MP3 Heathrow - The Listening Class
Red, blue, and white, the colours of the Union Jack. Shimmering guitar melodies on top of gritty churning riffs and a rhythm section that buries the beat in your chest. Lead vocalist Matt Fletcher often channels the Furs'' Richard Butler.
10 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Modern Rock, POP: British Pop
Heathrow review from "The Big Takeover" Heathrow "The Listening Class", (Easter) - Who says Britpop is dead? Not Heathrow. Over the course of this swinging album, the Milwaukee-based quartet parties like it''s 1994, delivering a set strong of hooks chock-a-block with melody. The opening "Honesty," with its soulful backing vocal and dancy rhythms, is a page right out of the Primal Scream playbook (dig that interplay between axemen Matt Fletcher and Eric White), while the lovely, piano-driven "Hey Marty" is the best Lloyd Cole single that Cole should have come up with on his own. The highpoint, however, is the haunting "Just Like You," a paean to hopeful mopeyness where you swear you can almost hear Fletcher''s heart breaking. But give these guys credit; while they mine the Britpop vein, they didn''t fall slavishly under its spell and create a record that only record-collectors could love. Instead, Heathrow has given us a record that reminds us of all the possibilities guitar-pop has to offer. An inspired effort. - John Micek