsniai cia butu skanus.
(Mmm dinner will be very tasty.)

Man tai ausko but kalnai.
(It will be as good as gold.)

Ir skubiai sugrista vilkas su rogutem atgalios.
(Wolf returns with a sled.)

Na, dabar tai jau tikriausia vaikucius jis suvilios.
(Now it looks like he will charm the children.)

"Seskit roges na vaikuciai.
("Sit on the sled, children.)

Svilps rogutes takeliu visa diena, visa nakti su jumis pabut galiu."
(The sled will whistle along the path all day long, all night long, I can stay with you.")

Vilkas siule, prase, gyre, ir galvojo bus gerai.
(Wolf offered, pleaded, flattered, and said that everything will be fine.)

Tai i rogutes sulipo mus mazieji vaikai.
(Onto the sled climbed the little children.)

Vilkas kelia puikiai zino, link miskelio per laukus.
(Wolf knows the way well, towards the woods, through the fields.)

Roges svilpia lyg pusyno, kyla upas pas vaikus.
(The sled is whistling toward the pine forest, the children are happy.)

Gera ir smagu vaziuoti visi trys kartu linksmi. Traukia daina kiek tik gali vejui rankom modami.
(It is fun to ride on the sled, all three happy children. Singing songs, waving their arms.)

Kai i miska ivaziavo, baime apeme stai juos.
(When they entered the woods, fear settled in.)

Nezine kur dede geras juos pavezines sustos.
(We don''t know where our good uncle will stop the ride.)

Jiems rogutes daros baisios.
(The children are getting scared of the sled.)

Dingo dziaugsmas ir juokai kai kepure vienam puole.
(The fun and jokes were gone, just like one child''s hat.)

Tuoj sujudo saukt vaikai.
(At once the children started to scream.)

O eglaite jau grahiausia griuvo girioj verkdama.
(And the beautiful pine tree fell over crying.)

Dedas ant peciu skubiausia net susilus ju mama.
(Their mother is rushing home.)

Klauso ji ausis istempus.
(She listens with her extended ears.)

Is kur klyksmas aidi cia?
(From where are these screams echoing?)

Gal vilkai ish sodziaus grobi doroje paslapcia?
(Maybe the wolves are stealing on the sly?)

Bega ji beveik uzdusus link nezinomos salies.
(She is running, wheezing, towards an unknown territory.)

Spaudzia rankoj astru kirvi.
(Squeezing an axe in her hands.)

Ne juokai jei ka palies.
(This is no joke.)

"Ka maciau, baisu tetule!" sako kiskis. "Ne juokai! Nusvilpe tarytum vejas, vilkas, roges, ir vaikai!"
("What I saw is terrible, auntie!" says Rabbit. "No joke! Everyone whistled away, the wind, the worf, the sled, and the children!")

Pries akis staiga ant kelio stai kepure jos sunaus.
(Before her eyes appeared her son''s hat.)

Ar cia akyse vaidenas?

Ar cia bus bausme dangaus?
(Is this the will of God?"

Misko viduri - trobele.
(At the center of the woods - a hut.)

Joje vilkas jau ramus.
(Inside Wolf is quiet.)

O neklauzados prarado gera mama ir namus.
(And the wreckless lost a good mother and home.)

Uz apykakle stai vilkas i trobele tempe juos nors vaikai maldauja, praso kad grazintu atgalios.
(By the scruff, the wolf dragged the children, even though they prayed, begged that he would return them.)

Malkos dega pyksta trata.
(The fire is burning, crackling.)

Puodas uzkaistas vandens.
(The pot is full of boiling water.)

Vilkas dziugauja laimingas, kaip karalius jis gyvens.
(Wolf is celebrating that he will live like a king.)

Drabuzelius jau nuvilko.
(He put on his best clothes.)

Darosi tikrai baisu.
(It is getting very scary.)

Rankose jau peiliai zvanga ima baime is tiesu.
(Hands are sharpening knife blades, and creating real fear.)

"Sioj trobelej" sako kiskis. "Vilkas turi but tikrai. Atsargi tu buk tetule nes jo dideli nasrai."
("In this hut" says Rabbit. "Wolf has to be here. You be careful, auntie, because he has large teeth.")

Ir abu sustoje masto.
(And both of them are standing thinking.)

Vilkas tuoj isvys svecius.
(Wolf will soon chase away his guests.)

Jis supras kad mes ateinam isvaduoti vaikucius.
(He will know that we are here for the children.)

Stai abu ant stogo lipa.
(And so both climb up on the roof.)

