MP3 graffiti61 - space tourist
slow swirling soundscapes of ambient electronica and space age psychedelia...
12 MP3 Songs
ELECTRONIC: Experimental, ELECTRONIC: Ambient
There are people out there who are trying, and succeeding, to construct something that does not just sound like one man and a computer.
Enter the fourth release from Graffiti 61, created and brainstormed by Dominic Massaro. And welcome the fact that sometimes it could be spontaneous, as is the case with this style of music, or from sounds, ideas, or whatever is stumbled across whilst searching somewhere else. And this is the feel that I like from Graffiti 61, and it is not meant to be taken in a bad way, because this is a compliment to the music. Experimentation happens like that, as any true musician who has passed through the acid test and rested course on the space quest, will tell you.
If textures of sound are what you like, and thankfully, and like me, you dislike pisspot drum machines spoiling them, Graffiti 61 should have a place on your CD stand. And if you are wanting to delve into electronic soundscapes for the first time, remember that it all depends on mood.
Space Tourist sounds earthy, and it is pure experimentation and manipulation of sound. And I could mention a Saturnia sort of feel but without the sitar and tabla, and also a liken to stuff from the Black Note Music label.
It is always hard to describe sounds and feelings, but the good thing is Space Tourist goes through phases in which sounds appear and disappear and reappear without injustice. And as the album progresses it goes further into feeling, energy, meditation, hypnosis, or whatever comes to light. It is a very mellow CD, and hypnotic is a definite slant that I would say that it has.
And I will leave on the note that it is a headphone album, and it is a mood music, and it is a pleasant one, with minimal disturbance in the patterns of your thoughts, always on an even keel, keeping the structure similar, but of different texture, always ambient and atmospheric, and always smooth and direct. Production is good, sounds are fine, and the tour of space is yours to choose. Which space will it be?