MP3 Aes Dana - Far Coasts...& Lost Tracks
Digital re-issue of the first, historical album of the Celtic-oriented Sicilian band founded by Giuseppe Leopizzi, with three bonus tracks
16 MP3 Songs in this album (61:23) !
Related styles: FOLK: Celtic Folk, WORLD: Mediterranean
People who are interested in The Chieftains The Pentangle Robin Williamson should consider this download.
"...I trust in my own crew. What will be left of me must not necessarily be my person".
(Sten Nadolny, Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit)
These are the words of Lord Franklin, the hero of the homonymous famous folk ballad that Giuseppe Leopizzi sang from the very first Aes Dana concert, and included in his last CD, "Gelkhamar", in an instrumental version. It was Giuseppe''s desire to include in the CD edition of the LP "The Far Coasts of Sicily" the song (Lord Franklin), as recorded during the June 13th 1983 live concert at Teatro Europa, Palermo, and dedicate it to his friend Tonino.
A "crew" made up of the people who loved him as a man and admired him as an artist has decided to carry on his project, and wants to dedicate Giuseppe''s music to all those who tenaciously pursue their dreams and passions, remembering Roby, "the flute" of Aes Dana.
Sicilian band Aes Dana ("People of Art" in Gaelic) was started in 1982 in Palermo by Giuseppe Leopizzi. It was the first Celtic-oriented Italian group invited to play in Ireland (O''Carolan Harp Festival, 1985). In 1987 the band recorded the album "The Far Coasts of Sicily". Then Aes Dana played with some of the most acclaimed artists of the international folk music scene. They played as guests in Robin Williamson''s concert, and in the Chieftains'' three concerts. Aes Dana also performed with Jacqui McShee and Jerry Conway, and in 2000 they took part in the WOMAD Festival in Sicily.
Featuring two great Irish musicians such as Paddy Keenan (ex Bothy Band) on uillean pipes, and Máirtín O''Connor (Boys of the Lough, De Dannan, Riverdance) on accordion, Aes Dana''s CD "Frontiera" (2003) is "a continuous and fascinating oscillation between Ireland and the Mediterranean", according to the Irish Music Magazine''s Alfredo De Pietra report from Italy. The title track, composed by Giuseppe Leopizzi, won the 1st Prize at the 2002 USA Songwriting Competition (category instrumental), Florida, and was awarded at the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, world music category.
Musicians in "Far Coasts...& Lost Tracks" are: Licia Consoli (Celtic harp), Giuseppe Leopizzi (guitar, cittern, dulcimer, vocals), Antonia Zane (vocals, glockenspiel), Donatella Crippa (vocals), Roberto Pitruzzella (flutes), Nino Macaluso (violin, vocals), Nino Mezzapelle (acoustic bass). Guest musicians are Guido Campana (oboe), Mario Caruselli (keyboards), Paolo Mappa (drums) and Dario Sulis (bodhran).
"...confido nell''equipaggio. Quello che resterà di me, non deve essere necessariamente la mia persona".
(Sten Nadolny, La scoperta della lentezza, Garzanti 2005, pag.311)
Sono le parole di Lord Franklin, l''eroe dell''omonima folk ballad che Giuseppe Leopizzi ha interpretato sin dal primo concerto degli Aes Dana, e riproposto in versione strumentale nella sua ultima produzione discografica, "Gelkhamar". Era suo desiderio inserire quella esecuzione live (registrata al Teatro Europa di Palermo il 13 giugno 1983) nella ristampa su Compact Disc del primo disco in vinile degli Aes Dana, "The Far Coasts of Sicily", dedicandola all''amico Tonino. Un "equipaggio" composto da chi lo ha amato come uomo, e ammirato come artista, ha voluto portare a termine il suo progetto, e dedica la sua musica a tutti coloro che perseguono con tenacia le proprie passioni e i propri sogni, ricordando Roby, "unico" flautista degli Aes Dana.
La band siciliana Aes Dana ("gente d''arte" in gaelico) fu fondata nel 1982 da Giuseppe Leopizzi. Fu il primo gruppo italiano di ispirazione "celtica" ad essere invitato a suonare in Irlanda (O''Carolan Harp Festival, 1985). Nel 1987 la band registrò l''album "The Far Coasts of Sicily". Successivamente gli Aes Dana suonarono con alcuni fra gli artisti più acclamati nel panorama della folk music internazionale: furono ospiti in un concerto di Robin Williamson e in tre performance dei Chieftains. Si esibirono inoltre al fianco di Jaqui McShee e Gerry Conway, e nel 2000 parteciparono al WOMAD Festival in Sicilia.
Alle registrazioni del CD "Frontiera" (2003) parteciparono due famosissimi musicisti irlandesi, Paddy Keenan (ex-Bothy band) alle uillean pipes e Mairtin O''Connor (Boys of the Lough, De Dannan, Riverdance) all''accordion. Citando il corrispondente dall''Italia dell''Irish Music Magazine di Dublino, Alfredo De Pietra: "la musica di "Frontiera" è un continuo, affascinante oscillare tra l''Irlanda e il Mediterraneo".
Il brano che dà il titolo all''album, composto da Giuseppe Leopizzi, vinse nel 2002 il primo premio al USA Songwriting Competition (categoria brani strumentali)in Florida, oltre a ricevere un premio al John Lennon Songwriting Contest, per la categoria world music.
I musicisti presenti in "Far Coasts...& Lost Tracks" sono: Licia Consoli (arpa celtica), Giuseppe Leopizzi (chitarra, cittern, dulcimer, voce), Antonia Zane (voce, glockenspiel), Donatella Crippa (voce), Roberto Pitruzzella (flauto traverso, flauto diritto), Nino Macaluso (violino, voce), Nino Mezzapelle (contrabbasso). Hanno partecipato inoltre alle registrazioni Guido Campana (oboe), Mario Caruselli (tastiere), Paolo Mappa (batteria) e Dario Sulis (bodhran).