Taip patsargiai, patilom.
(So carefully, quietly.)

Viena turi jie gudrybe, dengti kamina lentom.
(One bright idea they have, to cover the chimney with planks.)

Kamina aklai uzdengus zygio didele pradzia.
(Having blindly covered the chimney, this is the big start.)

Kai vidun ims rukti dumai, vilko grius tada valdzia.
(When the smoke starts to collect inside the hut, Wolf''s reign will fall.)

"Oooo oooo oooo" jau staugia vilkas. "Kas ivyko kamine? Dumai neberanda lauko ir sugrizta pas mane."
("Oooo oooo oooo" howls Wolf. "What happened to the chimney? The smoke is not going outside and coming back to me.")

Vilkas gelbetis galvoja pradaris skubiai duris.
(Wolf in thinking to save himself by going out the door.)

"O pro jas i lauka dumus isvarysiu" sako jis.
("And through the door I will blow the smoke outside" he says.)

Vos tik duris atidare, priesais ji sveciai pikti.
(He had just opened the door, and he sees his angry guests.)

Reikalauja pasakyti kur vaikuciai pagrobti.
(They are demanding to know where are the stolen children.)

Uz gerkles paciupo vilkui taip staiga kad jis visai nebipakele liezuvio atsakyt kame vaikai.
(Wolf was grabbed by the neck and could not lift his tongue to answer the question.)

"Sita karta tau atleidziu" sako ji ant visados. "Bet jei antra kart paciupsiu, nebeteksi tu galvos."
("This time I forgive you" she says. "But if I catch you a second time, you will not have your hear.")

Grizta per laukus laimingi.
(The return through the fields happy.)

Kiskis lydi lig namu.
(Rabbit escorts them home.)

Sviecia danguje zvaigzdeles.
(The stars shine in the sky.)

Aplink gera ir ramu.
(Everywhere is peaceful and quiet.)

2. Vijo lizda (Ran after the nest)

Vijo lizda peleda. (The nest is chased by the owl)
Vijo vijo vijo vijo vijo lizda peleda.
(Chased chased chased chased chased nest by the owl)

Deda kiausiunius peleda
(The owl is laying eggs)
Deda deda deda deda deda kjausinius peleda.
(Laying laying laying laying laying eggs owl)

3. Tindi Rindi (Tindi Rindi)

Tindi rindi riuska (Tindi rindi riushka)
Kas ten miske triuska? (What is that noise in the woods?)
Ar ne voveraite? (Is that not the squirrel?)
Ruda kepuraite? (Brown hat?)

Vilkas siena piauna (Wolf is cutting the hay)
Ozka riesutauna (Goat is picking nuts)
O kiskelis nebagelis (And Rabbit)
Be kepures soka (Is hopping without a hat)

Be kepures soka (Is hopping without a hat)
Kaip tiktai jis moka (Just how he knows)
Atsisedes ant kelmelio (Sitting on the tree stump)
Sau kelneles lopo (Ruining his pants)

4. Garnys (Stork)

Garnys garnys turi ilgas kojas (Stork stork has long legs)
Begciau begciau kad galeciau (I would run run if I could)
Tokias kojas kad tureciau (If I had such legs)
Kaip garnys. (As the stork)

Garnys garnys turi ilga kakla (Stork stork has a long neck)
Ryciau ryciau kad galeciau (I would swallow swallow if I could)
Toki kakla kad tureciau (If I had such a neck)
Kaip garnys. (As the stork)

Garnys garnys turi ilga snapa (Stork stork has a long beak)
Lesciau lesciau kad galeciau (I would eat eat if I could)
Toki snapa kad tureciau (If I had such a beak)
Kaip garnys. (As the stork)

Garnys garnys turi ilgus sparnus (Stork stork has long wings)
Lekciau lekciau kad galeciau (I would fly fly if I could)
Tokius sparnus kad tureciau (If I had such wings)
Kaip garnys. (As the stork)

Track 7: Lietus ir sniegas (Rain and snow)

1. Sniego senis (Snowman)

Baltas sniego seni (White snowman)
Kur tu gyveni? (Where do you live?)
Ar ant auksto kalno? (On a tall mountain?)
Ar kokiam sleni? (Or in a cave?)

