MP3 Half Blind - The August Sessions
Half Blind creates a blend of experimental and ambient rock, refreshing the listener with beautiful melodies and lyrics. The guys are influenced by Muse, Sigur Ros, and Coldplay, but have created a unique sound that is sure to keep your ears happy.
4 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Modern Rock, NEW AGE: Ambient
Half Blind started almost four years ago, playing small gigs in their small home town of Lynden, Washington. Back then, it was just for fun. No money was made, and the band didn''t even own their own equipment. But they soon found that there was a certain chemistry that others were beginning to notice. A chemistry that started getting them more and more shows, and winning over more and more of the local community. Their sound evolved with every practice, turning into a cross between Muse, Coldplay, and well...Half Blind. It''s a unique sound that no one can seem to put their finger on. Their latest EP of many, entitled "The August Sessions", showcases four new recordings of some of the crowd and band favorites. Recorded in their small home just outside of Lynden, this new EP is just the starting block for this group of guys who love music, God, and the way music can affect people.