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Blogging For Money Video - Personal Use
This seven part video series shows you how to start setting up a blogging cash machine in less than one hour that is ninety percent automated.
the true secret to making big money from blogging is automation and this video series will show you how to automate 90 of the tasks required to generate money from blogging.
Dear Reader:
In the old days people used to sit down and write important events in their diary or journal. Sometimes this was just a reminder that they could look back on and sometimes it was used to profit from by creating published material.
The road was long if they were trying to make money from a journal. Turning it into a manuscript and getting someone to even look at it who had some connection to a publishing house was a task that most people never got past.
Fast forward to today. The Internet has changed all of that. You now have a world wide audience that you can communicate with and it costs virtually nothing. One of the most common and powerful ways to communicate your thoughts is through blogging.
All of a sudden the road between publishing and profit is not so long. In fact you can make money within hours of setting up your blog. All you need to know is how to do it.
And that is what you will learn in this video series. Now it is true you do have a worldwide audience, but that doesn't mean they are going to be able to find your blog. After all the world wide web is an awfully big place.
Then, if people do find your blog then what? You want this visitor to be a return visitor. Have you done the right things to make them want to come back?
What about monetization? Have you done the right things to make sure your blog brings in revenue? Have you picked the right types of monetization?
You are probably asking yourself "What's with all the questions"? Well to be honest I am trying to make a point. These questions were meant to demonstrate that just because you know how to make a blog that doesn't mean anyone is going to see it, and it certainly doesn't mean you will ever make a single dime from it.. I know it sounds harsh but you don't have to worry. I can show you exactly what you need to do in order to succeed in the blogging business.
Making money from blogging is not that difficult if you do the right things and that is exactly what I will show you how to do. This will work for ANY NICHE!
This method is something I stumbled on just a couple of weeks ago. The secret is to automate certain parts of your traffic generation and your content. Remember content is king and that is what will keep visitors coming back - so you have to do this right or your blog will not make a single red cent.
I am going to show you exactly what I did to automate my blogs so they require less than an hour per week to maintain.
Here is just some of what you will learn:
* How To Install the Blogging Software
* How To Choose and Install a Theme
* How To Install The Necessary Plugins
* How To Semi-Automate Your Content
* The Best Ways To Monetize Your Content
* How To Start Traffic Flowing Immediately.
and so much more that the list is almost endless.
104 Minutes Of Video Tutorials
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