Tavo morkos nosies niekur nematau
(I don''t see your carrot nose)
Ar vilkai ar kiskiai ja nugrauze tau?
(Did wolves or rabbits eat it?)
Baltas sniego seni knygoj as maciau
(White snowman I saw in a book)
O tevelis sake as ji pats staciau
(Father said that I built it)

As tai pats statysiu kai ateis ziema
(I will build one this coming winter)
Kai isleis i kiema palakstyt mama
(When my mother will let me out to play)
Baltas sniego seni, labas ir sudieu
(White snowman, hello and goodbye)
Ziema susitiksim su tavim kasdien.
(In winter, I will meet you everday)

2. Lyja lietus, krinta snaiges (It is raining, snowflakes are falling)

Lyja lyja lietus (Raining raining rain)
Per karaliaus pietus (During the king''s lunch)
Karaliene verkia (The queen is crying)
Karaliukai knarkia. (The princes are sleeping)

Krinta baltos snaiges (White snowflakes are falling)
Vaikai bekim zaisti (Kids let''s go play)
Pastatysim sniego seni (We will build a snowman)
Desim jam kepure. (And give him a hat)

3. Kaminkretys (Chimney sweep)

Buvo toks kaminkretys (There was a chimney sweep)
Juodas tartum sepetys (A black brush)
Tartum tamsus jis patsai (He was himself dark)
Juodos rankos jo visai (His hands were black)

Ka ranka jis prisiles (Whatever he touches with his hand)
Tas but baltas negales (Will never be white)
Tas bus juodas kaip anglis (It will be black as coal)

Buvo toks kaminkretys (There was a chimney sweep)
Ir keliavo gatvele (He traveled the streets)
Ant peties su sluotele (On his shoulder was a broom)

Ejo kaminus valyt (He went to clean the chimneys)
Ir pradejo smarkiai lyt (And it started to rain)
Lyjo puse valandos (It rained half an hour)

Ant kepures jo juodos (On his black hat)
Ir paliko ji balta (And left it white)
Kaip katytye isprausta (Like a bathed kitten)

Track 8: Ivairumai (Interesting things)

1. Buvo grazi mergaite (There was a beautiful girl)

Buvo grazi mergaite (There was a beautiful girl)
Ji buvo karalaite (She was a princess)
Labai grazi. (Very beautiful)

Ja visi zmones mylejo (Everyone loved her)
Labai labai (Very much)

Ir stai atskrido ragana (And a witch heard this)
Labai pikta (Very angry)

Miegok mergaite (Sleep little girl)
Simta metu (A hundred years)

Ir stai uzaugo tvora (And so a fence grew)
Labai auksta (Very tall)

Ir stai atjojo karalaitis (And so came a prince)
Labai grazus (Very handsome)

Prikele ja is miego (He woke her up)
Is miego saldaus (From a sweet sleep)

Ir jie iskele puota (And they had a party)
Labai saunia. (Very elegant)

2. Po svetimu dangum (Under a strange sky)

Po svetimu dangum (Under a strange sky)
Atveriau as akytes (I opened my eyes)
Dar savo teviskeles nemaciau (I still haven''t seen my native land)
Ir tik is pasaku mamytes (And only from mother''s stories)
Ta miela krasta as zinau (Do I know about that beloved land)

3. Saulute tekejo (The sun was rising)

Saulute tekejo (The sun was rising)
Lapeliai mirgejo (The leaves were shining)
O broliukas ir sesute (And the brother and sister)
I darzeli ejo (Went to school)

I darzeli ejo (They went to school)
Tarp saves kalbejo (and talked amongst themselves)
Ka mes veiksim (How do we keep busy)
Ka darysim (What will we do)
Per visa dienele? (Throughout the entire day)

As is kaladeliu (I using blocks)
Pili pastatysiu (Will build a castle)
O ant balto poperelio (And on white paper)
Drambli nupaisysi (Will draw an elephant)

As lele nuprausiu (I will bathe the doll)
Ir pavalgydinsiu (And feed her)
Tralia lia lia lia lia lia (Tralia lia lia lia lia lia)
Dainele dainuosiu (I will sing a song)

aidas aidai akademija akademinis dainos dainu darbas darbo folkloras folklore giesmes informatika klase klases kompaktas koncertas koncertine kulturatos kulturinga laisvalaikis liaudies lietuvio lietuviska muzika lietuviskas lietuviski lietuviskumas linksmos linksmumo liturgija medziaga megiamiausias megstamiausias melodija melodiju miuziklas moksline music muzikiniai muzikos pamoka pasakos pedagogika pomegiai projektas renginys rinkinys skelbimas sventes tradicine tautiska tautosaka ugdymas uzsienio uzsienys vaikams vaiku veikla zaidimai

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