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Intellectual Property Guide With Master Resell Rights

Safe Guard Your Work From Potential Thieves And Annihilate Anyone In Court If They Mess With Your Property!

\"Intellectual Property Guard\"
Makes Sure You Get PAID For The Ideas
You Come Up With!

Make Sure You Get PAID For The Ideas You Come Up With!

Have you come up with an idea and soon seen someone else selling a product or service using that same idea?

Does that make you mad?

You bet it does! You should be getting the credit and profits that go with that idea!

This letter is going to show you how to protect all of your ideas quickly, easily and without big investments!

Make sure that you don\'t miss this letter because this report isn\'t one that is going to be mass produced.

After a set number of people view it, it will be taken offline forever...

Intellectual Property Guard

Protect Your Property With The Strength Of A Steel Cage!

From: Your Name Here
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dear Friend,
This letter is one that an Internet Marketer has never written up until this point.

The truth is, there are hundreds of new businesses launching on the Internet every single day and I\'m willing to bet that you may have thought of one of those ideas at one point or another.

Did you know that if you come up with an idea and patent it, your profits will be locked in, in the future, even if you aren\'t the one who released the idea?

Well it\'s true!

If you come up with an idea, don\'t you deserve to get all of the credit, cash and recognition that goes with it\'s commercial release?

Sure you do!

This letter is going to show you all of the tricks, tips and little known secrets to not only protecting your ideas but also your products and how to secure profits that anyone else makes as a result of your original idea!

You no longer have to just stand by and watch people profit off of ideas that you came up with before they did! You now have the power to do something about it!

You see, until now...

You\'ve Been Watching Others Get Credit For \"New\" Ideas You Came Up With Years Ago.

Most people have ideas and inventions. However, that\'s the problem--everyone is doing it. And most people never do a thing about it.

And I\'m here to tell you that there is a better way.

In fact, you\'re about to be thrilled!

Wouldn\'t you like to see your name as the legal owner, recognized by the government, of your idea? Wouldn\'t you like to be able to market your idea?

But how are you going to make all of this happen? What are you going to do?

You Can Get A Patent Or Trademark For Your Creative Product.

It always sounds too complicated, doesn\'t it? Trust me--it\'s not. You\'re about to enter the world of patents.

Most people think patent law is too complex for them, or that the system is too difficult to navigate. The truth is, it can be done quite simply if you have the information you need to put together a stellar application package.

People who can apply effectively for a patent can get one. It\'s that simple. Got a great idea? You CAN get a patent.

Don\'t Believe Me? Look At The Millions Of People Who Already Have Patents.

Many people have been extremely successful simply by using some basic but little-known concepts to apply for patents for work they\'ve already done.

You Can Do It Too!

How Can I Become A Patent Professional?

Intellectual Property Guard Contains All The Information You Need!

You really can become the master of your idea and your future!

I\'m going to show you how to optimize your application and streamline the process to get your idea seen.

You don\'t need a large amount of money to start this.

In fact, it costs nothing to get started in some instances.

The best part is that you don\'t have to worry about someone else coming along and taking credit for your idea and hard work!

You can really do this and it really is easy.

My Book Intellectual Property Guard Will Show You Exactly How To Get Started!

Can you imagine making enough money to become financially independent?

Do you want to be able to call yourself a successful online business owner?

Thanks to Intellectual Property Guard, I now have trademarks and patents on my work, and I am the one who gets the credit for my ideas!

Your book truly is remarkable, with plenty of practical tips and innovative secrets that make it easy for anyone to get the patent they need!|

Thanks so much for writing a real winner!

Jake Foster, Spokane, Washington
Satisfied Customer

Can Someone Like Me Really Get A Patent?

The answer is Absolutely, Positively . . . YES!

You see, most books make it sound complicated and difficult to get patent, but the truth is, it\'s not complicated or difficult at all.

In fact, if you know the simple steps necessary to choose the right options to apply for and put together a good application package, it is downright easy to do.

Let me be very clear about this - you won\'t get a patent just by sending a quick email or letter. You will have to put some effort into an application package, but I can promise you it\'s amazingly effective.

Can you imagine how great it will feel to have the ownership of your ideas locked down?

Don\'t waste another moment, you can get started on your patent right away.

What Valuable Secrets Are Revealed In Intellectual Property Guard?

Just take a look at the actual Table Of Contents from this amazing e-book..

