MP3 You Have the Power to Share the Light - Various Artists (Compilation)
Produced by Chad Godfrey, "You Have the Power to Share the Light" is a compilation of songs by artists and friends of the Community of Christ, created to educate, enliven worship, and provide opportunity for personal meditation and reflection.
13 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, EASY LISTENING: Soft Rock
Community of Christ, a denomination of approximately 250,000 members worldwide in over 50 nations, is the smallest denomination to write and produce its own Christian Education curriculum. The curriculum series is called Power and Light and is written and produced for all ages: children, youth, and adults. Its title stems from the church''s belief that all people have the power of God and the light of Christ to share with others-those older and those younger, those different, those the same, those hurting, those helping. Christ affirms all as disciples, ministers, learners, and worshipers.
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary and Community of Christ''s own Worship Resources, Power and Light connects the whole church in faith development through meaningful learning and worship and lifts up scriptural literacy and vibrant worship. The concept of connecting learning to worship is the current "cutting edge" approach to education and worship, providing the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. In addition, Power and Light includes a variety of digital resources through the suggestion of current books, music, movie clips, websites and other resources to extend learning and to make the scripture lessons relevant (and to connect the teachers to current culture...which impacts our church members).
Nearly a year ago, the Power and Light team of writers and producers approached Chad Godfrey, a Training and Media Specialist for the denomination, to produce a companion compact disc as an extension of the curriculum series. You Have the Power to Share the Light is the result.
You Have the Power to Share the Light is designed not only for use in Power and Light classes, but for worship and as a stand-alone resource. Each song may be explored by theme, can enliven worship, and can provide opportunity for meditation.
Perhaps the greatest challenge of the production was to make each song sound different yet still build a cohesive story from beginning to end. The CD begins with a multi-age reader''s theater (ages six to eighty) of the title track, "You Have the Power to Share the Light." This track sets the stage through a setting of scripture oratory combined with a bed of percussive accompaniment performed by Chad. Including a number of musicians who are members and friends of Community of Christ, the disc explores a variety of styles including pop/rock, folk, orchestral, guitar/vocal, and some international styles such as Tahitian vocals and African instrumentation.
One very special cut on the disc is a contribution by internationally-acclaimed Christian artist Ken Medema. Medema was a guest artist at Community of Christ''s International Youth Festival held at the church headquarters in the summer of 2001. His contribution to the CD, a song entitled "Community of Christ," is from one of his live performances at the youth festival.
In addition to the audio tracks, You Have the Power to Share the Light contains additional media on CD-ROM, including sheet music and a bonus music video.