Introduction 5

What Are Patents? 5
The History of Patents 6
Section 1 – General Information on Patents 9
Trademark, Copyright or Patent 9
Types of Patents 9
Plant Patents 10
Design Patents 13
Utility Patents 14
Business Method Patents 17

Section 2 – Patent Eligibility 21
Who Is Eligible To Apply For A Patent 21
Why You Would Need a Patent 21
Protecting Yourself 22
Preventing Other People 22
What You Can Patent 22
What You Cannot Patent 23

Section 3 – Patent Laws 24

Section 4 – The USPTO 27
An Overview of Its History 27
The Hierarchy of the USPTO 27
The Role of The USPTO 28
Contacting the Patent and Trademark Office 28
Preparing Yourself to Navigate Through the Patent Maze 30

Section 5 - The Patent Application Process 32
Researching Previous Patents 32
Obtaining the Application Form 34
Filling In the Form 35
The Oath 35
Drawings and Photographs 36
Filing The Application 36
Processing Of the Patent Application 37
The Patent Application Fees 38

Section 6 – When A Decision Has Been Made 40
When Your Application Is Approved 40
If Your Application Is Rejected… 41
The Initial Rejection 41
The Final Rejection 42
The Appeals Process 43
Instead Of A Patent 43

Section 7 – After the Patent Is Issued 45

Section 8 – Consulting a Patent Lawyer 47
Introduction 47
Planning a Visit To Your New Patent Lawyer 48
Reviewing the Credentials Of A Patent Lawyer 49

Section 9 – Patent Expiration 52

Section 10 – Patent Pending 53

Section 11 – Patent Infringement 55
Filing a Lawsuit Against Patent Infringement 56
Getting Help Outside the Courts 59
When Your Patent Cannot Be Enforced 60
Patent Infringement Outcomes 61
When You Are Accused Of Patent Infringement 62
Removal of Patent Validity 62

Section 12 – International Patents 64
The Rights of Foreign Nationals When Applying For US Patents 64
The Rights of Americans When Applying For International Patents 65

Section 13 – Patent Conventions and Treaties 68
The Patent Cooperation Treaty 68
The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 68

Section 14 – Interference: Deciding the Right Patent Owner 70

Section 15 – Co-Patent Ownership 73

Section 16 – Mistakes You Cannot Afford To Make 75

Section 17 – Using a Patented Component to Invent Your Own Product 78

Section 18 – Marketing a Patented Invention 80

Section 19 – Popular and Useful Inventions 83

Popular and Useful Inventions – Springboard For Invention 83

Section 20 – Conclusion 87

Here\'s just some of what you\'re going to learn...

Secrets of What Can Be Patented - learn how to research the different types of patents and know how to choose the right one for your idea.
How To Put Together A Killer Application- Don\'t waste time trying to figure out how to put together a good package...let us show you exactly how!
How To Navigate The Patent System - Only Intellectual Property Guard has the insider info on how to get through the sometimes-complicated system that is the federal patent office.

I have never bought anything that so completely lives up to the claims made about it - until I bought Intellectual Property Guard.

Your amazing book really delivers, and with your help I got a patent and am starting a business!
Erin Baxter, Phoenix, AZ
Satisfied Customer

I\'m sure you can see the power of this book. Are you ready to finally take control of your financial destiny and get your online business really rolling?

The invaluable information in Intellectual Property Guard is so extensive, powerful and revealing, but still easy to understand, that you are going to be totally pumped about wanting start applying what you\'ve learned to your business immediately!

Everything you need to know is laid out clearly so that even a total newbie can make money online with amazing speed.

You deserve to have all the success, sales and customers that you could every dream of.

Click Here To Order Now

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You\'re probably worried that Intellectual Property Guard will cost you a huge amount of money....but you have nothing to worry about.

As you know, I always strive to provide extreme value in every offer that I put together and this time is no different.

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Let Me Protect Your Investment...
I have no doubt that if you just grab your copy of Intellectual Property Guard and put it to use, you will see a huge upward shift in your online profits.

But I also want you to know that you AND your investment are safe.

So here\'s what I\'m going to do for you...

After you download your copy of Intellectual Property Guard, open it up and use it. You don\'t have to quit your job or lose your social life with effort either.

If it doesn\'t work for you after 60 days, let me know because I want to put your money back in your bank account.

I believe in giving people what they paid for so if you don\'t honestly feel that you could write me an honestly glowing testimonial after 60 days, I want to give back your money.

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Aren\'t you tired of trying to grind through all of the online fluff to find something that works only to continually be let down?

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Even if you feel a bit \"on the fence\", think about the guarantee that I am providing you above. No one is willing to put their neck (and money) on the line like I am (and I\'m doing it just for your protection).

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Listen, What Is It Going To Cost You In Financial Losses If You Continue To Buy & Try \"Hit & Miss\" Products That Don\'t Work? We Both Know The Answer To That Is \"TONS!\" So Grab Intellectual Property Guard And Save Yourself The Financial AND Emotional Strain!

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The Multimedia Version

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Just by ordering now you are going to get instant access to Intellectual Property Guard and dramatically change your life like you never thought possible.

It\'s not every day that an opportunity like this comes around but when it does, you need to be decisive and take action.

Once you start using Intellectual Property Guard you are going to feel a whole new level of financial security and abundance that will fuel you to succeed even more!

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If any of those sound appealing to you, all you have to do is grab your copy of Intellectual Property Guard and start putting it into action.

Your Name Here

P.S. Remember, success and attaining the wealth you\'ve always dreamed of is just a simple click away! Scroll up, click the order button and download your copy of Intellectual Property Guard Instantly!
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